Malavai Quinn, a Human male officer, served the Sith Empire and was born during the early period of the Great Galactic War. Following in the footsteps of his father, Rymar Quinn, who also served, Malavai joined the ranks of the Imperial Military. During the Battle of Druckenwell, he rectified a serious error made by his superior, Moff Broysc, which secured an Imperial victory. However, he faced a court-martial for his act of insubordination, leading to a stagnant assignment on Balmorra. While stationed there, he was integrated into the intelligence network led by Sith Lord Darth Baras, who oversaw Quinn's career for the subsequent decade. Towards the end of the Cold War, Quinn aided Baras' latest Sith apprentice in eliminating his spy, Rylon, and preventing the Jedi Knight Mashallon from uncovering Baras' network. As a reward for his services, Baras allowed Quinn to choose his next assignment, and the Captain opted to serve alongside the Sith apprentice, while secretly remaining a spy for Baras.
Quinn accompanied the apprentice for an extended period, witnessing the Sith's increasing power. The Sith took Jaesa Willsaam, a Jedi Padawan, as an apprentice and, following Baras' orders, assassinated Baras' master, Darth Vengean. As the Sith's influence grew, Baras orchestrated a plot to end his apprentice's life, but the Emperor's Hand intervened and rescued the Sith, who then became the second Emperor's Wrath, tasked with undermining Baras' power grab. Baras commanded Quinn to eliminate his former apprentice. Quinn set a trap for the Wrath, luring the Sith to a space station and ambushing them with two specially programmed assault droids. However, the Wrath easily defeated Quinn, earning his loyalty and allowing him to remain by their side. The Wrath then confronted Darth Baras on Korriban and killed him, after which the Dark Council fully recognized the Sith's authority. During his time with the Sith, Quinn rectified Moff Broysc's incompetence, resolved the loose end of Republic Strategic Information Service agent Voloren, and rescued Major Ovech from a trap set due to Broysc's inaction. Eventually, Quinn kidnapped Broysc and brought him aboard the Sith's Fury-class Imperial interceptor, where he executed the Moff after receiving the Sith's permission.
Early in the Eternal Empire conquest, the Emperor's Wrath disappeared, and Quinn dedicated months to searching for the Sith. When the Sith Minister of Logistics Gelmid Lorman ordered him to cease the search, Quinn refused and was imprisoned for his defiance. He remained incarcerated for years until Lorman was exposed for conspiring against Empress Darth Acina. Acina pardoned Quinn and appointed him as her new advisor. When the Empire received anonymous intelligence about a powerful superweapon on the newly rediscovered world of Iokath, Acina dispatched Quinn as an ambassador to the Eternal Alliance Commander, instructing him to sabotage the meeting and escape if the Alliance turned against the Empire. After being captured by Lana Beniko, who initially suspected him of being an assassin, Quinn introduced himself to the Alliance Commander and arranged a formal holocall with the Empress.
Malavai, son of Rymar Quinn, was born on Dromund Kaas around 3680 BBY. As a child, he held the Imperial Guard in high esteem, seeing service within their ranks as the greatest honor a non-Sith could attain in the Empire. Quinn became an officer in the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, achieving the rank of lieutenant by the time of the Battle of Druckenwell in 3653 BBY, where he served as a commanding officer under Moff Broysc. Broysc committed a critical error that nearly resulted in defeat, but Quinn chose to disregard the Moff's direct order and single-handedly turned the tide in favor of the Empire, leading to a Republic defeat. However, Broysc was enraged by Quinn's insubordination. Quinn had been tracking Voloren, an agent of the Republic Strategic Information Service, and was about to apprehend him when Broysc recalled Quinn to participate in the battle. The Moff took credit for Quinn's actions in saving the fleet but chose to court-martial his subordinate. Fortunately for Quinn, Darth Baras, a Sith Lord, reassigned Quinn to Balmorra, much to Broysc's frustration, who then blocked every transfer or promotion Quinn received during his time on the planet. Now integrated into Baras' extensive intelligence network, Quinn remained stationed on Balmorra for the next decade.

In 3643 BBY, Baras instructed Quinn to assist his new Sith apprentice, who was on Balmorra with the mission to neutralize Baras' spy, Commander Rylon. Rylon had infiltrated the Balmorran resistance, and Jedi Master Nomen Karr had dispatched an investigator to expose him. Malavai Quinn guided the apprentice in concealing Rylon's activities. The most pressing task was retrieving data from a satellite control tower in the Markaran Plains that contained evidence of Rylon's involvement in sabotaging Balmorran defenses before the Imperial invasion. The next target was Rylon's son, Durmat, who was aware of his father's true allegiance and was awaiting interrogation by the Jedi investigator. The Sith apprentice eliminated Durmat in his cell before the Jedi arrived. The Sith then confronted Rylon at the Balmorran Arms Factory and killed him. However, Quinn informed the apprentice that the investigator sent by Nomen Karr was a Jedi Knight who had recorded the conversation between the Sith and Rylon and was heading for the Sobrik spaceport. While the apprentice pursued the Jedi Mashallon, Quinn intercepted her off-world transmissions, preventing the Jedi from gaining further information.
Quinn then returned to his office in Sobrik, where Baras' apprentice reported to the Sith Lord via a private call. The Sith acknowledged Quinn's assistance in the mission, leading Baras to promote him to captain and grant him his choice of assignment. Quinn requested to travel and serve alongside the Sith, and his request was granted. However, Quinn also remained a spy for Darth Baras, tasked with monitoring his new apprentice.

