
Vette, whose birth name was Ce'na, was a Twi'lek female renowned as a thief, assassin, and escape artist. She was born on Ryloth during the tumultuous era of the Great Galactic War. In her early years, Vette, alongside her mother Diida and elder sister Tivva, fell captive to slavers. They were forced into labor within the Ryloth mines before being sold off-world separately. Vette passed through the hands of several masters, ultimately belonging to a Gran known as "Three Eyes" by the age of seven or eight. Her liberation came at the hands of the famed pirate Nok Drayen, who offered her a place among his crew. During this time, she developed a close friendship with his daughter, Risha. After a number of years, Vette departed from Nok Drayen's group and aligned herself with Twi'lek artifact recovery specialists Taunt, Plasmajack, and Flash, dedicated to returning stolen Twi'lek relics to their rightful owners. One of their targets was a wealthy Duros named Cada Bliss, who sought revenge by offering them a seemingly lucrative job on Korriban. There, Vette was apprehended while infiltrating the Tomb of Naga Sadow and subsequently imprisoned within the Korriban Sith Academy jail.

Due to her familiarity with the Tomb, Sith Lord Darth Baras presented Vette as a "gift" to his Sith apprentice. She assisted the apprentice in discovering a concealed passage inside the Tomb. Following this, Baras permitted the apprentice to retain her. Vette journeyed extensively with her new master, who was ultimately betrayed by Darth Baras and nearly perished on Quesh. However, the Emperor's Hand rescued them, and the apprentice was declared the new Emperor's Wrath before ultimately killing Baras in the Dark Council Chambers. During this period, Vette reestablished contact with her former associates, aiding Taunt and the others in recovering a priceless artifact known as the Star of Kala'unn from Cada Bliss. By gaining access to Imperial communications and acquiring her own funds, Vette employed a tracker to locate her family, finding her sister Tivva on Nar Shaddaa and securing her freedom. The sisters then collaborated to find their mother, but tragically located her on Tatooine just days after she succumbed to the harsh conditions of her labor.

Early in the [Eternal Empire conquest](/article/eternal_empire_conquest], the Empire's Wrath disappeared, prompting Vette to flee Imperial territory before the Eternal Empire of Zakuul overran it. Years later, she partnered with Devaronian con artist Gault Rennow to devise a plan to rob the Zakuulan treasury ship Gilded Star. Gault enlisted the aid of the Alliance opposing Zakuul, while dispatching Vette to retrieve a warhead from a missile he had commissioned from the Brekken Gang on Vandin. Alliance members Senya Tirall and SCORPIO infiltrated the ship's bridge, creating an opening for Vette and Gault to sneak aboard. Vette then disabled the ship vault's security systems, enabling Gault to plant the missile warhead inside. The warhead's detonation vaporized the vault's entire contents of precious metals, which were then transferred to the Alliance tanker. Subsequently, Vette and Gault journeyed to the Alliance base on Odessen and decided to join the cause, later participating in the battle of Odessen. During the reclamation of the Gravestone from the Eternal Empress Vaylin, Vette and other Alliance personnel were ensnared by ARIES on the artificial world of Iokath. There, Vette collaborated closely with the Alliance Commander to find a means of escape before the world was engulfed in a radiation pulse. When Vaylin initiated an assault on Odessen, Vette joined the defense, employing Vette missile launchers to destroy enemy heavy units. However, this revealed her location, forcing the Alliance Commander to choose between rescuing Vette or Mandalorian warrior Torian Cadera first. Tragically, their second choice was captured and later killed by Vaylin on the Alliance landing platform.


Early life


In the year 3664 BBY, Ce'na entered the world on Ryloth, born to a Twi'lek woman named Diida, who also had an older daughter named Tivva. The girls never knew their father's fate. When Ce'na was still quite young, she, her mother, and her sister were seized by slavers and made to toil in the mines of Ryloth. Ce'na was then separated from her family, sold first to a Rodian, then to a Hutt, and finally ending up in the possession of a Gran she called "Three Eyes" by the time she reached the age of seven or eight. When Nok Drayen, the legendary pirate of the Syndicate Wars, dismantled Three Eyes' holdings, Ce'na, along with the other enslaved individuals, was given a choice: to seek freedom and forge their own path in the galaxy, or to join the Drayen Crime Syndicate. Unwilling to wander aimlessly without even knowing her current location, Ce'na accepted the offer and became the smallest member of Nok's crew, learning new skills to access and exit places undetected. Now known as "Vette," she befriended Drayen's daughter Risha, and the two became as close as sisters. Vette and Risha spent years as part of Nok Drayen's pirate crew, traveling through much of the known galaxy.

