Hunt for Jaesa Willsaam

During the Cold War era, amidst the tensions between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Sith Lord known as Darth Baras tasked his apprentice with a galaxy-wide pursuit, aiming to capture the Jedi Padawan named Jaesa Willsaam, who was under the tutelage of Nomen Karr. The objective was to neutralize the danger that her Force powers presented to Baras' network of spies.


Unveiling a Danger

A gift from Darth Baras.

While stationed on Dromund Kaas, Baras successfully captured Grik Sonosan, a Republic spy. This capture occurred after Baras discovered Sonosan was tracking one of his hidden agents on Nar Shaddaa. Employing the ancient torture and interrogation device called the Ravager, recovered by the Warrior, Baras extracted information revealing a new threat to his interests from the Republic. Jedi Master [Nomen Karr](/article/nomen_karr], one of Baras' long-standing adversaries, was training a Padawan with the extraordinary ability to perceive a person's true nature instantly.

Darth Baras, concerned about the potential compromise of his extensive spy network due to the Padawan's unique skill, dispatched the Warrior across the galaxy. The mission was to locate and eliminate this threat. To facilitate this, Baras presented the Warrior with two extravagant gifts: a protocol droid known as 2V-R8 and a Fury-class Imperial interceptor. After the Warrior became familiar with the ship, Baras communicated via hologram, outlining the initial task: to eliminate his exposed spies.

Pursuing a Jedi

The Warrior's initial destination was the war-ravaged planet of Balmorra. Balmorra held substantial importance during the Great Galactic War, serving as a hub for military manufacturing and being situated near the Core Worlds. However, the Republic military abandoned it a decade prior, as dictated by the Treaty of Coruscant. Despite this abandonment, the planet continued to offer strong resistance to the encroaching forces of the Sith Empire, presenting numerous challenges for the Warrior during the mission.

Commander Rylon, a spy for Baras, was embedded within the Balmorran resistance. Karr had dispatched an investigator to expose him. Collaborating with Lieutenant Malavai Quinn, the Warrior worked to conceal Rylon's activities, which included silencing his son, Durmat, who readily confessed his father's true allegiance while imprisoned. The Warrior then confronted Rylon at the Balmorran Arms Factory, engaging in combat to make his death appear genuine. Subsequently, Quinn informed the Warrior that the investigator, a Jedi Knight, had recorded the conversation between the Warrior and Rylon and was en route to the Sobrik spaceport. Upon encountering the Jedi, Mashallon, she declared that she had transmitted the evidence to the Jedi Council. She further claimed that her purity in the light side of the Force made her superior to the Warrior's strength in the dark side. The Warrior disregarded her emotionless speech and engaged her in a lightsaber duel. Severely wounded, Mashallon offered no resistance, convinced that she had served the greater good. At that moment, Quinn arrived with a squad of Imperial troopers, revealing that he had intercepted her transmission, thus preventing the Jedi from receiving the information. The Warrior then executed her.

Later, the Warrior met with Quinn in his Sobrik office to report to Baras. The Warrior also acknowledged Quinn's assistance in the mission, leading Baras to promote him to Captain and grant him a posting of his choosing. Quinn chose to serve alongside the Warrior.

After Balmorra, the Warrior was joined by Captain Malavai Quinn.

The Warrior's subsequent assignment took place on Nar Shaddaa, the infamous Huttese moon. Despite facing and becoming entangled in the intrigues of the criminal underworld, the Warrior's primary objective was to eliminate an information leak by executing a former agent of Darth Baras who had betrayed him by defecting to Rathari, a rival Sith Lord.

After completing the mission on Nar Shaddaa, Baras cautioned his apprentice that a Republic listening post had been tracking their ship from the outset of their missions. The Warrior deviated from the main objective to swiftly destroy the listening post, disabling critical components. Upon reaching the command center, the Warrior encountered Nomen Karr via hologram, who revealed that he had been monitoring the station. Karr stated that he was aware of Baras acquiring a new apprentice, so he set up this listening post. He pleaded for the lives of the technicians before them, stating that they were only following orders. The Warrior refused and slaughtered them all. This excessive display horrified Karr, as the Warrior continued to mock him. Karr then boasted that the Warrior is unaware of what he had planned, only for the Warrior to reveal that they know of his Padawan. Surprised at this, Karr regained his composure and declared he would keep his Padawan safe from the taint of the Sith, even as the Warrior promised to "have her skull as a trophy." Karr then summoned a squad of Republic troops, claiming them to be the Republic's finest and urged the Warrior to surrender. The Warrior refused and killed them. Karr then closed the transmission, stating that he has valuable insight on how to defeat the Warrior for their eventual confrontation.

With the ship's trail obscured, the Warrior proceeded to Tatooine to sever the mysterious Padawan's personal connections. Baras intended to use the Warrior to lure out and eliminate their target. However, the Warrior suggested turning the Padawan to the dark side. Baras acknowledged the possibility but cautioned that the Padawan remained dangerous and that seduction to the dark side should be left to masters.

Upon landing on Tatooine, Baras identified Yonlach, the master who unlocked the Padawan's powers, as the target. The Warrior then met with Baras' contact, Sharack Breev, who assisted in retracing the Padawan's trials on the planet, including facing a Sand demon.

While tracking the Padawan, the Warrior arrived at an oasis in the desert. Here the Warrior was confronted by a reflection of the light side, claiming to be his true potential. The reflection attempted to convince the Warrior to abandon the dark side and embrace the light. The Warrior refused and dueled with the reflection. Prevailing, the reflection then started spouting dark side energy and merged with the Warrior. The image then revealed to him the location of the Yonlach's hut in the Dune Sea. However, Sharack stated apprehension, as the Dune Sea go beyond the Forbidden Pass, where no one has ever returned from.

