Silara Panteer

Silara Panteer, a Human female hailing from the planet of Alderaan, was a member of the noble House Panteer. She reigned as Queen of her homeworld for multiple decades during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War that transpired between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Her son, Gaul Panteer, serving as a Senator, removed the planet from the Republic in protest of the Treaty of Coruscant, which concluded the Great Galactic War in 3653 BBY. Silara met her death in a shuttle crash a few years later, shortly after assassins murdered her son. The Queen's demise triggered the Alderaan Civil War, with Houses Ulgo, Organa, Thul, and Panteer vying for control of Alderaan's throne.


Silara Panteer, a female Human, belonged to House Panteer, a noble family and one of the prominent Great Houses of the planet Alderaan. She ascended to the position of Queen of her homeworld prior to 3667 BBY, following a lineage of Panteer rulers. She was also the mother of a son named Gaul. Throughout her time as Queen, Panteer was greatly admired by the Alderaanian people. Even her political rivals held her and her undisputed authority in high regard. In 3667 BBY, during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Alderaan faced an invasion by Imperial forces. During this invasion, the forces of the Empire, under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Malgus, destroyed Castle Panteer and took the royal family captive. However, Republic and Jedi forces successfully repelled the Imperials and rescued the Queen and her family.

By 3653 BBY, Gaul, the Queen's son, had become Alderaan's Senator within the Galactic Senate. In that year, Alderaan served as the location for peace talks between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. However, when the Empire attacked Coruscant, the Republic's capital, the Republic was compelled to sign the Treaty of Coruscant, effectively ending the war. Enraged by this, Gaul Panteer declared Alderaan's independence and left the Senate Building in disgust, returning to his home planet. Around this time, Queen Panteer's health began to decline, and it gradually worsened over the following years. During this time, Gaul secretly negotiated to bring Alderaan back into the Republic. However, assassins from House Rist, acting on the orders of House Ulgo, murdered Gaul. Only a few days later, Queen Silara's shuttle crashed in the Glarus Valley due to sabotage, resulting in her death.

Her body was retrieved from the river, but the royal crown was missing, having sunk to the riverbed within its duralloy container. In the subsequent weeks, tensions escalated into open conflict as Bouris Ulgo proclaimed himself king. This sparked a four-way war involving House Organa, backed by the Republic, House Thul, supported by the Empire, House Ulgo, and House Panteer, marking the beginning of the Alderaan Civil War.

