Pierce, a Human male, functioned as a black ops operative within the re-established Sith Empire during the era known as the Cold War. While serving as a lieutenant stationed on the planet of Taris, he encountered the future Emperor's Wrath, a Sith Lord, and was ultimately tasked to serve under this Sith's leadership. By the year 3631 BBY, Pierce had risen to the rank of Major, but found himself assigned to the Outreach Bureau of Imperial Intelligence. Later in his career, he was recruited to join the Alliance fighting against the Eternal Empire.

Hailing originally from the world of Ziost, Pierce entered the ranks of the Imperial Military as a black ops soldier during his teenage years during the Great Galactic War. Serving under the command of General Greist during the Cleansing of Nopsin, he witnessed Phenter's promotion to Captain instead of his own, a decision Pierce agreed with, remaining a Lieutenant. He eventually established his own team comprised of himself, Lieutenant Tanido, Captain Lorant, and Sergeant [Arlos]. This team participated in the assassination of Moff Terrick, the Massacre on Haruun Kal, and the undertaking known as Operation Force Crush. Their success continued until the Treaty of Coruscant, which resulted in the dissolution of Pierce's squad.
During the Cold War, Pierce found himself under the command of Moff Hurdenn on Taris, holding the rank of lieutenant. The Imperial forces on the planet were primarily tasked with disrupting the Republic's attempts to rebuild Taris following the Destruction of Taris. While Taris held little strategic value for the Sith Empire, they were determined to prevent the Republic from reclaiming and reconstructing the world.
Pierce grew dissatisfied under Hurdenn's leadership, feeling his abilities were being squandered by a commander fixated on procedure and simply completing the mission, rather than striving for excellence, as Pierce desired.
Eventually, Pierce encountered Darth Baras' apprentice, finding a capable ally in the process. With Hurdenn's approval, they collaborated to dismantle the Republic's War Trust generals, although Pierce's current squad was lost during this endeavor.
Following the successful completion of this mission, Pierce was released from Hurdenn's command to join the Warrior as a trusted companion. He later confessed to the Sith that he had secured his transfer off Taris through blackmail, threatening to expose Hurdenn's affair with a Rodian mistress.

Even after Baras' betrayal of his apprentice at the onset of the Galactic War, Pierce remained loyal to the Warrior. Fortunately, the Sith survived thanks to the intervention of the Emperor's Hand, who bestowed upon the Warrior the title of Emperor's Wrath. The Hand provided the Sith and their crew with various assignments aimed at undermining Baras and preventing him from claiming the title of Voice of the Emperor. One such mission involved reassigning the Armageddon Battalion from Hoth to assist Darth Vowrawn on Corellia. Pierce offered his assessment of General Greist, whom he had briefly served under, describing him as "as tough as they come and stubborn."
At one point, General Arkos Rakton contacted Pierce, requesting his team to dismantle the Republic's Bastion on Corellia. With the Wrath's consent, Pierce reformed his black ops team, consisting of Lieutenant Tanido, Captain Lorant, and Sergeant Arlos, to infiltrate the heart of Republic military operations on Corellia. The operation proved successful, resulting in the capture of the Bastion and securing the black ops team's place in history.
Ultimately, Pierce chose to remain under the Wrath's command, assisting in the training of the warrior's future apprentices and soldiers.
Pierce possessed a notable thirst for action, and his soldiering skills and bravery were unquestionable, but he was also known for his recklessness and tendency to bend the rules. Furthermore, he harbored a strong dislike for the Republic.
He also displayed a significant disdain for authority figures, particularly Moff Hurdenn, Captain Malavai Quinn (to some extent), General [Greist], and Darth Baras. The only superior he respected was the Empire's Wrath, as the Sith shared his passion for action and allowed him considerable freedom.
Pierce had access to a wide array of weaponry, including Blaster pistols, blaster rifles, fragmentation grenades, flare guns, electromagnetic pulse generators, and flamethrowers. He also wore heavy armor, providing him with significant resilience against damage.
Pierce had also studied Talzzi, as evidenced by his translation of Broonmark's request to join the Emperor's Wrath, although he admitted his knowledge was "spotty."
Pierce serves as a companion character for the Sith Warrior class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. His voice is provided by Adam Leadbeater.
If the player is playing a Sith Empire character, Pierce can be recruited into the Eternal Alliance. Following the Wrath's disappearance and the Eternal Empire of Zakuul's conquest of much of the known galaxy, Pierce was promoted to Major for his service under the Wrath's command. However, instead of continuing in combat roles, he was assigned to Dromund Kaas as a role model for new soldiers in the ongoing conflict with the Republic. Dissatisfied with these duties, Pierce accepted a commission from a clandestine "Alliance" formed by both Republic and Imperial forces with the goal of overthrowing the Eternal Empire.