Gault Rennow, previously known as Tyresius Lokai and operating under the alias Gellar Roing, was a male Devaronian who engaged in smuggling and con artistry. During the era of the Great Galactic War, he became romantically involved with Hylo Visz and subsequently became a member of her smuggling contingent. Together, they devised and implemented a scheme to gain profits by circumventing the Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way; however, Lokai later betrayed his lover, stealing her share of the profits, which forced Hylo to disappear in order to avoid her debts. Lokai enjoyed a prosperous career and a luxurious lifestyle for many years, gaining notoriety within the galactic underworld. However, his accumulating debts eventually led to numerous bounties being placed on his head, making him a target in the Great Hunt. Although he successfully bribed one bounty hunter pursuing him, another proved more persistent, chasing Lokai across Tatooine. Realizing that he was unwilling to continue living in constant fear, Lokai requested that the Hunter stage his death using a clone body devoid of life, and then joined the Hunter's crew, believing that he would be safest from other bounty hunters while in the company of one.
Adopting the new identity of Gault Rennow, the Devaronian traveled alongside the Hunter, who eventually became the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, for several years. During this time, he developed remorse for his betrayal of Hylo and decided to seek her out. Utilizing his connections from the Blockade days, he located Hylo in Belsavis prison, where she had spent nearly three decades in stasis, preventing her from aging. Still harboring resentment towards him, Hylo initially rejected Gault's advances, but gradually allowed him back into her life. After the Grand Champion disappeared during the Eternal Empire conquest, the crew searched for the Hunter for as long as they could before eventually disbanding. Gault collaborated with various partners, ultimately joining forces with the Twi'lek escape artist Vette. During the war against Zakuul, the two conceived a plan to rob the Zakuulan treasury ship Gilded Star, which prompted Gault to seek Hylo's assistance once more. Hylo introduced him to the Alliance that opposed the Eternal Empire, and Gault recruited some of its leaders to participate in the heist. Gault assembled his team on Vandin, where his former associate Dretcher provided a disguise for Senya Tirall to gain access to the ship's bridge, along with SCORPIO. From that location, the droid facilitated access to the ship's vault for Gault and the Alliance Commander, while Vette deactivated the vault's security systems. Gault placed a missile warhead inside the vault, which, upon detonation, vaporized its entire contents of precious metals, which was then pumped into a tanker piloted by Lana Beniko. Gault, Vette, and the Alliance Commander escaped the ship with Hylo's help, and after everyone received their share of the loot, they decided to remain and join the Alliance's cause. Gault later took part in the defense of the Alliance base during the Battle of Odessen and the Assault on Odessen.

Tyresius Lokai was rumored to have been born on Coruscant, eventually becoming a successful con artist and smuggler by the time of the Great Galactic War. He became a member of Hylo Visz's smuggling contingent and developed a close relationship with Hylo, engaging in a passionate, albeit inconsistent, love affair. They ultimately ended their romantic relationship, however, they remained friends and business partners in their professions as smugglers.

Tyresius Lokai enjoyed a life of comfort for many years, successfully executing numerous cons over a span of more than three decades. His knack for separating the wealthy and powerful from their credits and cargo established him as one of the galaxy's most notorious grifters. At one point, he retired and spent a year at the resorts of Makeb, spending a hundred million credits that belonged to the Crown Prince of Alderaan, until the Prince noticed that his funds were missing. Lokai amassed a considerable fortune, but this came with significant debts to numerous enemies, including the Corellian Exchange and over thirty different Hutts, including Drooga and Karagga. The bounties placed on his head led to paranoia, causing Lokai to constantly be on the lookout for bounty hunters. Unable to enjoy his lifestyle and unwilling to give it up, Lokai began searching for a way out. He contacted Anomid identity slicer Dretcher, who provided a genetically identical copy of Lokai to help him fake his own death. The Devaronian later claimed that Dretcher attempted to blackmail him and defrauded several prominent residents of Nar Shaddaa using Dretcher's identity, resulting in a bounty being placed on the Anomid's head. Dretcher managed to hide in a Cortosis-layered shipping container with life support for years, but every time he attempted to leave under a new identity, Lokai would compromise it.
By 3643 BBY, Lokai had bounties on his head from criminal syndicates, clan families, and Imperial and Republic security forces, their combined value making him a target in the Mandalorian Great Hunt. His bounty was assigned to Rodian bounty hunter Veeboo Lunx and his rival, the protegee of Crysta Markon. Another Great Hunt participant named Tarro Blood informed Lokai about the hunters, hoping to undermine his competitors, and Lokai attempted to flee. However, Lokai's starship was shot down by Veeboo Lunx over Tatooine, forcing him to make an emergency landing in the Dune Sea, where Lunx caught up with him. Fortunately for him, Lokai had enough credits on his person to bribe the Rodian into abandoning the Hunt and eliminating the other Hunter. The hyperdrive regulator on his ship was damaged, requiring Lokai to find another way off-world. He hired a Human named Dindo as a bodyguard and attempted to leave through Mos Ila Spaceport under alias "Gellar Roing". There, he managed to leave an impression of a stellar businessman to a group of Arconas represented by Groona Biddle, who came to Tatooine to learn the secret of effective moisture farming. However, as a Devaronian, he remained highly recognizable, and the second Hunter managed to corner and confront him in Docking Bay 64 before Lokai could leave the planet.