Quinn joined Baras' apprentice aboard their Fury-class Imperial interceptor, where he met the apprentice's traveling companion, Vette. Together, they accompanied the Sith on the Hunt for Jaesa Willsaam, the apprentice of Jedi Master Nomen Karr, tracking her across Tatooine and Alderaan before confronting her on Hutta, where the Sith tempted Jaesa to join their side as an apprentice. Baras then initiated his Plan Zero, tasking his apprentice with eliminating members of the Republic War Trust on Taris and Jedi Knight Xerender on Hoth. After Baras maneuvered his apprentice into killing his master, Darth Vengean, he ascended to the Dark Council and, growing wary of his apprentice's increasing power, set a trap for them on Quesh. However, the Emperor's Hand rescued the apprentice and bestowed upon them the title of Emperor's Wrath. Now tasked with undermining Baras' power base, the new Emperor's Wrath prevented Baras' sister, Darth Ekkage, from escaping Belsavis prison and freed the Emperor's Voice from being trapped in the Dark Heart on Voss.
Following Baras' orders, Quinn then moved to dispose of the Emperor's Wrath, who was en route to Corellia to prevent the assassination of Darth Vowrawn, Baras' rival on the Dark Council. Quinn falsely claimed that Baras had imposed martial law on Corellia, preventing any unauthorized ships from landing, and that the Wrath's crew needed to steal a special transponder to bypass the Imperial blockade. The Sith traveled to the transponder station at the coordinates Quinn provided, where the Captain revealed that there was no martial law and the entire situation was a deception. Quinn then apologized to the Sith, whom he had come to respect, explaining that he owed Darth Baras too much and that his allegiance to him came first. He revealed two assault droids programmed with combat data he had gathered on the Wrath, but his overconfidence proved to be his undoing. The Wrath destroyed the droids and Force-choked Quinn for his betrayal but chose to spare him, whereas Baras would not have. Despite his betrayal and after begging for forgiveness, Quinn was allowed to remain at the new Wrath's side, with a chance to regain their trust.
The Wrath and their crew traveled to Corellia, where Quinn and the rest of the Sith's companions were tasked with safeguarding Darth Vowrawn back on the Empire's Wrath's Fury-class Imperial interceptor. When Sith Lord Draahg attempted to assassinate Vowrawn on the ship, the crew moved Vowrawn to a safe house in Coronet City, and the Dark Councilor later mentioned that Quinn fought valiantly and should be commended for his actions. The Captain stated that he did everything in hopes that the Wrath would forgive his betrayal. After thwarting Baras' plans on Corellia, his former apprentice confronted him in the Dark Council Chambers of the Korriban Academy and killed him, after which Darth Marr fully acknowledged their authority as the Emperor's Wrath.
During his travels with the Sith, Quinn maintained the ship and eventually upgraded the Fury's hyperdrive. With the Sith's consent, Quinn was promoted to Captain 2nd Rank. Eventually, Quinn became aware of Imperial operations suffering due to his former commander, Moff Broysc, and decided to intervene. This included tracking down the Republic Strategic Information Service agent Voloren, whom Broysc grossly underestimated, and saving Major Ovech and the majority of his men from a death trap in a supposedly secret warehouse on Cato Neimoidia, sprung through Broysc's general incompetence. Eventually, Quinn and the Sith had a holoconference with Broysc, determining that he was suffering from severe dementia. Broysc had dubbed Quinn Admiral Malcontent and blamed him for defeats that occurred years before his birth. With the Sith's permission, Quinn contacted Imperial High Command in hopes they would remove Broysc, but none had the courage to stand up to him.
Since Broysc's political and military connections would not allow him to be removed through the proper channels, Quinn decided to take matters into his own hands and abducted Broysc from a pleasure barge where he had been holed up while a battle was ongoing, bringing him to the Sith's ship. Clearly mad, Broysc ordered the Sith to surrender the vessel and its crew to his command and even kill themselves. His patience stretched to breaking point, Quinn requested the Sith's permission to execute the Moff, which was granted to him. After disposing of the body, Quinn learned from universal chatter that the Imperials agreed they were better off without Broysc. Quinn was pleased with his work, though regretted not acting sooner.

