Gregor Willsaam

Gregor Willsaam was a Human male, husband to Parvin Willsaam, and father to Jaesa Willsaam. His gender is specified as male.


During the time of the Great Galactic War, Gregor, along with his wife and daughter, faithfully served the House of Organa. Sometime after the Treaty of Coruscant was established, it was discovered that Gregor's daughter possessed force-sensitive abilities. As a result, Jedi Master Nomen Karr chose her to become his apprentice within the Jedi Order. Her unique talent for discerning the true nature of individuals made her highly valuable to the Jedi Order. However, Gregor and his wife desired a different future for their daughter, hoping she would marry into the House Organa and elevate them from their status as mere servants.

During the period known as the Cold War, Darth Baras, a Sith Lord whose espionage operations were jeopardized by Jaesa's abilities, dispatched his apprentice to assassinate Jaesa's parents, aiming to draw her out of hiding. Following a trail of clues, the apprentice arrived at the castle of Gesselle Organa, where Gregor and Parvin were under the protection of the Jedi Master Volryder.

As Volryder prepared to confront the Sith Warrior, Gregor, disregarding the Jedi's warnings, sought to understand the reason for the intrusion. However, the apprentice's sole purpose was to use the Willsaams to send a message to Jaesa. Despite Gregor's pleas for mercy for himself and his wife, the apprentice proceeded to kill them both.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Warrior is presented with two distinct paths to choose from. In the light side route, the Warrior can persuade the parents to align with the Empire, sparing their lives and allowing Volryder to depart. By informing Darth Baras that the parents have been sent to him, the potential for torture or the provision of Imperial luxuries could destabilize Jaesa. Conversely, in the dark side path, the Warrior chooses to kill them and subsequently face Volryder in combat. If the parents' lives are spared, the Warrior will receive correspondence from Gregor, confirming their safe arrival on Dromund Kaas. Nevertheless, Darth Baras discovers their whereabouts regardless of whether the player chooses to inform him or not, implying that he later subjects them to torture.

