Koth Vortena

Koth Vortena, hailing from Zakuul, the world serving as the capital of the Eternal Empire, was a male Human. He enlisted in the armed forces, eventually achieving the rank of captain. This occurred around the time that Immortal Emperor Valkorion met his assassination and his successor, Arcann, ascended to the Eternal Throne, initiating an invasion targeting the wider galaxy. During the Occupation of Denon, Vortena and his crew received orders to open fire on crowds of civilians engaged in riots. He refused this command, resulting in his imprisonment and removal from his position. His second-in-command, Len Parvek, aided in his escape and joined him in resisting the new Emperor's authority. Subsequently, they spent several months evading capture by Senya Tirall of the Knights of Zakuul, who pursued them for their desertion. Later, Vortena encountered and became friends with Lana Beniko, the former Sith Intelligence Minister, and they dedicated considerable time to opposing the Eternal Empire together on planets such as Arron Prime and Altair 3.

After Arcann had been in power for five years, Beniko successfully persuaded Vortena to liberate the Outlander, the individual responsible for Valkorion's demise, from their imprisonment in carbonite. Vortena, along with Beniko's bodyguard droid HK-55, took on the task of piloting their escape shuttle. However, the shuttle was shot down, requiring Vortena to think fast and commandeer a replacement. While trying to evade High Justice Vaylin in the Endless Swamp, the group discovered the Gravestone, a renowned warship capable of rivaling the power of the Eternal Fleet, which Vortena quickly developed an affinity for. They repaired the ship and used it to escape Zakuul, accompanied by Senya Tirall, whom Beniko had recruited to assist them. The Gravestone was equipped with an omnicannon capable of destroying multiple Eternal Fleet warships with a single blast. However, the ship had sustained damage, and Vortena took it to Asylum shadowport for repairs, where his crew assisted him in the work. Vortena briefly went back to Zakuul to aid the Outlander and Senya Tirall in their search for the Lady of Sorrows, who was revealed to be an advanced artificial intelligence named SCORPIO, bringing her back with them to Asylum. The shadowport fell under attack by Arcann's forces, who secured the docking clamps, trapping the Gravestone. Vortena battled through Zakuulan forces to free the ship, and then everyone used it to jump into hyperspace, traveling to Odessen where Lana Beniko established an Alliance to stand against the Eternal Empire.

Vortena piloted the Gravestone during a failed operation to seize control of the GEMINI droids that controlled the Eternal Fleet. He later commanded it in a confrontation against the Fleet after SCORPIO betrayed the Alliance and exposed the location of the Alliance base to Arcann. During the Battle of Odessen, Arcann was overthrown, only to be replaced by his sister, Vaylin, who launched a renewed assault against the Alliance. Shortly after the Invasion of Voss, Vaylin and SCORPIO, through deception, boarded the Gravestone along with a contingent of Zakuulan Knights and Horizon Guards. Vortena managed to evade capture and summoned Alliance forces for assistance, aided by the Alliance Commander in disabling the quantum bomb he had installed as a last resort. Vortena, along with the rest of the Alliance leadership, was then trapped on Iokath by ARIES. After escaping, he worked on enhancing the Gravestone with new upgrades acquired on Iokath after everyone escaped that worlds and safely returned to Odessen. He continued working on the enhancements until Vaylin initiated another assault on Odessen, forcing everyone to hastily prepare the ship for flight to provide the Alliance with a fighting chance. During the battle, the Alliance Commander defeated Vaylin, after which Vortena transported the Alliance leadership to Zakuul aboard the Gravestone. There, he used the Iokath upgrades to break through the blockade imposed by the Eternal Fleet, enabling the Commander to claim the Eternal Throne and usher in the era of the Eternal Alliance.