Lokai left his guards behind to stall the bounty hunter and escaped to the Lady of Pain's compound, where he asked the Rattataki for a new regulator. The Lady of Pain however was not interested in the goods he had - only in new experiences - and refused to make a deal with him. Lokai spent long enough negotiating with her that the bounty hunter managed to track him down, exposing him to the Lady as an infamous con artist with many marks on his head. The Lady ordered her guards to take Lokai away and to cut off his tongue, but in their search for weapons on his body the guards missed the stun grenade hidden inside one of his horns. As soon as he was away from Lady and the bounty hunter, Lokai used his stun grenade to incapacitate the guards. He then stole the hyperdrive regulator that he required as well as a Swoop Bike that he used to escape the compound. Now having the means to repair his ship, Lokai returned to its landing site, but was followed by the bounty hunter. When Lokai's bodyguard droid NK-33 failed to stop his pursuer, the Devaronian played the last card he had up his sleeve. He revealed the existence of the body double aboard his ship and offered the bounty hunter to take it as a proof of his death, while also asking to join his pursuer's crew, reasoning that while otherwise bounty hunters would never stop coming after him, nobody would expect him to be in the companion of one. The Hunter agreed and Lokai shed his old identity, taking up the name Gault Rennow and joining the bounty hunter aboard his D5-Mantis Patrol Craft.

Gault, as the man quickly took to call himself, fit in well with the bounty hunter crew alongside the slicer Mako. He offered the Hunter to make an extra profit for "killing" him by offering to collect other standing bounties on his head beyond the Great Hunt one. The interest for the body of "Tyresius" was so high, Gault eventually decided to auction it by proxy. An impressive gathering of underworld figures showed up, including three pirate crews, a dozen free traders, two Exchange bosses and half a dozen Hutts. The transaction went smoothly and Gault collected the maximum payoff for his own death, dealing the Hunter the promised cut. He also picked up the contact with the Groona Biddle, planning to use Arcona's addiction to salt to get them hooked onto his product. As "Gellar Roing" he set up a front company Roing Industries to sell them salt-laced tablets that he claimed helped to maximize water retention in organic life-forms. Gault then contacted Groona and promised to send him first shipment free of charge, confident his clients will be hooked in no time.
The Hunter soon took down the last Great Hunt targets on Alderaan and the Aurora, becoming the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt and earning an audience with Mandalore the Vindicated, who offered the Hunter access to exclusive set of Blacklist bounties. The Hunter claimed two of those bounties on Taris, where the crew was joined by Mandalorian warrior Torian Cadera, and Hoth, where they picked up Jawa scavenger Blizz. However, a celebration of the Hunter's achievements with other Great Hunt champions turned into a bloodbath, as Republic Jedi Master Jun Seros put Hunter the top of the Republic's Most Wanted list, while his men ambushed and killed the other former Champions. With the entire galaxy gunning for them, Gault suggested working for the Hutts, an idea that Torian was firmly opposed to. Before they could come to blows, the Hunter and the crew received a summons from the Sith Lord Darth Tormen, who offered the Champion to work for him, promising revenge against Jun Seros and Republic Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus for targeting them in return. The Hunter performed several tasks for Tormen, which eventually resulted in their status as the Most Wanted being dropped, as Janarus was replaced as Supreme Chancellor by Leontyne Saresh.

The time spent with his new partner motivated Rennow to make amends for his past misdeeds—specifically, for having robbed and abandoned Hylo Visz. Around 3641 BBY, the Devaronian tracked down Quan, another smuggler who had participated in the blockade run, and convinced him to reveal where Hylo had disappeared to, before shooting him to preserve his new identity. Quan revealed that Hylo Visz convinced another free trader Zale Barrows to hide her on Belsavis in the Republic's top secret Belsavis prison, which existence was only recently uncovered. Gault discovered Visz's prison tomb on Belsavis and released her from the stasis in which she spend the past three decacdes. The Mirialan, who had not been conscious and had not aged since her internment, was initially confused but quickly became furious upon realizing that it was her old boyfriend who had freed her. She was prepared to kill her former partner, but ultimately decided not to attack. The two parted coldly, with Visz leaving Belsavis to return to the galaxy at large. Her anger at Gault eventually subsided, and Hylo contacted him to establish a new relationship. She agreed to take him back, provided he could prove to her that she meant more to him than he meant to himself. The Devaronian eagerly accepted the offer, fully turning a new leaf in his life while Visz began a new chapter in her own.