Eventually, Nok Drayen conceived a mysterious plan that excluded the others, leading to his and Risha's disappearance from everyone's radar. Vette departed from Nok Drayen's gang and joined a group of Twi'lek artifact hunters, including Taunt, Plasmajack, and Flash. These four were young, idealistic, and filled with Twi'lek pride, dedicated to returning stolen Twi'lek artifacts to their people. They scammed Cada Bliss, a wealthy Duros obsessed with Twi'lek women, artifacts, and clothing, taking everything of value he possessed. On one occasion, Vette discovered a cave on Corrida, which she nearly died exploring. By the age of twenty, Vette had been jailed fifteen times, six of them on Nar Shaddaa alone, and had also worked as a hired assassin.

Vette in the jail of Korriban Academy

In 3643 BBY, the group received a tip from a mysterious informant about a lucrative job on Korriban. However, the deal turned sour, and Vette was caught sneaking inside the Tomb of Naga Sadow in the Valley of the Dark Lords, while the rest of the gang had to flee. Vette was imprisoned for the sixteenth time in the jail of Korriban Sith Academy, fitted with a shock collar around her neck by jailer Knash, who repeatedly used it to shock the Twi'lek for her insolent attitude. Vette observed as a Sith apprentice protege of Overseer Tremel arrived to interrogate the other prisoners in the cells next to her and decide their fate.

Service to the Sith

Vette fighting on Korriban

Vette was soon called upon to assist the same Sith apprentice in breaching the Tomb of Naga Sadow as part of their final Sith trial. She was specifically suggested to the Sith by their master Darth Baras, as none of the Sith have been able to figure out how to use the statues in the Tomb to open a passage to a forbidden cavern. Jailer Knash gave the shock collar activator to the Sith Warrior and instructed the Sith on how to use it to keep the Twi'lek in line. Vette accompanied the apprentice into the Tomb she already broke into once, and activated the statues, opening the passage and allowing the Sith to claim an ancient lightsaber. The Sith returned to Darth Baras and was formally taken in as the apprentice to the Sith Lord, being allowed by their new master to keep Vette around as a slave. Vette later asked Baras' apprentice to remove her shock collar citing her help in the Tomb and general good behavior, her request eventually being granted.

Vette accompanied Baras' apprentice to the Sith capital world of Dromund Kaas, where the Sith performed several assignments for their new Sith master, taking Vette along on the missions to the Unfinished colossus, Lord Grathan's estate and the Dark Temple. After interrogating a captured Republic spy Grik Sonosan, Darth Baras sent his new apprentice on a Hunt for Jaesa Willsaam, the Padawan of the Jedi Master Nomen Karr. Vette joined the apprentice on their new Fury-class Imperial interceptor, traveling to Balmorra where their crew was joined by Imperial Captain Malavai Quinn. The Sith Warrior's path then took them to Nar Shaddaa, the world with which Vette already was well familiar, as well Tatooine and Alderaan. The actions of Baras' apprentice there prompted Nomen Karr to seek a direct confrontation and the Sith engaged the Jedi Master in a duel on Hutta, which ended with them taking Karr's apprentice Jaesa Willsaam as their own.

Vette during her travels with the Sith

Baras then enacted his Plan Zero, sending his apprentice to eliminate members of Republic War Trust on Taris and Jedi Knight Xerender on Hoth, where their crew grew to including Lieutenant Pierce and a Talz named Broonmark. After Baras maneuvered his apprentice to kill his master Darth Vengean, he ascended to the Dark Council and, growing concerned about his apprentice's growing power, Baras set a trap for them on Quesh. However, the apprentice was rescue by the Emperor's Hand and given the title of the Emperor's Wrath. Now tasked with undermining Baras' power base, the new Emperor's Wrath stopped Baras' sister Darth Ekkage from escaping Belsavis prison and freed the Emperor's Voice from being trapped in the Dark Heart on Voss. Although Vette wasn't too keen on the idea of going against a Sith Lord, the Wrath reassured her that they would have the vengeance for their betrayal. The Wrath and their crew then traveled to Corellia, where Vette and the rest of the Sith's companions were tasked to safeguard Darth Vowrawn back on the Empire's Wrath's Fury-class Imperial interceptor. Foiling Baras' plans on Corellia, his former apprentice confronted him in the Dark Council Chambers of the Korriban Academy and killed him, after which Darth Marr fully acknowledged their authority as the Emperor's Wrath.