Early life and military service

Koth Vortena

Born on Zakuul, a Wild Space planet that served as the capital of the Eternal Empire under the rule of Immortal Emperor Valkorion, Koth Vortena entered the Eternal Empire military. He rose to the rank of captain in the years leading up to the Eternal Empire raids, commanding one of the few manned starships not entirely operated by droids. Following the assassination of Valkorion in 3636 BBY, his son Arcann assumed the Eternal Throne and launched an invasion of the Core Worlds, targeting both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

Koth Vortena and Lana Beniko

During the Occupation of Denon, Vortena and his starship crew were dispatched to the surface of Denon to quell the local population's rioting. When ordered to fire upon the crowds, Vortena refused, leading to his imprisonment and removal from his command. However, many of his crew members sympathized with his decision, and Vortena's subordinate, Len Parvek, facilitated his escape, smuggling Vortena to the safety of the Asylum shadowport. Vortena and his crew of deserters joined other exiles from Zakuul in opposing Emperor Arcann's tyranny, welcoming other misfits such as former Republic Corporal Ralo and the snobbish engineer Tora. They also spent months evading the Knights of Zakuul, particularly one named Senya Tirall. Vortena also met and befriended former Sith Intelligence Minister Lana Beniko, and the two spent a lot of time opposing the Eternal Empire together, growing to trust each other during their excursions on planets such as Arron Prime and Altair 3.

Rescuing the Outlander

Koth Vortena during the rescue mission

Five years after the Assassination of Valkorion, Beniko discovered that their ally, the Commander who was blamed for killing the Immortal Emperor, was frozen in carbonite and held by Arcann in a secure vault containing his most prized possessions. Beniko organized a rescue mission and infiltrated the Spire with her astromech droid T7-O1, while Vortena and their bodyguard droid HK-55 waited in the shuttle serving as their escape vehicle. Unfortunately, their presence was detected, forcing Vortena to abandon the original pickup point and evade pursuing vehicles while Beniko and the Outlander were being chased by the High Justice Vaylin.

Koth and HK-55 after picking up Lana and the Outlander

Attempting to block their escape, Vaylin destabilized a Sun Generator, threatening an explosion that would endanger innocent lives. Vortena insisted that the Outlander divert to disable it before detonation, despite Beniko's objections. Eventually, his shuttle was shot down, resulting in a crash-landing on a nearby shuttle pad. Vortena and HK-55 defended their position against Arcann's forces. After clearing their position, Vortena stole a nearby Zakuulan shuttle and rushed to pick up Beniko and the Outlander. The two were cornered by Vaylin when Vortena arrived and opened fire upon the High Justice, mowing down her skytrooper escort. Vaylin used telekinesis to shield herself with debris before throwing it at Vortena's shuttle, causing significant damage. Vortena managed to keep the shuttle airborne long enough for the Outlander and Beniko to board, after which they fled the capitol.

Koth works on repairing the Gravestone.

The internal fires on the shuttle forced Vortena to land, crashing in the Endless Swamp. Beniko and Vortena stayed behind to conceal evidence of their crash-landing, while the Outlander and HK-55 went ahead to investigate a large technological object detected by the droid's sensors. When Beniko and Vortena caught up with their companions, HK-55 informed them that the object was not native to Zakuul, and Vortena quickly identified it as the Gravestone, the legendary starship that had single-handedly challenged the Eternal Fleet. Vortena believed the recent events were a sign that they would defeat Arcann, though Beniko disagreed. Leaving Beniko on the ship, Vortena and the Outlander ventured back into the swamp to retrieve parts ditched from their shuttle that were now essential to getting the ancient vessel airborne again. Vortena used this opportunity to update his new ally on his past in the Zakuulan military, thanking the Outlander for preventing the sun generator from causing destruction in the Spire.

Koth Vortena takes the Gravestone into the air.

The two of them then returned to the Gravestone and got working alongside Beniko to repair it, eventually restoring major systems to working conditions. Their position was soon discovered and the ship came under attack by Skytroopers and Zakuulan Knights. Vortena and HK-55 stayed on the bridge to get the ship ready to fly while Beniko and the Outlander held off the attacking forces. As soon as he was ready, Vortena rushed outside to assist them, where he was shocked to discover that Beniko had recruited his old adversary Senya Tirall to aid them. Vortena initially refused to let her onboard, but with more reinforcements on their way there was no time to argue and the Force-users helped raise the ancient starship from the swamp.