During the Eternal Empire conquest in 3636 BBY, the Grand Champion went missing. The crew attempted to find the Hunter, even infiltrating the Spire on Zakuul, but unable to locate their target they eventually became broke and went separate ways. Gault had another falling out with Hylo and eventually teamed up with the Twi'lek Vette. During the war against Zakuul in 3630 BBY they came up with a plan to rob the Gilded Star, a treasury ship used by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul to keep the valuables that was hiding deep in the atmosphere of Gas giant Vandin. The ship's vault was so strong, it could survive the rest of the ship being reduced to atoms, which have Gault and Vette an idea on how to empty it of valuables. Setting his plan in motion, Gault placed on order for a functional missile with the Brekken Gang, asking the Nikto to deliver it to Vandin, while also sending to Vette sneak in and retrieve the missile's warhead. Gault also arranged for his old acquaintance Dretcher's hiding place to be shipped to Vandin unannounced.

The warhead was intended to vaporize the vault's content of precious metal for easy transportation while Dretcher's job was to provide disguises, but Gault's scheme also required specific personnel to pull off the operation. For this part, he contacted Hylo, who by now was working with the Alliance that opposed Zakuul and reluctantly invited him to the Alliance base on Odessen. On arrival, Gault played a hand of Holo-Sabacc with Alliance members Theron Shan, Koth Vortena and Lana Beniko, the Force-sensitive Sith and a former Sith Intelligence Minister. During the game, Lana subtly tried to use the Force to read Gault's mind, but he projected dirty thoughts that concealed his hand and allowed him to win, prompting Beniko to accuse him of cheating. Hylo then introduced Gault to the Alliance Commander, whom she previously made aware of the Alliance's strained funds. Gault laid out his proposition, to which the Alliance Commander agreed and team of Alliance personnel which included Beniko, Shan, Senya Tirall and SCORPIO departed with them to Vandin.

Arriving on the gas giant's Tibanna mining platform, Gault took the Alliance Commander to look for Dretcher's hiding container. Immediately recognizing Gault as Tyresius Lokai, Dretcher activated his battle droids and tried to rid of the Devaronian once and for all. However, Gault and the Commander easily destroyed the droids and though Dretcher's container boasted reinforced armor, Gault threatened to kill him by shaking him to death with a sonic amplifier. Dretecher had no choice but to let the Devaronian inside and agree to do his job in exchange for finally getting Tyresius off his back. Gault and the Commander then went to the meeting with the Brekken Gang and its Captain Kenrik Fost. Asking to inspect his missile, Gault announced his refusal to pay for it and, after the Niktos raised their arms, activated the warhead. The Nikto ran away trying to flee the blast radius, but Gault was unable to stop the countdown and it reached zero, only to reveal Vette inside the missile, who had already removed the warhead beforehand. Gault then assembled the entire team at their hideout and layed out his entire plan, assigning everybody's roles. Dretcher's part included forging the identity of High Justice Vaylin for her mother Senya Tirall, who provided a genetic match and required character knowledge and would take SCORPIO aboard as her "attache droid". They would access the bridge and lower security, allowing Vette, Gault and the Commander to get onboard and place the warhead inside the vault, while Shan and Beniko would pilot a tanker to siphon off the vaporized previous metals.

When the Gilded Star came up for its annual resupply, the team moved in positions. Dretcher's holographic disguise worked, allowing Senya to get aboard under identity of her daughter. From the bridge, SCORPIO opened the way to the vault for Gault and the Alliance Commander, while Vette used her sneaking skills to disable the vault's security mechanisms. Inside the vault, Gault planted the missile warhead, which upon detonation vaporized its entire content of precious metals, while leaving everything outside the vault safe and intact. The vault's entire content of precious metals was then pumped into the tanker piloted by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, while SCORPIO and Senya soon joined them. Gault, Vette and the Alliance Commander encountered some difficulties when the only escape route left to them was to take the Skyhook down the way they came, but their path was blocked by real Vaylin, who arrived with an inspection. Determined to avoid confronting her, Gault suggested going outside on the ship's hull, where he received a call from Hylo Visz. His old partner was checking up on their progress and though Gault's companions had no context for the conversation, Hylo realized where Gault and the others were based on the noise and the wind. She piloted a small shuttle so that they could jump off from the Gilded Star directly and picked the three of them, while the rest of their team left aboard Beniko's tanker. Gault congratulated Hylo on the perfect timing and she gave him a kiss in return, the two becoming a couple once again.

