The Ravager, a Sith artifact forged by the Emperor of the re-emergent Sith Empire, functioned by extracting data from the minds of those it targeted, leading to madness and a gradual demise. Shortly after its inception, the Emperor secured it within the Dark Temple located on Dromund Kaas.
During the Cold War in 3643 BBY, Darth Baras dispatched his apprentice to the Dark Temple with the mission of acquiring the Ravager. Baras planned to utilize the device to overcome the resistance of Grik Sonosan, an imprisoned SIS operative, who was withstanding severe interrogation techniques. The apprentice gathered all the components of the Ravager and delivered them to Baras. Subsequently, Baras positioned the artifact on Sonosan's forehead, triggering its activation. This action successfully shattered the agent's resolve, compelling him to expose the danger to Baras' network of informants. However, before Baras could extract all the information he sought, the Ravager destroyed Sonosan's mind, resulting in his death.