Koth Vortena in the pilot seat

As everyone got onboard and the ship left the atmosphere, the Eternal Fleet appeared to intercept them, and Vortena ordered everyone to their battle stations. The Outlander fired the Gravestone's omnicannon, destroying more than two dozen Eternal Fleet warships in a single shot, giving Vortena the confidence that they could win their fight. The Gravestone escaped into hyperspace, but sustained enough damage to require additional repairs, with both the Hyperdrive and the Omnicannon taken out. Hostilities soon erupted on the bridge as Koth and Senya's past history prevented them from working towards a common goal, and as everyone left to cool off the tensions, Vortena set out to repair the Gravestone by himself, while setting the course to Asylum shadowport for repairs.

Asylum and excursion into Breaktown

Koth Vortena during the uncertain approach to Asylum

The Gravestone managed to limp and to the shadowport and dock as the Asylum, where Vortena's crew joined him to work on the ship, while Beniko and Tirall went to contact their allies separately. In their absence, Vortena asked the Outlander and HK-55 to search for Tora, who did not return from a supply run to the Free Zone, while he and the others were busy keeping the Gravestone reactor stable. Tora returned safely and joined the rest in working on the ship when Beniko returned with HK-55, having found the droid wandering the streets with his most recent memories missing. Vortena informed her that the droid was accompanying the Outlander to a rendezvous with Tirall's allies and assumed that the turncoat Knight had betrayed them.

Koth Vortena introduces the Outlander to his crew on Asylum.

However, Beniko suspected that the mystery contacts were the most present danger and asked HK-55 for his last location before the memory gap. Beniko, Vortena and his crew rallied to that spot, locating a concealed entrance to a hideout of the Scions of Zakuul, where they found the Outlander and Tirall in a standoff with the Scion leader Heskal. Beniko demanded for Heskal and his Scions to stand down, which they did as Heskal revealed to everyone that Valkorion still lived within the Outlander's mind. Vortena believed that Valkorion's survival meant hope for Zakuul and was excited, while Beniko replied that the Immortal Emperor was a threat to all life in the galaxy and vowed to find a way to extract him from the Outlander's mind. At this revelation, Senya Tirall also confessed that she was Arcann and Vaylin's mother, of which everyone present was previously unaware.

Koth Vortena oversees the repairing of the Gravestone.

Returning to the Gravestone, Koth again expressed hostility at Senya for withholding information and refused to believe that she would fight against her own children. He insisted that Valkorion was never interested in war and that restoring him to the Eternal Throne should be the group's primary goal, to which Beniko again countered that Valkorion was a world devourer. The argument was interrupted by HK-55, who relayed a message from T7-O1 on Zakuul, informing them that the information broker known as "Lady of Sorrows" wished to have a dialogue with the Gravestone s computers. Senya Tirall volunteered to accompany the Outlander back to the Old World of Zakuul in a shuttle, which Vortena again saw as a sign of destiny calling. Before the two left, they discovered a wingmaw infestation inside the ship, which HK-55 volunteed to clean up, and Vortena warned him not to open fire inside the vessel.

Koth Vortena approaches the Outlander and Senya in Breaktown.

When T7-O1 reported that the two of them were heading inside Breaktown, Vortena deduced that they were going to confront the Heralds of Zildrog and decided to follow them to Zakuul. Catching up with Tirall and the Outlander, Vortena insisted that the leader of Heralds of Zildrog, the Exalted, detested Knights and wouldn't talk to Senya Tirall, arguing that he should accompany the Outlander instead. The two began arguing, with Tirall insisting that she could simply strongarm the Exalted into compliance, and Vortena claiming that as an average Zakuulan, he could reason with them better. The Outlander made their decision and took one of them to meet with the Exalted, while the other was ambushed and brought to the Lady directly.

Koth Vortena instantly shows a distrust of SCORPIO.

The Exalted refused to cooperate and was about to order his Heralds to open fire on the Outlander, but was interrupted by a holocall from Lady's Nautolan aide Thea, who told them that the Lady wished to meet both the Exalted and the Outlander at the Razor. The parties converged on the base of operations of the Lady of Sorrows, who was revealed to be an advanced Artificial intelligence calling herself SCORPIO. She killed the Exalted and his Heralds and agreed to accompany the Outlander, departing Zakuul alongside Vortena and Tirall. When she mentioned that Arcann had taken something from her, Vortena asked to elaborate, but a glare from the droid indicated it was personal and private.

