Tyth, also known as the Firstborn, served as the rage avatar and warrior deity of the six primary Old Gods. These deities were venerated by the inhabitants of Zakuul, a planet, before Valkorion rose to become the Immortal Emperor. As the eldest of Izax's and Scyva's four offspring, Tyth fought alongside his sister Aivela in battle. The Zakuulans held the belief that Tyth would guide them to triumph over outlanders. His symbol was a bloodied fist.
Tyth's origins trace back to an advanced, ancient society on Iokath, where he was created as a wardroid experiment. He and his five siblings were tested across numerous unsuspecting planets, resulting in over ten trillion deaths. Zakuul was one such world, and its inhabitants eventually began to worship these machines as gods, with Tyth being named the god of rage and war. Even after the Treaty of Coruscant, Tyth continued to be worshipped by many on Zakuul.
Later, during the Iokath civil conflict, one faction deployed Tyth and his siblings against their enemies. However, the act of unleashing these war droids led to the complete extinction of all life on the planet. Following this devastation, Tyth and the other Old Gods entered a state of dormancy.
When the Eternal Alliance, the Galactic Republic, and the Sith Empire engaged in war to gain control of Iokath, Tyth was the first of the six war droids to awaken. He wielded a massive lightsaber pike. His true identity as a superweapon remained a secret until the Outlander confronted him. Tyth, the God of Rage, revealed that a trusted ally had orchestrated the conflict by luring the three factions to Iokath. Eager to display his might, Tyth attacked the Eternal Fleet, which responded and forced him to withdraw.
Subsequently, a strike force dispatched by the Outlander infiltrated the Valley of the Machine Gods, discovering Tyth unprepared. The Mother of Sorrows ordered him to sacrifice the strike team to fuel their awakening, but the God of Rage was defeated in combat. Afterward, the Outlander utilized his power module to take control of Tyth during the Battle for Iokath.

References to Tyth are made on several occasions during the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. He later appears in Game Update: 5.2: War for Iokath.
Tyth serves as the initial boss in the Gods from the Machine operation, which can be undertaken by groups of 8 to 16 players.