House Panteer

House Panteer, originating from Alderaan, was widely regarded as the most aristocratic of the noble houses there. Throughout history, the Panteer family placed more kings and queens upon the Alderaanian throne than all other families combined, including notable houses like the House of Organa and the [House of Thul]. For a full ten generations prior to the eruption of the Cold War, the crown of the Panteer rested upon the head of every Alderaanian sovereign.

Historically, Panteer monarchs were known as patrons of the arts; however, they also recognized that falsehoods, treachery, and even acts of violence could be political necessities. During the concluding years of the Great Galactic War, coinciding with the Sith invasion of Alderaan, the last undisputed ruler of Alderaan, a proud Panteer queen, fell victim to assassination. Her son, Gaul Panteer, the heir apparent and Senator representing the planet, was also killed.

The resulting political turmoil caused the remaining noble families to descend into civil war. When Bouris Ulgo, the patriarch of a rival house, proclaimed himself king of Alderaan, House Panteer challenged his authority, but was forced into hiding within the mountains. Various factions within House Panteer sought assistance from both the Republic and the Empire for defense and vengeance. Realizing their inability to reclaim the throne independently, House Panteer pledged their support to the candidate favored by whichever faction succeeded in defeating Ulgo.