Battle of Asylum

Koth holds off a cadre of Zakuul Knights on Asylum.

Upon their return to the Gravestone, Vortena was hesitant to grant SCORPIO full access to the ship's mainframe. At the same time, Heskal called the Outlander for another meeting at the Scions hideout, where it was revealed that he gave up their location to Arcann, acting in accordance with a prophecy. The Eternal Fleet emerged from hyperspace and opened fire on the shadowport, while the Gravestone remained grounded by Asylum docking clamps. Vortena went to the Control Spar to free the Gravestone, sending HK-55 ahead of him to clear the route. The Outlander soon joined him and Beniko volunteered to hold a choke point to cover their back. Vortena took control of a shuttle to get himself and the Outlander to the high ground, asking them about Valkorion along the way. After rejoining with HK-55 and killing Captain Lazna Delothrea, Vortena and the droid stayed behind to hold off a full battalion of Zakuul Knights using Vortena's unorthodox military training to their advantage.

Koth Vortena after the narrow escape from Asylum

Meanwhile, the Outlander reached the Control Spar and released the docking clamps, but was confronted by Arcann, who destroyed HK-55 seemingly beyond repair. Despite suffering a great physical toll, the Outlander managed to survive and escape the confrontation with Arcann alive, returning to Gravestone by shuttle just as the vessel was taking off. Vortena took control of the vessel and set it towards the blockade, where despite the omnicannon being offline, he still managed to destroy one Eternal Fleet warship with the Gravestone turbolasers. They narrowly evaded the Eternal Fleet's fire by jumping into hyperspace, just as the Outlander collapsed from sustained injuries. Vortena was at his new ally's side when they woke up and expressed his thanks to Senya for defending his crew from Vaylin during the battle.

Birth of the Alliance

Koth Vortena arrives on Odessen.

The Battle of Asylum served as a rallying cry for those who wished to oppose Arcann, and Beniko called her multiple contacts to gather on the remove planet Odessen, where she laid the foundations of an Alliance against the Eternal Empire. The Gravestone arrived to Odessen, where Senya noted that it was unwise to leave SCORPIO with access to the ship's systems, but Vortena assured her that he had the ship controls locked down. Elements from the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire threw their support behind the new Alliance, establishing a base on Odessen. Vortena relaxed in a new Alliance cantina along with Beniko and her trusted assistant Theron Shan, where he continued to cling to his distrust against Senya Tirall.

Koth Vortena and Senya Tirall

To prevent SCOPRIO from taking control of the Gravestone, Vortena secretly installed a quantum bomb onboard, to destroy the ship and everything within thousands of kilometers around it, should anyone ever access the bridge controls without entering his hidden passcode. The new Alliance made several bold strikes against the Eternal Empire, which attracted new members and volunteers. On Theron Shan's suggestion the Alliance Commander returned to Zakuul to recruit Kaliyo Djannis, an experienced anarchist known as "Firebrand", although Vortena was extremely against the idea of bringing in a known terrorist and later thanked the Commander for ensuring that no civilians were killed by Djannis during her most recent act. The Commander also assisted Republic Special Forces Division Havoc Squad under Major Aric Jorgan in wire-tapping a Zakuulan listening post in the Eternal Swamp.

Koth Vortena proclaims his support of the Alliance.

SCORPIO, utilizing information gleaned from fresh sources, was able to expose the GEMINI frequency—the method by which Arcann exerted control over the Eternal Fleet. The Alliance devised a plan to assault the Hyperwave relay station, a concealed facility located ten kilometers beneath the Spire on Zakuul, which served as the link between the Eternal Throne and the Eternal Fleet. Havoc Squad, accompanied by Kaliyo Djannis, was dispatched on this mission, with one member acting as a decoy to facilitate the other's primary objective. Regrettably, the Commander's absence due to unforeseen circumstances forced the Alliance to proceed without them. Contact with the infiltration team was subsequently lost, prompting the diversion team to initiate a rescue operation. During this period, Vortena and Tirall discovered a shared desire to remove Kaliyo Djannis from Zakuul by any means necessary. The Spire then entered a state of complete lockdown, severing all incoming and outgoing transmissions, rendering any rescue attempts virtually impossible and leaving the Alliance leadership with no alternative but to await further developments.

