Duel on Hutta

The hunt for Jaesa Willsaam, Nomen Karr's Jedi padawan, and a figure of intense loathing for Darth Baras, reached its denouement on Hutta. This occurred after Nomen Karr dared Baras to confront him directly. Baras, viewing himself as superior to such a confrontation, instead dispatched his formidable apprentice with the mission to eliminate Karr.

Beginning Events

Following the successful completion of missions on Tatooine and Alderaan, Darth Baras's Sith apprentice was unexpectedly contacted via transmission from Jaesa Willsaam's ship, with Jaesa appearing eager to resolve their conflict. Despite differing opinions from Malavai Quinn and Vette, the Sith Warrior journeyed to the coordinates provided by Jaesa's vessel and boarded it, only to encounter two Jedi Knights: Ulldin and Zylixx.

According to the pair, Nomen Karr had intercepted his Padawan's attempt at negotiation and thwarted it, replacing it with a deception orchestrated by the Jedi Master. The two Jedi engaged the Warrior in combat, but ultimately met their demise at the hands of the Sith Warrior.

After the future Emperor's Wrath departed from the ship, he reported back to Darth Baras, who then informed his apprentice that Karr had even requested a personal duel with Baras. The Sith Warrior volunteered to engage the Jedi Master in combat, a proposal to which Baras consented.

Subsequently, the Sith Warrior traveled to Hutta, navigating the dangerous swamps and marshes until he arrived at Nomen Karr's safe house. There, he discovered the Jedi Master in a state of meditation. Nomen Karr surmised that his two apprentices were dead and accused Baras of cowardice, labeling the Warrior as a disciple of the dark side. The Warrior observed that the Jedi Master seemed agitated, to which Karr admitted that the Sith's crusade had affected him. However, he declared that he had resisted succumbing to the dark side before and would defeat the Warrior. The Sith taunted that his connection to the light was diminishing. The Jedi Master and the dark side student then brandished their respective lightsabers. Karr vowed to have Jaesa provide the Jedi Council with information about Baras's spy network and expose it. The Sith Warrior then engaged the Jedi Master in combat.

Confrontation with Nomen Karr

The battle between the future Emperor's Wrath and Nomen Karr was both lethal and intense. Initially, Karr adopted a defensive stance, successfully repelling the Sith Warrior's lightsaber and Force attacks for a period, until he was Force Pushed and thrown to the ground. Recognizing the Sith's power, Karr desperately yielded to his frustration and anger to amplify his strength.

Karr fought more aggressively against the Sith Warrior, pushing the disciple back, but the Warrior counterattacked the Jedi Master until Karr was exhausted. Desperate and weakened, Karr fully embraced his rage and hatred, even displaying quick signs of dark side corruption, and screamed he won't fall. He attacked the Warrior, but he pushed the Jedi Master back. The Warrior then declared himself invincible. After another intense round of dueling, the Warrior concluded the duel with the Jedi Master by cutting his arm. Nomen Karr finally gave up and succumbed to his mortal wound, but knew that if he died, Jaesa will be safe.

The Padawan's Exposure

Following Nomen Karr's surrender and defeat at the hands of Baras's apprentice, a squad of Imperial troops arrived under orders from Baras to preserve the last of Nomen Karr's strength. Nomen Karr refused obstinately to continue to live, willing to die to protect Jaesa. But the Warrior wasn't finished: he was going to torture him. Karr then passed out. The Imperial troopers revived Karr then left the safe house. Karr was distraught by the fact that he was allowed to live; he yelled and goaded at the Sith Warrior to continue torturing him and that he would defeat him and Baras.

Reports then reached the Warrior that Jaesa had arrived, demanding that the Warrior release Karr. Karr, horrified by Jaesa's presence, scolded her for coming to his defense. Jaesa, noticing the signs of dark side corruption on her Master's face, accused the Warrior of driving Nomen Karr insane. The Sith denied this, claiming he had merely revealed what was already present within him; he even suggested that Willsaam use her powers on Karr to confirm this. Jaesa complied, sensing anger, hate, pride and vengeance in her master. Jaesa was horrified by this and began to doubt what Karr said about being a Jedi was true. Karr desperately yelled at Jaesa to look into the Sith. The Sith agreed; once Jaesa complied, she sensed the same darkness inside of him. Karr again berated her for not knowing the immediate truth about the Warrior, and not seeing the death of her parents and Master Yonlach as proof. Jaesa, feeling guilty, vowed to protect Karr and defeat the Warrior.

The Warrior then goaded her to strike him down. The confused Padawan refused to be baited and dueled the Sith. Nomen Karr couldn't bear to sit there and watch his apprentice duel the Sith Warrior. The two dueled violently and intensely, but only for the Sith to win the duel. Before he could deal the final blow, he held back, believing Jaesa Willsaam could be useful.


Jaesa felt defeated by her inability to overcome the Warrior, questioning the Jedi, the effectiveness of her powers, and the validity of Karr's assertions about the light side's capacity to triumph over the dark side. The Warrior arrogantly observed that even though Karr was a light side Master, he couldn't beat Baras's apprentice.

Jaesa openly expressed how her whole life she was deceived and useless to the people around her, feeling like she belonged nowhere. The Sith Warrior offered to teach her the ways of the dark side on one condition: to kill Karr. The Jedi apprentice grew confused of whether or not she should. The Warrior wouldn't be dissuaded, so Jaesa, with growing emotions, complied. Karr desperately begged Jaesa to avoid the Sith for turning her into a killer. Jaesa twisted his words around by saying the Jedi used that as justification for their deceitful acts. She then beheaded him. Jaesa then pledged allegiance to the Sith Warrior with her newfound emotions and a bloodlust rising.

