Cada Bliss

Cada Bliss, a Duros criminal of the male persuasion, operated throughout the Cold War era, a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire that had risen again.


Cada Bliss, an affluent Duros with an intense fascination for all things Twi'lek, became the target of a meticulously planned robbery executed by a Twi'lek criminal enterprise. This group, spearheaded by Taunt and composed of Vette, Plasmajack, and Flash, systematically relieved Bliss of nearly all his prized possessions. Bliss retaliated fiercely against the gang, unleashing mercenaries to hunt them down, which resulted in Vette's capture and subsequent sale into servitude. In response, Taunt and the remaining members of the gang pursued Bliss, intent on exacting retribution. By the time Vette was transferred to the ownership of a Sith apprentice serving Darth Baras, Bliss had come into possession of a Twi'lek relic known as the Star of Kala'unn. Motivated by her burning desire to reclaim the artifact, Vette persuaded the Sith to challenge Cada Bliss, who was accompanied by his Kaleesh protector, Virus, at the Nar Shaddaa spaceport. Bliss and his associate engaged the Twi'lek and her Sith superior in fierce combat, but the tide turned against them. With Virus deceased, Bliss was compelled to relinquish the Star of Kala'unn and pledge to Vette that he would change his ways.