Koth Vortena in the Alliance war roon

In the relaxed atmosphere of the Alliance cantina, Vortena engaged in a game of Holo-Sabacc with Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, and Gault Rennow. Aric Jorgan and Kaliyo Djannis eventually managed their escape from Zakuul, returning to Odessen with a database containing information on the GEMINI droids. An analysis of this data enabled SCORPIO to determine that the GEMINI droids originated from a template known as GEMINI Prime, which was produced in a weapons factory situated on Darvannis. Following the Commander's successful acquisition of the Prime, aided by Mandalorians, SCORPIO concluded that integrating the Prime into any warship within the Eternal Fleet would grant her control over the entire network, including the Eternal Fleet itself. After SCORPIO pinpointed a solitary warship scheduled for hyperdrive recharge, the Alliance leadership mobilized to intercept it.

Arcann's downfall

Koth Vortena informs the Commander about the transmission.

Vortena piloted the Gravestone to the location of the Eternal Fleet warship, remaining onboard to disrupt its communications and safeguard the GEMINI Prime. SCORPIO manipulated the vessel's targeting systems, allowing Theron Shan to board a shuttle with a strike team comprised of Beniko, Tirall, SCORPIO, and the Alliance Commander, gaining entry into its hangar. Inside, the GEMINI captain separated the Alliance members, and during a confrontation with the captain, SCORPIO appeared to be destroyed. Simultaneously, the Gravestone received a transmission from the Eternal Fleet ship, permanently disabling the GEMINI Prime and briefly disrupting the Gravestone's power supply. This lapse in jamming allowed the GEMINI captain to transmit an alert signal to Zakuul.

Koth Vortena and Tora during the battle of Odessen

The Alliance rescued several prisoners from Zakuul, ejecting them in two escape pods, which Koth intercepted just as the GEMINI captain initiated the vessel's self-destruction sequence. The Alliance narrowly returned to the Gravestone on their shuttle as the Eternal Fleet arrived and unleashed its firepower, just as Vortena engaged the vessel's hyperdrive. SCORPIO then contacted the Alliance, revealing that she had feigned her demise, utilizing the GEMINI network to transport herself to Zakuul, where she seized control of the Eternal Throne. Upon returning to Odessen, the Alliance discovered that a portion of the Eternal Fleet remained under Arcann's command and that SCORPIO had disclosed the location of the Odessen base to him. Vortena piloted the Gravestone against the Eternal Fleet, expressing his gratitude to the Commander for their actions before a boarding team was dispatched to disable Arcann's Eternal Flagship.

Koth Vortena addresses the Commander after the battle.

During the subsequent battle of Odessen, the omnicannon malfunctioned, prompting Vortena to dispatch Tora to assist Theron Shan in repairing it. SCORPIO attempted to remotely seize control of the Gravestone, but Vortena thwarted her efforts by locking the droid out of the ship's systems. He later utilized a turret to target the Eternal Flagship, aiding Beniko and the Commander in their confrontation with skytrooper KJ-931. The Commander ultimately defeated Arcann, but Senya Tirall escorted her son onto his shuttle, declaring her intention to redeem him. Vortena implored the Commander to destroy their shuttle, but Tirall and Arcann successfully escaped. Subsequently, Theron Shan fired the omnicannon at the Eternal Flagship, triggering a massive explosion that obliterated the remaining portion of the Eternal Fleet and secured victory for the Alliance.

The fight against Vaylin

Koth Vortena during the battle of Voss

With Arcann defeated, his sister Vaylin formed an alliance with SCORPIO and proclaimed herself the new Eternal Empress, embarking on a destructive campaign across the galaxy in pursuit of her family. Her search led her to Voss, where she launched a comprehensive all-out attack to lure her family out of hiding. The Alliance fleet intercepted and engaged the Eternal Fleet, while Vortena joined the battle aboard the Gravestone, carving a path through the Eternal Fleet as the Alliance raced against Vaylin's forces to reach Arcann at the Shrine of Healing. Senya Tirall instructed the Voss Mystics to utilize her strength to heal her son through a Voss healing ritual, rendering him comatose and enabling Arcann to escape once more, despite Vortena's attempts to prevent it.