Quinn remained at the Emperor's Wrath's side for over five years, until the Sith disappeared early in the Eternal Empire conquest of 3636 BBY. The Sith's crew aboard the Fury mourned his absence and soon disbanded. Feeling that without the Wrath, the Empire was doomed to fall, Quinn spent months searching for the Sith, even as the Dark Council fell to the Eternal Empire and Darth Acina proclaimed herself the new Empress. Finally, Quinn was ordered by the Sith Minister of Logistics Gelmid Lorman to call off the search. Quinn refused and was imprisoned for his defiance. He remained incarcerated for years until Lorman was exposed for conspiring against Acina during an official visit on Dromund Kaas by the Alliance Commander. Shortly afterward, Acina pardoned Quinn, promoted him to the rank of Major, and made him her new advisor.

The Alliance formed by Lana Beniko overthrew the Eternal Empire, absorbing its military strength along with the Eternal Fleet, and emerged as a new power on a galactic scale. When the Empire received anonymous intelligence regarding an immensely powerful super-weapon on the recently rediscovered world of Iokath in 3629 BBY, Acina sent a detachment of Imperial forces to secure the weapon, where they clashed with both Republic forces and the Eternal Alliance's Eternal Fleet. Acina sent Major Quinn as an ambassador to the Alliance Commander, with orders to sabotage the meeting and escape if the Alliance turned against the Empire. After being captured by Beniko, who treated him as a possible assassin, Quinn presented himself to the Alliance Commander along with Republic Captain Elara Dorne and arranged a formal holocall with the Empress, who asked the Commander to side with the Empire against the Republic forces led by Supreme Commander Jace Malcom.

Quinn, deeply loyal to the Empire, supported those who sought to advance its interests but had no tolerance for disloyalty or irrationality in duty. His act of defiance against Moff Broysc saved the Empire at Druckenwell but hindered Quinn's career for the next decade. He readily expressed admiration for his superiors, such as Darth Baras, but also spoke his mind in their presence. Quinn valued competence alongside loyalty and considered Darth Baras' personal enemies as enemies of the Empire until his betrayal of Baras' apprentice went awry, after which he fully committed himself to the new cause. Quinn expressed regret when forced to betray the Wrath and made every effort to earn forgiveness afterward.
Quinn was a highly skilled pilot with a keen understanding of military strategy. He preferred a blaster pistol as his weapon.

Malavai Quinn appears as a companion character for the Sith Warrior class in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, voiced by Richard Teverson. A female Sith Warrior can initiate a romance with Quinn and later marry him.
When Quinn betrays the Wrath, he expresses his opinion on any other companion the player brought along. He calls Vette an insufferable pain, takes note of Jaesa Willsaam's power and offers her to join him only to be laughed at, notes that Pierce always had a bad feeling about Quinn and refused to work with him, while Broonmark remains loyal and refuses to betray the Wrath. After defeating Quinn and his droids, the player can viciously Force Push and Force Choke Quinn for dark side points, forgive him for light side points, or simply tell him that he's not forgiven so easily for no alignment points. In the early beta version of the game, the player could execute Quinn for his betrayal, and respective dialogue remains in the game files, but the option was removed from the final game due to concerns that players would permanently lose their only healing companion.
Quinn's fate varies significantly based on the player's choices to side with either the Empire or the Republic on Iokath, neither of which is a Dark or Light side option. If the player sides with the Empire, they order him and Lana Beniko to defend the Fleet Spire against the Republic, where Quinn remains for the entire engagement, joining the Alliance as a companion for every class at the end. If the player plays a Republic class, he will be recalled back to Dromund Kaas amid the third Galactic War but promises to help the player in matters that would not betray his Imperial commission since he enjoyed his time on Odessen.

However, if the player sides with the Republic, Quinn's role becomes more prominent. He detonates charges planted on some Alliance vehicles and uses a flash grenade to escape, later reporting to Acina about his assessment of the Alliance Commander's psychological profile. When Acina herself arrives on Iokath, Quinn and her engineers begin working on a backdoor into a super-weapon, though Quinn notes that the schematics are not 100% complete. Acina later assumes a Throne and activates the super-weapon, awakening the Old Gods, but Quinn notes that the throne rejects her input, and an energy surge kills Acina, leaving the Empire leaderless, while Quinn escapes in the confusion.
If the player is a Sith Warrior, Quinn will either approach them if they sided with the Empire or surrender himself to the Alliance to gain an audience if the player sided with the Republic. The player has the option to either welcome Quinn back to their side, leave him imprisoned by the Alliance if they sided with the Republic, or punish Quinn for his most recent and past betrayals by killing him. Female Warriors who romanced Quinn and welcomed him back to their side can choose to resume their relationship or break up with him.