House Alde, situated on the planet of Alderaan, was a prominent and ancient Great House. Established centuries before the Galactic Republic was formed in 25,053 BBY, it held the distinction of being Alderaan's first royal house. This came about after Darrus Alde successfully ended centuries of conflict and rivalry between houses at the location later named King's Pass. Following this achievement, the newly-formed Alderaanian Parliament crowned him King of Alderaan. Subsequently, the house became renowned for its intense focus on preserving the purity of the bloodline and heritage of Alderaan's initial king. Leading up to the Alderaan Civil War, House Alde forged a strong alliance with House Organa. Both houses then displayed unwavering loyalty to the Republic during the ensuing conflict, which was triggered by the death of Prince Gaul Panteer.
Around 27,500 BBY, Humans colonized the planet of Alderaan, and shortly thereafter, House Alde emerged as a significant power among the numerous noble houses on the planet. However, centuries after the initial settling of Alderaan, during the era of Darrus Alde's leadership, the noble houses of Alderaan were engaged in constant warfare. A major confrontation took place at a ravine located south of the Juran Mountains. Before the battle could begin, Alde initiated negotiations with the other noble families, successfully ending the conflict. He persuaded the houses to put aside their long-standing rivalries and unite under the banner of the first Alderaanian Parliament. Soon after, Elysium, a massive structure in the Glarus Valley intended as a meeting place for the Parliament, was erected. Within its walls, Darrus Alde was chosen and crowned as Alderaan's first king by the other Great Houses of Alderaan.
Soon after, House Alde established an estate, which was also known as House Alde, in the Juran Mountains. The ravine where Darrus Alde had mediated the end of the houses' conflict was renamed King's Pass in his honor. To connect King's Pass with the intersection between the Fornaak River and House Alde, the King's Road was constructed. This road passed through Kingsroad Dale and around Fort Alde, a military outpost belonging to House Alde located south of their estate. When the Galactic Republic was established in 25,053 BBY, Alderaan joined, and House Alde fostered strong ties with the Republic that endured for millennia. By the time of the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, House Alde had become the oldest surviving noble house on Alderaan. Consequently, its members developed an intense preoccupation with antiquity and lineage.
House Alde took great pride in maintaining the purity of King Alde's bloodline, deliberately avoiding "foreign" influences to preserve the legacy of Alderaan's first king. This fascination with history led to the House becoming somewhat isolated and eccentric. Nevertheless, they maintained a reputation as the foremost authority on Alderaanian history and lore, operating the Royal Museum of Alderaan on the grounds of their estate. While the House displayed pride and a somewhat pompous demeanor, they rarely exhibited the true arrogance common among other noble families. As a result, their dedication to history was generally regarded as unusual but harmless. Sometime before 3743 BBY, House Alde formed an alliance with House Organa, another House known for its strong ties to the Republic and whose ancestors had played a crucial role in the Republic's founding. To ensure close relations between the two families, House Alde maintained an embassy on the grounds of the Organa estate.
In the years leading up to the Cold War, Gregor, Parvin, and their daughter Jaesa Willsaam were employed as servants by the noblewoman Renata Alde. However, the family was later taken in by House Organa, and Jaesa became the handmaiden of Geselle Organa before being recruited into the Jedi Order. The close relationship between Houses Alde and Organa also extended to familial connections. Geselle was scheduled to be married to an earl of House Alde on her eighteenth birthday, but the wedding was postponed and eventually cancelled for reasons that were never disclosed.

The Treaty of Coruscant in 3653 BBY marked the end of the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Alderaan's Senator and Crown Prince Gaul Panteer was deeply dissatisfied with the Republic's acceptance of the Empire's terms and withdrew his world from the Republic. Before Gaul could finalize negotiations to rejoin the Republic during the Cold War that followed the Treaty, he and his mother, Queen Silara Panteer, were murdered by assassins. Bouris Ulgo of House Ulgo immediately claimed the vacant throne, a claim that was challenged by both House Organa and the newly-returned House Thul, which had the backing of the Empire. This led to the Alderaan Civil War, during which the forty-seven Great Houses split into three factions supporting Houses Ulgo, Organa, and Thul. House Alde remained loyal to House Organa, and Count Alde decided to co-fund the Republic superweapon initiative's Death Mark laser project when General Var Suthra established the project's research center at the Mensaav Laboratory on Alderaan.
In 3643 BBY, Imperial forces under the command of the Sith Lord Sadic seized the Death Mark project. A Mirialan spy named Hark arrived at the Alde embassy, posing as a member of the project who had escaped the Imperial attack. Count Alde met with Hark to learn about the situation, and they were soon joined by a young Jedi Knight who had been sent to secure the project and locate the missing Jedi Master Orgus Din. However, during the meeting, Hark used a targeting device to mark both the Jedi and the Count for the Death Mark laser, which allowed Sadic to kill Count Alde during the meeting. Captain [Yils], the head of the embassy's security, attempted to arrest the Knight and Hark, but the Jedi was allowed to continue the search for the Death Mark and Orgus Din.
During the civil war, Haemon Alde was kidnapped from his Organa protectors by pirates, who demanded a large ransom from House Alde.
Renata Alde, protected by her bodyguard Windredd, was forced to repeatedly reject the romantic advances of Duke Kendoh Thul. This culminated in her ordering Windredd to attack a Sith Warrior who arrived seeking Jaesa Willsaam, after Alde discovered that the Sith had been sent by Kendoh Thul.
Ultimately, the Sith defeated Windredd, and after learning about Willsaam's connection to Geselle Organa, Thul's aide FimmRess was permitted to capture Lady Alde and deliver her to the Duke.
Maelrich Alde, a retired spy who returned to service during the civil war to defend her House, investigated House Rist's efforts to establish a satellite relay in the southern Juran Mountains. With the assistance of Republic operatives in the area, Maelrich disabled the relay and destroyed other Rist equipment. She then had Republic operatives report her success to her nephew, Captain Alethios, at Wardpost Landa.
Baron Alde sought to send a message of peace to Bouris Ulgo. To this end, he arranged for the head of the Sith Lord Darth Bandon—the Sith who had killed Ulgo's ancestor Trask Ulgo during the Jedi Civil War three centuries prior—to be delivered to the Royal Museum.