Koth Vortena allowed Ridala to dock after an emergency transmission.

Shortly after the battle, reports from Dromund Kaas indicated the demise of the Alliance Commander. While Vortena was leading the Gravestone against several Eternal Fleet warships, they received a distress signal from a cargo freighter named Ridala. The freighter's captain requested emergency repairs, and Vortena granted the ship permission to dock inside the Gravestone. However, this proved to be a deception orchestrated by SCORPIO and Empress Vaylin, who were aboard the freighter with a contingent of Zakuulan Knights and Horizon Guards, who proceeded to round up Koth's crew and seize control of the vessel.

Koth helps reclaim the Gravestone from Vaylin's forces.

Vortena evaded capture and contacted the Alliance base for assistance, providing his coordinates. The Alliance fleet responded, and Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander infiltrated the Gravestone in a boarding pod before rendezvousing with Vortena. Vortena revealed that Vaylin's forces risked triggering a quantum bomb he had installed as a precaution against SCORPIO. The Commander joined him in disabling the fuses, while Beniko created a diversion. After deactivating several fuses, Vortena and the Commander arrived at the bridge, only to find it devoid of Vaylin and her forces. Vortena deactivated the bomb from the bridge console and instructed Len Parvek to evacuate Tora and the remaining crew members in escape pods.

Koth Vortena back at the Gravestone controls

SCORPIO then contacted the bridge, revealing that she was aware of the quantum bomb and had manipulated Vaylin into vacating the bridge so that Vortena could disable it. She also informed the Commander that Lana Beniko was cornered by Vaylin in the Dark Sanctuary, where the bomb was concealed. The Commander and Vortena arrived in time to rescue Beniko from Vaylin's lightsaber, but their confrontation triggered the bomb. As Vaylin prepared to strike the Commander, she abruptly turned and fled, allowing Vortena to disarm the bomb while the Commander disabled the power relays to prevent its premature detonation. Just as Theron Shan arrived with Kaliyo Djannis, Aric Jorgan, Torian Cadera, and Vette as reinforcements, landing an Alliance shuttle inside the hangar, SCORPIO seized control of the Gravestone, sending it towards an unknown location and locking the hyperdrive.

Koth Vortena after retaking the Gravestone bridge

Upon converging on the bridge, Alliance forces witnessed the vessel exit hyperspace in an uncharted system, surrounded by the entirety of the Eternal Fleet. SCORPIO abandoned the ship in her shuttle, and Vortena and the Commander raced to the omnicannon, but were helpless as blinding white light engulfed the ship. Alliance members found themselves on the surface of a peculiar world known to computers as Iokath, separated from one another and placed in scenarios resembling combat simulations. Theron Shan managed to activate his cybernetic implant, contacting everyone and directing them to a structure called the Tributary, as they realized that not only Vaylin, but every Zakuulan and GEMINI droid from the Eternal Fleet were also trapped in similar situations. Along his journey, Vortena encountered a Zakuulan naval officer from the Eternal Fleet who feared Vaylin and wished to surrender, but was killed by local hostile droids.

Koth with other Alliance members on Iokath

As the Alliance members regrouped, their position within the Tributary was attacked, forcing them to seek an alternative escape route. Theron Shan realized that despite being unable to locate the Gravestone, he could remotely pilot the Alliance shuttle left in its hangar using his cranial implant. However, as everyone boarded the shuttle, SCORPIO contacted the group and revealed that ARIES, the droid controlling Iokath, had activated an energy shield that would destroy any escaping vessel. With ARIES recharging the weapon that had incapacitated them initially, threatening to use it again with lethal force, the only option was to disable ARIES. SCORPIO revealed the location of ARIES base, and Theron Shan dropped off the Commander and Vette to confront ARIES, while the others went to reclaim the Gravestone. SCORPIO arrived to assist the Commander in defeating ARIES, but ARIES' weapon capacitors overloaded, threatening to engulf the entire world in a deadly radiation pulse. The Gravestone narrowly escaped into hyperspace, and the Alliance leadership safely returned to Odessen.