The Warrior eventually located Yonlach's hut in the desert's heart. Yonlach's bodyguard, Yul-Li, urged his Master to retreat to safety while he engaged the Sith, but Yonlach restrained him. Yonlach reveals that he has been remotely watching the Warrior's progress and is disgusted by the Sith's perversion of the journey of enlightenment. He also knows that the Warrior seek Karr's Padawan, so he warned her via their psychic link to remain in hiding. He demanded that the Warrior turn back, claiming that he would not prevail against two Jedi, but the Warrior refused. But before engaging, Yonlach rendered the Warrior's companion unconscious to uneven the odds. Despite being outnumbered, the Warrior managed to hold the two Jedi off and bested them. In desperation, Yul-Li gave the Padawan's identity: Jaesa Willsaam. But before he could reveal more, Yonlach wiped all memory of Jaesa from his mind. He refused to give out any more information, stating that Jaesa would lead the Jedi to greatness if untouched by the likes of the Sith. Yonlach offered no further resistance, stating that when he is struck down, Jaesa will feel how calm he is in the face of death. The Warrior obliged him, but decided to make the experience painful and struck the aging Jedi Master down.

Having discovered the Padawan's identity, the Warrior journeyed to her home planet, Alderaan, which was embroiled in a civil conflict between House of Organa, supported by the Republic, and House of Thul, backed by the Empire. There, the Warrior undertook various tasks to assist the Empire's ally and became involved in numerous conflicts between House Thul and other Alderaanian noble houses.

During the mission, the warrior learned that, apparently, Willsaam had been discovered as a Force-sensitive while acting as a servant girl to Lady Renata Alde of House Alde. After cleaving a path through Alde territory and murdering her personal bodyguard, Lady Renata confessed that Willsaam had actually been handmaiden to Gesselle Organa, before being taken into custody by Thul forces.

The warrior, with ally Duke Kendoh Thul then set about the difficult task of assaulting the Organa position. Gesselle Organa and her forces were protected by a tremendously powerful force field, which was powered by siphoning off power directly from Alderaan's planetary generator. With the aid of Thul forces, the warrior set out to sabotage the generator to force it into backup mode—cutting off any excess power drains, thereby deactivating the Organa force field.

After sabotaging the planetary generator, the Warrior successfully cleaved a path into the Organa encampment, slaying numerous soldiers before confronting General Gesselle herself. By torturing her personal guards, one of whom was revealed to be her lover, the Warrior was able extract the information he desired from Organa. She revealed that Jaesa Willsaam's parents were still servants at Castle Organa. The Warrior then executed General Gesselle and her bodyguards for defying the Empire.

Continuing the relentless assault, the Warrior fought through Castle Organa's many soldiers and guards to find Willsaam's parents, only to discover them guarded by the Jedi Volryder. The Warrior shocked Volryder by Force choking the older couple to death, and then quickly slayed the Jedi in single combat.

While reporting the mission's success to Darth Baras, the Warrior learned that Duke Kendoh had turned on his Sith ally, telling Baras lies in order to advance his own position as an Imperial ally. While confronting and executing Kendoh for his treachery, Kendoh's bodyguard and fellow Sith FimmRess stood by and allowed vengeance to take its course.


Jaesa Willsaam, the Warrior's new apprentice.

After murdering Willsaam's parents, the Warrior was surprised to find a holomessage from the young Padawan waiting to be viewed. As Darth Baras had planned, she had felt the death of her parents through the Force and was grieving for their loss. Without her master's knowledge, she arranged a meeting between herself and the Warrior aboard her ship in the Outer Rim.

Instead of finding Willsaam or any crew, the Warrior found just two Jedi Knights aboard the ship. They revealed that their master, Nomen Karr, had learned of Willsaam's plan and sent Ulldin and Zylixx instead—to kill the Warrior. The Knights engaged the Wrath, but the two were quickly defeated. Zylixx was nearly close to the dark side when the warrior immediately slays him while Ulldin was badly injured. As the Wrath was ready to kill him, Ulldin was ready to die and become one with the Force.

The Warrior contacted Baras upon returning to the ship to report in, but was given far more surprising news by Baras than the news of being ambushed by a pair of Jedi. Nomen Karr had finally succumbed to Darth Baras' machinations, and sought to arrange a duel between Jedi Master and Sith Lord on Hutta to finally resolve their dispute. But not to be drawn into what might have been a trap himself, Baras sent the Warrior to the duel in his stead. With both youth and strong martial skills to rely upon, Baras was confident in the Warrior's ability to defeat his old rival.

The Warrior traveled to Hutta, and from the spaceport to the site of the arranged duel. Though it was not a trap for Baras, and nor was Karr surprised that Baras hadn't come himself, the Warrior and the Jedi Master dueled nonetheless. Still seeking to draw out Willsaam, the Warrior goaded and taunted Karr throughout the fight until Karr finally embraced the dark side. Ultimately however, Karr proved to be no match for the combat prowess of the Warrior and was defeated.

After a period of torturing the newly-Dark Jedi, Willsaam arrived to resolve the conflict permanently. Upon seeing her Master defeated, tortured, and twisted by the dark side, she engaged the Warrior with her double-bladed lightsaber in a duel of their own. The strength and combat prowess of the Warrior quickly defeated her as well. After she had acknowledged the power of the dark side over the light side the Warrior took her on as an apprentice.