Family and reunions

Vette with her shock collar on

With access to the HoloNet aboard the ship, Vette monitored the holo-frequencies of Taunt's gang and was relieved to discover they were still alive and residing on Nar Shaddaa. They informed Vette that Cada Bliss, their Duros mark, was responsible for setting them up for the Korriban job, seeking revenge for being robbed. Now protected by a fearsome Kaleesh bodyguard called The Virus, Bliss had acquired a priceless artifact of Twi'lek history called the Star of Kala'unn and was attempting to sell it at the Mezenti Spaceport on Nar Shaddaa. Vette, wanting to reclaim the Star of Kala'unn and avenge her second enslavement, persuaded Baras' apprentice to accompany her. They confronted the Duros, and Vette delivered a prepared speech, but the conversation turned violent, resulting in the Sith killing the Virus. Vette then forced Bliss to relinquish the Star of Kala'unn and promise to reform. After recovering the Star of Kala'unn, Vette reunited with her friends and entrusted the Star to them for display in a museum. She enjoyed spending time with them, but when offered a chance to rejoin their group, Vette declined, stating that she had found her place with the Sith, although she assured them that she would stay in touch.

Vette accumulated some wealth during her travels with the Sith and hired a tracker named Krata to search for her mother and sister. The Arcona had located Tivva on Nar Shaddaa and demanded upfront payment before revealing that Tivva was enslaved by Toobu the Hutt, with another Twi'lek named Crystal holding her leash. Vette and the Sith approached Tivva through Crystal, finding her working as an exotic dancer, initially failing to recognize her younger sister. Vette then spoke up, and Tivva was shocked to see her sister again, addressing Ce'na by her birth name, which surprised the Sith Warrior. Tivva described her terrible working conditions and pleaded with her sister to buy her freedom, which Vette and the Sith quickly arranged. Deeply grateful, Tivva left to gather her belongings and promised to stay in touch with her sister.

Vette as a free person, without restraints

Immediately after gaining her freedom, Tivva joined Vette in the search for their mother. Eventually, they located her on Tatooine, sold as a worker to Whuddle the Hutt, and both sisters departed there immediately. However, by the time Vette and Tivva arrived in Mos Ila, they learned that Diida had died just days before. Another Twi'lek slave worker, Feb'Noota, explained that their mother had worked herself to death carrying stones to Whuddle's animal pens for twenty hours straight. Vette provided money for a proper burial, during which her body was cremated. Tivva then became enraged at the Hutt who had worked her mother to death and decided to kill him. The Sith encouraged it, and the two girls snuck into the Hutt's palace and killed him, though the experience changed Vette, who almost immediately regretted the act and later blamed the Sith for talking her into doing it.

Vette remained alongside the new Emperor's Wrath for years after the Wrath killed their old master Darth Baras. In 3637 BBY, the Wrath experienced a vision aboard the ship, and Vette remarked that the look on their face resembled the one Jaesa Willsaam had when she tried the exoboar soup. The Wrath explained to have a Force vision of the galaxy and a dwarf galaxy going dark, at which point Malavai Quinn interjected, asking if the Wrath was referring to the Rishi Maze. Recognizing the name, Vette recalled a pirate planet called Rishi and mentioned that she always had a desire to visit there. Broonmark then informed everyone that they had recently been receiving datamail without sender advertising travel to Rishi, and the Wrath then promptly ordered Quinn to set a course for the planet.

Raid on the Gilded Star

Vette after leaving the Sith's crew

In 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire of Zakuul invaded the galaxy, and early in the Eternal Empire conquest, the Wrath disappeared. The Sith's crew aboard the Fury mourned their absence and soon disbanded. Vette managed to escape the Sith Empire before it was overrun by the legions of Zakuul. By 3630 BBY, she partnered with Gault Rennow, a Devaronian con artist, and together they devised a plan to rob the Gilded Star, a treasury ship used by the Eternal Empire to safeguard valuables hidden deep within the atmosphere of the Gas giant Vandin. The ship's vault was designed to withstand the complete destruction of the rest of the ship, a feature that inspired Gault and Vette's plan to empty it of its contents. Gault ordered a functional missile from the Brekken Gang, instructing the Nikto to deliver it to Vandin, while also tasking Vette with infiltrating the ship and retrieving the missile's warhead.

