Taunt was a treasure hunter of the Twi'lek species, specifically a Lethan female, who operated during the pan-galactic Cold War. This conflict occurred between the Galactic Republic and the reformed Sith Empire. Furthermore, she was known to associate with Vette, a Twi'lek who had transitioned from being a slave to a criminal, as well as Plasmajack, and Flash.
Vette, Plasmajack, Flash, and Taunt operated as a unit, and their last major score involved Cada Bliss, a wealthy Duros with an obsession for Twi'lek culture. The group managed to relieve Bliss of almost all his valuables. Bliss retaliated severely, hiring mercenaries to hunt them down, which resulted in Vette's capture and subsequent enslavement. Seeking retribution, Taunt and her remaining accomplices tracked Bliss down. By the time Vette was under the control of a Sith apprentice being trained by Darth Baras, Bliss had come into possession of a Twi'lek relic known as the Star of Kala'unn. Driven by her desire to recover the artifact, Vette persuaded her Sith Lord to confront Cada Bliss at Nar Shaddaa's Mezenti Spaceport, where she successfully retrieved the artifact. Later, Vette facilitated a reunion with Taunt and the others at the spaceport, and she subsequently handed over the Star of Kala'unn to them. Impressed by Vette's achievements on behalf of the Twi'leks, the group extended an invitation for her to rejoin them, but Vette chose to remain with her new Sith ally.
Taunt was initially referenced in the biography section of The Holonet, which was an online feature provided by the official website promoting the then-upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic video game.