Seneschal-series factotum droid

The Seneschal-series factotum droid, also referred to as the 2V-series, or by the nickname Toovee, represented a service droid model manufactured by Imperial DroidWorks during the period of the Cold War. During the Cold War, four of these units provided service on the starships of the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Nox, Cipher Nine, and the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. One of these four droids would eventually serve the Outlander.

Behind the scenes

2V-R8 functions as a companion character on the ship for all Sith Empire classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that was launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011.

Even though he claims to lack any combat abilities, 2V-R8 can be summoned to your side just like any other companion character. When acting as your companion, 2V-R8 specializes as a healer and possesses talents related to healing. Nevertheless, when he's not actively healing, he will attempt to run and engage your targets in melee combat. This behavior is not ideal when facing a powerful enemy with AOE attacks. Like other droids, he can be equipped with gear to enhance his stats. Before patch 4.0, Aim was his primary stat, but now his stats are determined by his "Affection" level, with his damage/healing per second increasing as he gains affection, since companions no longer need stat-focused gear.

Initially, 2V-R8 did not gain any affection from companion gifts. However, after patch 1.2 was released, 2V-R8, along with his Republic counterpart C2-N2, became able to receive affection from such gifts.

Furthermore, 2V-R8 neither gains nor loses affection based on decisions made. Also, unlike most other companions, 2V-R8 does not inherently possess any special affinities for crew skills; instead, one of several specialized sensor units can be installed in him to grant him such affinities.

With the release of Knights of the Fallen Empire, both 2V and C2 were given offensive capabilities, letting players choose to make them a healer, tank, or offensive companion, and change their role at any time. They are now also equipped with a blaster pistol, specifically a "Hoth Mining Blaster," but this addition does not alter the original introductory conversation, where they continue to assert that they are not combat models.

