3743 BBY

3743 BBY, also known as 3743 Before the Battle of Yavin, represents a specific year as per the Galactic Standard Calendar. This year is situated within the Inter-Sith Wars era, a period that spans from the conclusion of the Old Sith Wars in 3956 BBY to the commencement of the New Sith Wars in 2000 BBY.

In that year, Riegenn Hetuu, a bounty hunter, accepted a commission from a Hutt employer to capture a live k'lor'slug queen for a celebratory gala. Hetuu successfully captured the queen and secured her within the cargo hold of his spacecraft. However, he failed to anticipate the queen's reproductive capabilities. Upon opening the cargo hold during the hunter's rendezvous with the client on the world Nal Hutta, approximately four hundred newly-emerged k'lor'slugs were unleashed, resulting in the deaths and consumption of both Hetuu and the Hutt. The Hutt's dying screams gave rise to the expression "a Hutt's cry," which became synonymous with the sounds made by newborn k'lor'slugs. This expression remained in use for at least a century afterward.

Behind the scenes

The year 3743 BBY received an indirect reference within the Codex entry dedicated to the k'lor'slug in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a computer game developed by BioWare and launched in 2011.

