Flash, a Twi'lek male (male), was a treasure hunter active during the Cold War. This conflict involved the Galactic Republic, the reconstituted Sith Empire, and their respective allies. It's known that Flash was associated with Vette, a Twi'lek female (female ) criminal.
A gang was formed by Taunt, Vette, Plasmajack, and Flash, and their last significant operation targeted Cada Bliss, a wealthy Duros with an obsession for Twi'lek culture. The gang divested Bliss of almost all his valuables, but Bliss retaliated severely. He hired mercenaries to pursue them, leading to Vette's capture and enslavement. Flash and the others retaliated by tracking down Bliss, seeking retribution. By the time Vette was transferred to a Sith apprentice under Darth Baras, Bliss had obtained a Twi'lek artifact known as the Star of Kala'unn. Motivated by her desire to reclaim the artifact, Vette persuaded the Sith to confront Cada Bliss at the Nar Shaddaa spaceport, where she successfully retrieved it. Subsequently, Vette arranged a reunion with Flash and the others at the spaceport, where they enjoyed a period of camaraderie before Vette relinquished the Star of Kala'unn to them. Impressed by Vette's accomplishments for the Twi'lek people, the gang extended an invitation for her to rejoin them, but Vette chose to remain with her new Sith master.
The character of Flash was initially mentioned within the biography portion of The Holonet. This was an online feature connected to the official website for the upcoming video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The sole mention of Flash was in relation to his association with Vette, within her Holonet entry.