Vette first met the Alliance Commander during the heist on Vandin.

The heist also required specific individuals to fill key roles. For this part Gault recruited the Alliance that opposed the Eternal Empire, bringing its key personnel with him to Vandin. Gault and the Alliance Commander went to the meeting with the Brekken Gang and its Captain Kenrik Fost, where after asking to inspect his missile, Gault announced his refusal to pay for it and activated the warhead. The Nikto ran away trying to flee the blast, but Gault was unable to stop the countdown and it reached zero, only to reveal that Vette was playing a prank on him, having already detached the warhead and waiting inside the missile tube for the opportune moment. Everyone then assembled at the hideout, where Gault and Vette laid out their plan, assigning everybody their roles. An Anomid identity slicer Dretcher would fake the identity of High Justice Vaylin for her mother Senya Tirall, who provided a genetic match and required character knowledge and would take SCORPIO aboard as her "attache droid". They would access the bridge and lower the security, allowing Vette, Gault and the Commander to get onboard and place the warhead inside the vault, while Theron Shan and Lana Beniko would pilot a tanker to siphon off the vaporized previous metals.

Vette firing a TC-16 assault cannon during the Raid on the Gilded Star.

When the Gilded Star came up for its annual resupply, the team moved in positions. Dretcher's holographic disguise worked, allowing Senya to get onboard under the identity of her daughter. From the bridge, SCORPIO opened the way to the vault for Gault and the Alliance Commander, while Vette used her sneaking skills to disable the vault's security mechanisms, picking a TC-16 assault cannon along the way. Inside the vault, Gault planted the missile warhead, which upon detonation vaporized its entire content of precious metals, while leaving everything outside the vault safe and intact. The vault's entire content of precious metals was then pumped into the tanker piloted by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, while SCORPIO and Senya soon joined them.

Vette and Gault Rennow joined the Alliance after the heist.

Vette, Gault and the Alliance Commander made their own escape, during which Vette was amazed by the destructive capability of her new weapon, but encountered some difficulties when the only escape route left for them was to take the Skyhook down the way they came. Their path was blocked by real Vaylin, who arrived with an inspection, and determined to avoid confronting her at all cost, Gault suggested going outside on the ship's hull, which Vette deemed tolerable as long as one did not look down. Gault's old partner Hylo Visz arrived in a small shuttle and the three of them jumped off from the hull of the Gilded Star directly onto the shuttle, while the rest of their team left onboard Beniko's tanker.

Joining the Alliance

Vette and the others listen to Saresh's speech.

Returning to the Alliance base situated on Odessen, Vette expressed her congratulations to everyone for their successful mission. She then declared her intention to utilize her share of the earned profits to liberate enslaved Twi'leks and repurchase Twi'lek artifacts that had been stolen, thereby continuing the work she had previously undertaken with Taunt's group. After a small celebration alongside their new allies, Vette made the decision to remain and contribute to the Alliance's cause. Gault followed suit, seeing it as an opportunity to spend additional time with Hylo. Subsequently, they both participated in the Battle of Odessen, during which the Alliance was successful in removing Emperor Arcann from power. However, his sister, Vaylin, formed an alliance with SCORPIO and seized the Eternal Throne instead. Later, following the Invasion of Voss in 3630 BBY, rumors began circulating that the Commander had been killed on Dromund Kaas. In response, former Republic Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh arrived with the aim of assuming control of the Alliance. Vette nearly fell for Saresh's deceptions, for which she later apologized to the Alliance Commander.

Empress Vaylin threatens Vette's life.

Soon after, Vette responded to a distress signal originating from Koth Vortena, the captain of the Gravestone. He informed the Alliance that Vaylin and SCORPIO had deceptively gained access to the ship and taken control. Vette subsequently joined a team assembled by Theron Shan to aid Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander in their efforts to reclaim the Gravestone from Vaylin and her forces. The shuttle piloted by Theron, carrying Vette, Torian Cadera, Kaliyo Djannis, and Aric Jorgan, landed within the Gravestone's hangar just before SCORPIO seized control of the vessel and initiated a locked course into hyperspace. The Gravestone emerged from hyperspace within the Iokath system, where Vaylin and her remaining troops were discovered sabotaging the ship. Half of the Alliance personnel spread out to thwart the sabotage, while Vette remained with the others to protect the ship's bridge. Despite their efforts, they were unable to prevent Vaylin, who overpowered both Kaliyo Djannis and Aric Jorgan and took Torian and Vette as hostages, threatening to kill the Twi'lek. However, she was interrupted before she could harm anyone when a bright white light enveloped the ship.

