
During the era encompassing both the Cold War and the Separatist War, Jaller was a female Twi'lek of Lethan descent. She was a Mantellian Separatist involved in the conflict between Ord Mantell and the Galactic Republic, which supported the government of Ord Mantell. She made her home in Oradam village alongside her spouse, Zak. Both Jaller and Zak were later exposed to radiation from a bomb's detonation, specifically the potent weapon that the Separatists had previously pilfered from the Republic. Seeking aid, the couple journeyed to Fort Garnik, but the Republic soldiers stationed there denied them assistance, disregarding the intelligence Zak was offering. Ultimately, a Republic sergeant discovered the injured pair and consented to provide medical supplies in return for Zak's information. Although Zak accepted the deal, Jaller attempted to dissuade him.

Behind the scenes

Jaller's initial appearance within the Star Wars Legends timeline occurred in the 2011 massively-multiplayer role playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

