The Six Gods, alternatively referred to as the Old Gods or the god kin, constituted the original pantheon venerated on the planet of Zakuul. The foremost deity within this pantheon was Izax, known as the Ultimate Devourer. Alongside him were his consort, Scyva, and their offspring: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and [Nahut](/article/nahut]. Additionally, the demon serpent Zildrog was another entity to whom the adherents of the Old Ways offered worship, even though Zildrog was often seen as simply an aspect of Izax. Valkorion proclaimed himself to be the prophesied Demon Savior, destined to overthrow the Old Gods and inaugurate a new age of prosperity. Consequently, worship of the Old Gods was largely abandoned by his Eternal Empire.

Eons prior to the War on Iokath, the initial architects of Iokath conceived the Old Gods as colossal droid superweapons. Their intended purpose was to subdue, conquer, and obliterate unprepared civilizations, resulting in the deaths of trillions. Zakuul was among the worlds impacted by these superweapons, leading to their mythologization as merciless deities. Following the cataclysm that decimated the Iokath species, these superweapons remained dormant, only to be reawakened during the Machine Gods crisis that occurred on Iokath in 3629 BBY. The Heralds of Zildrog persisted in their adherence to the old ways, but were largely considered a cult.