Trapped on Iokath

Vette discovers that she can interact with the technolith.

The members of the Alliance found themselves scattered across the surface of a strange world called Iokath, separated from one another and placed into scenarios that resembled combat simulations. Theron Shan managed to activate his cybernetic implant, establishing contact with everyone and guiding them toward a structure known as the Tributary. There, Vette began experimenting with a technolith. She successfully established contact and interacted with a holographic AI named ARIES, who provided Vette with the history of Iokath, revealing its connection to SCORPIO, the Eternal Fleet, and the GEMINI droids. The Alliance Commander and Vette shared their findings, prompting ARIES to reveal a list of planets that the Iokath creators had used to test their weapons, which included Zakuul. Their connection to ARIES was then disrupted by SCORPIO, who was imprisoned in an unknown location and requested assistance from the Commander. Their group's location was then attacked by droids, and Theron Shan activated a force field that prevented more droids from entering, but also trapped the Alliance inside.

Vette inside the Iokath Necropolis

Vette continued to interact with the technolith, attempting to restore ARIES's connection, but instead opened a door leading deeper into the structure. She and the Commander proceeded to explore, while the others remained behind to guard their position. Eventually, they discovered another technolith. Vette instructed the Commander on how to power the light bridge that stood in their way, realizing that they were in the Necropolis, a massive crypt housing millions of deceased individuals. SCORPIO reestablished contact, revealing that ARIES was controlling everything on Iokath, including their current predicament, before a swarm of droids arrived to confirm her claims. The Commander and Vette repelled their attackers, but their access to both the technolith and their original path was blocked, prompting Vette to search for an alternative secret tunnel. On their return to the group, they encountered another holonode, through which SCORPIO contacted them again, informing them about a colossus droid preparing to attack. Vette noticed that the droid was drawing power from energy conduits, and the Commander disabled them, allowing them to deactivate the droid just as the rest of the group arrived.

Vette after finishing the repairs on the colossus droid

Theron Shan realized that, despite his inability to locate the Gravestone, he could still utilize his implant to remotely pilot the Alliance shuttle that remained in its hangar. To create a diversion from the droids outside, the team repaired the colossus droid, tasking the Commander with piloting it against its weaker, but more numerous counterparts, while the rest proceeded to the Tributary roof. With everyone safely aboard the shuttle, Theron initiated takeoff. However, before they could escape, SCORPIO contacted the group once more, revealing that ARIES had erected an energy shield that would destroy any vessel attempting to depart. With ARIES recharging the weapon that had previously incapacitated them, and threatening to use it again with lethal force, the only way out was to stop ARIES. SCORPIO revealed the location of ARIES base, and Theron dropped off Vette and the Commander there to confront ARIES, while the others went to reclaim the Gravestone. The Commander and Vette confronted and engaged ARIES, and SCORPIO herself arrived to assist in his defeat. However, the capacitors on ARIES's weapon overloaded, threatening to engulf the entire world in a deadly radiation pulse. The Commander and Vette raced back to the landing platform and scrambled aboard the Gravestone just in time before it narrowly escaped into hyperspace.

Pinned down, Vette asks the Commander for assistance.

The Gravestone and its crew successfully returned to Odessen, which subsequently came under a ground assault by Vaylin's forces. As the Eternal Empire forces desperately attempted to recapture the Gravestone, Vette received some advanced missile launchers from Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb, employing them to disable enemy heavy artillery. However, this action revealed her position, and she was soon overwhelmed by skytroopers. Vette contacted the Alliance Commander for assistance, but the Commander was forced to choose between rescuing either her or Torian Cadera, only able to aid one of them, while the other was captured and subsequently executed by Vaylin on the Alliance landing platform.

Personality and traits

Vette on Vandin

Vette was a treasure hunter and intergalactic explorer of great skill. Her agility was frequently an asset in her adventures from a young age. She was adept at navigating confined spaces, uncovering hidden passages, and even disarming traps, skills that proved invaluable during the plundering of the Gilded Star. She also enjoyed experimenting with goods from the criminal world. Known for her lighthearted conversations, Vette was adventurous and carefree, enjoying silly pranks and mocking those who took themselves too seriously. Her childlike demeanor persisted even into adulthood. Throughout her time as a pirate and within the Sith Empire, where she worked with ruthless individuals, Vette often favored her companions, or masters, being merciful and avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. In contrast, Vette approved of the deaths of corrupt and dishonest individuals if she believed they deserved it. Vette was also in the process of learning to speak Talzzi. After Broonmark joined the Emperor's Wrath, she hoped he would assist her in improving her language skills. Despite her wild nature, Vette avoided promiscuity, having made a promise to her mother to remain a virgin until she married.

