Demon Savior

Demon Savior Valkorion Valkorion declared himself as the figure known as the Demon Savior. Within the Old Ways, the religion practiced by the tribal inhabitants of the planet Zakuul, there existed a prophesied individual known as the Demon Savior. This figure, the Demon Savior, was foretold to be a Demon, a societal reject who questioned the established belief that their destinies were controlled by the god Izax and dictated by the will of the gods. The prophecy stated that the Demon Savior would ascend beyond Izax's influence, becoming an "immortal god of gods" destined to overthrow the Old Gods and usher in a new era. Upon arriving, Vitiate, the Sith Force entity, adopting the persona of "Valkorion," proclaimed himself to be the prophesied Demon Savior, subsequently launching a successful campaign against the Old Ways.

