Sharack Breev

Sharack Breev was a Human female who, as a Sith acolyte, faithfully served Darth Baras during the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire after its resurgence.


Hailing from Tatooine, Sharack Breev possessed a deep understanding of the desert's intricacies, often functioning as a scout and tracker. She avoided venturing into dangerous territories, such as those inhabited by the Sand People. Eventually, she entered the service of Darth Baras and became one of his operatives during the conflict.

In 3643 BBY, she encountered one of Baras' apprentices on Tatooine, who was tasked with locating Jedi Master Yonlach. Sharack Breev aided the Sith Warrior in tracing the steps of Yonlach's Padawan, Jaesa Willsaam, whom Baras considered a threat to his schemes. She directed the Sith to Izzeebowe Jeef and assisted in the completion of the Demon's Blood ritual. Breev then witnessed the Warrior's confrontation and victory over a light side manifestation of themselves, which revealed Yonlach's location within the Dune Sea. She approached the Warrior, cautioning that their destination lay beyond the Forbidden Pass, a place from which no one had ever returned. She declined to accompany the Warrior any further and returned to the Mos Ila spaceport to report to Baras. Sometime later, the Warrior returned unharmed, much to Breev's surprise. Realizing that fear had paralyzed her, Breev resolved to explore the Forbidden Pass herself and bid farewell to the Warrior.

Breev subsequently sent a message to the Warrior, detailing her successful expedition beyond the Forbidden Pass and the discovery of Yonlach's dwelling, where the deceased Jedi Master's body rested.

During the Galactic War, Breev learned that Baras' apprentice had risen to become the Emperor's Wrath and had executed Baras for treason, leading her to shift her allegiance to the Wrath. She communicated with the Wrath, her new master, informing them that she had observed Lana Beniko, the Sith accused of murdering Darth Arkous on Lehon, on Tatooine attempting to secure lodging with a Jawa tribe. She attempted to follow the fugitive, but the Sith sensed her presence and escaped aboard the Wookiee Jakarro's ship, departing the planet.