Behind the scenes

Male Sith Warrior can romance and even marry Vette.

Vette is a companion character for the Sith Warrior class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Her voice is provided by Catherine Taber, who also voiced the Twi'leks Mission Vao in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Numa in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. In a tweet, Taber expressed her belief that these three characters are related.

Male Sith Warriors have the option to romance and eventually marry Vette, while female characters can develop a sister-like bond with her, filling the roles of Risha Drayen and Taunt in Vette's life. There are several companion customizations available for Vette, allowing players to alter her facial features and skin color to yellow, green, or even red with Sith tattoos. Upon completion of "Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder" of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, Vette becomes available as a companion for all character classes.

Gameplay Alternatives

  • Soon after joining the Warrior's group, Vette will request that the player remove her shock collar. The player has the option to either agree or refuse, continuing to use the collar to occasionally shock Vette whenever she speaks out. In this scenario, the dark side version of Jaesa Willsaam will also take note of the shock collar and ask the player for permission to use it. If the player grants permission, Jaesa will torment Vette, much to her own satisfaction and the Twi'lek's dismay. Vette's pleas will become increasingly desperate, eventually reaching a point where she refuses to engage in any further conversation unless her collar is removed. If the player insists on keeping it on or removes it only to immediately reapply it, it will prevent any further interactions with Vette, including her family storyline and the possibility of romance. [3]

  • If the player has recruited Jaesa Willsaam as a dark side apprentice, they have the option to flirt with both her and Vette simultaneously. However, Vette will eventually question this behavior, leading to a confrontation between the three, and the player must choose between the two women, even though Jaesa expresses openness to sharing. If the player attempts to have both of them, Vette will refuse to participate and end the relationship immediately. If the player approaches the relationship honestly and does not attempt to exploit Vette's feelings, the two can eventually marry. [3]

  • During Vette's search for Tivva, she will request access to Imperial HoloNet communications from the player. If the player refuses, she will mention that she will have to ask Jaesa or Quinn to grant her access. After they locate Tivva, the player can either simply purchase her freedom, order her to entertain either the ship's crew (if female) or themselves (if male) as payment, much to Vette's dismay, or refuse to provide any funds, in which case Vette will later gather the necessary funds and purchase Tivva's freedom herself. [3]

  • After Vette arranges her mother's burial, Tivva will demand revenge on the Hutt Whuddle for causing their mother's death. The player can persuade Vette to carry out the revenge for Dark Side points, which will haunt her later, or encourage her to let the matter go, in which case Tivva will angrily storm off but later reconcile with Vette. [10]

  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder, if the player is a Sith Warrior, they will have unique interactions with Vette depending on their past relationship. If the player never removed her collar, Vette will explain that she disposed of it herself and merely acknowledge the Sith as alive, with no further connection between them beyond the task at hand. If the player previously romanced Vette, they can either resume the relationship or end it. Otherwise, the two reunite as friends and reminisce about the past five years.

Vette is captured by Vaylin.
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen, the player must assign roles to Vette, Gault, and Torian Cadera, instructing one to remain on Odessen, another to sabotage the weapons on the Eternal Flagship, and the third to sabotage the Eternal Flagship's shields. Regardless of the choice, the ship is successfully disabled, and the ground forces never land on Odessen, with the only difference being in the dialogue. Sith Warriors who romanced Vette will also share a brief moment with her before departing to join the battle on the Gravestone. [4]

  • During Eternal Throne Chapter VIII: End Times, Vette and Torian will be overwhelmed by the Eternal Empire forces, and the player must choose which one to save. If the player chooses to save Vette, she survives the battle and appears in the Odessen base in the aftermath. Otherwise, Vette will be captured by Empress Vaylin, who will kill her by snapping her neck in front of the player. [12]

  • During Eternal Throne Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne, if Vette was saved in the previous chapter, she will appear on the Gravestone en route to Zakuul and on Odessen during the proclamation of the Eternal Alliance. Sith Warriors who romanced Vette will share a moment with her before descending to the planet's surface. [12]