Back on Odessen, Gault planned to divide everyone's share himself, but Hylo was having none of it given their previous experiences and payed him, Vette and Dretcher herself, while the major part of the profits went to fund the Alliance's operations. Having a small celebration alongside their new partners, Vette announced her intention to stay and join the Alliance's cause, while Gault did the same, giving him an opportunity to spend more time with Hylo. They both later participated alongside Gault's old associate Torian Cadera in the Battle of Odessen in which the Alliance managed to dethrone Emperor Arcann, only for his sister Vaylin to claim the Eternal Throne instead.
Later, following the Invasion of Voss in 3630 BBY rumors spread that the Commander was killed on Dromund Kaas and former Republic Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh arrived in an attempt to take over the Alliance. Gault's face showed surprise when the Commander appeared alive and well to confront Saresh, though he later claimed he was never fooled by her for a moment; he also asked the Commander to deny knowing him if anyone contacted the Commander regarding an life insurance policy paid in their name. When Vaylin launched an Assault on Odessen, Gault joined in the defense of the Alliance base, making a stand against Zakuulan forces alongside Bowdaar. During the battle the Commander was able to land a killing blow on Vaylin, but with the Eternal Throne empty the GEMINI captains have gone rogue, bombarding the capital worlds of Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Zakuul into rubble. To claim the Eternal Throne and stop the carnage, the Alliance forces departed for Zakuul, Gault and Hylo among them. There, the Commander claimed the Eternal Throne and proclaimed the age of the Eternal Alliance, which Hylo and Gault continued to be a part of.

Tyresius Lokai, a charming criminal, amassed his wealth by preying on the naivete of unsuspecting individuals. The Devaronian often attributed his success to sheer luck, boasting that he invariably managed to extricate himself from even the most precarious situations unscathed. In his early days, he was willing to betray anyone, even his lover, for financial gain. However, with time, he grew to regret his past actions and learned from his mistakes. An example of this new wisdom was his decision to never attempt to deceive the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, recognizing that the Hunter possessed a tenacity and skill that would make him an impossible target. As the number of bounties placed on his head increased, Lokai implemented increasingly elaborate security measures to protect himself, including hiring both droid and organic bodyguards, concealing a stun grenade within his prosthetic horn, and ultimately creating a complete duplicate of himself. According to Dindo, his former bodyguard, Lokai's negotiating skills surpassed even the persuasive power of the Jedi mind trick, and the Devaronian could even shield his thoughts from Force-sensitives by conjuring intensely unpleasant mental images.

Gault shared a tumultuous, on-again, off-again relationship with Hylo Visz that spanned decades, a consequence of both his extended lifespan and Hylo's periods of stasis on Belsavis. Their relationship was characterized by frequent breakups and reconciliations, with occasional collaborations even during their periods of separation. Gault inflicted significant harm on Hylo's life following the Hydian Way blockade, depriving the Mirialan of her earned rewards and leaving her without the funds to settle her debts with the Hutts, forcing her into hiding on Belsavis for many years. He eventually felt remorse for his actions and sought her out to secure her release, after which their relationship continued its unpredictable course. A prime example of their complicated dynamic was during her time with the Eternal Alliance, where Hylo's feelings towards the Devaronian evolved from a willingness to shoot him, to barely tolerating him, and finally to embracing him with a kiss after spending more time together.
Gault Rennow is a character featured in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare, where he serves as a companion for the Bounty Hunter class and is voiced by Daran Norris. Upon completing "Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder" of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, he becomes available as a companion for all character classes.
During his companion storyline, players have the option to allow Gault to deceive Groona Biddle and manipulate him into drug addiction, earning Dark Side points, or to advise Groona against dealing with Gault, earning Light Side points and Gault's disapproval. In Fallen Empire "Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder", Gault proposes investing the surplus funds into a speculative venture, allowing the player to either agree for Dark Side points or allocate the money to the Alliance or distribute it among those who suffered under Zakuul for Light Side points. During Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen, the player must assign roles to Torian Cadera, Gault, and Vette, tasking one with remaining on Odessen, another with sabotaging the weapons on the Eternal Flagship, and the third with sabotaging the Eternal Flagship's shields. Regardless of the choices made, the ship is successfully disabled and the ground forces are prevented from landing on Odessen, with the only variation being in the dialogue.