Taking on the Eternal Throne

Koth finishes the Gravestone upgrades during the assault on Odessen.

Utilizing blueprints and data files obtained on Iokath, the Alliance identified an opportunity to enhance the Gravestone's weapons and defense systems. However, the installation of these upgrades proved more complex than anticipated, leaving the Gravestone in dry-dock for an extended period while mechanics worked tirelessly to integrate the enhancements. The vessel was still in dry-dock when Vaylin launched an assault on Odessen, leaving the Alliance fleet unable to prevent Vaylin's ground forces from landing. The Eternal Empire deployed a significant number of troops and ground vehicles, primarily focused on capturing the Gravestone. Vortena and his crew worked relentlessly, completing the final upgrades just in time to destroy a large number of walkers threatening to overwhelm the personnel defending the Gravestone. Subsequently, the ship launched to confront the Eternal Fleet. The Alliance Commander delivered a fatal blow to Vaylin, and Vortena reported that the entire Eternal Fleet retreated upon her death.

Koth Vortena on the final approach to Zakuul

With the Eternal Throne vacant, the GEMINI captains went rogue, bombarding the capital worlds of Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Zakuul into ruins. To claim the Eternal Throne and halt the carnage, the Alliance forces departed for Zakuul aboard the Gravestone. Upon exiting hyperspace, they encountered the Spire blockaded by the Eternal Fleet, but the Gravestone's Iokath upgrades allowed Vortena to breach the blockade. The Commander traveled to the surface and made their way to the Spire, where they claimed the Eternal Throne and pacified the Fleet. Valkorion attempted to seize control of the Commander's body, but with the aid of Dramath's holocron, he was defeated, ending his millennia-long existence. The Commander then proclaimed the age of the Eternal Alliance, uniting the military of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet with the Alliance's cause, in which Vortena continued to participate.

Eternal Alliance

Koth Vortena informs the Commander about the plights faced by newly-independent Zakuul.

By the time the third Galactic War erupted, Vortena and his crew commanded a Thranta-class corvette, patrolling the route between Odessen and Zakuul. Zakuul had descended into near-anarchy, which the Exchange crime syndicate exploited. Vortena requested and received permission from the Alliance Commander to lead a flotilla of Alliance ships to intercept Exchange members heading for his homeworld, aiming to weaken their presence.

Personality and traits

Koth Vortena celebrates finishing repairs of the Gravestone.

Koth Vortena held a deterministic view of life, firmly believing that any fortunate event was a sign of destiny. As a native of Zakuul, he strongly supported Emperor Valkorion, having only known prosperity under his rule, and dismissed claims of Valkorion's world-devouring nature. However, he also possessed a strong moral compass and opposed harming innocents, whether they were from Zakuul or elsewhere. He quickly opposed Emperor Arcann after refusing a direct order to fire on civilians. Despite joining the Alliance dedicated to overthrowing Arcann's oppressive rule, Vortena did not believe that the ends justified the means. He would challenge the Outlander on actions that harmed civilians and would not tolerate consistent loss of life in service to their cause. He was fond of Lana Beniko and her droid HK-55, held a strong prejudice against Senya Tirall (which softened over time but never disappeared completely), and SCORPIO (which ultimately proved justified). While compassionate toward innocents, Vortena strongly desired vengeance against those who wronged him, urging the Outlander to shoot down Senya and Arcann's shuttle and destroy SCORPIO when given the opportunity on Iokath.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Koth Vortena

Koth Vortena appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic expansions Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne as a major companion character voiced by Ike Amadi. First mentioned on the game's official site, his character blurb originally referred to him as "The Exiled General" before being changed to "The Exiled Officer." His storyline and ultimate fate depend greatly on the player, whose continuous Dark Side choices can send Koth Vortena on a drastically different path. He is portrayed as bisexual through romance options available to male and female player characters. However, he will close the door on the romance if player continues to flirt with both him and Lana Beniko.

Gameplay alternatives

Koth Vortena
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter III: Outlander , the player can choose to shut down the Sun Generator (a Light Side option, appreciated by Vortena) or allow it to explode (a Dark Side option). [1] In the latter scenario, Vortena will confront the player about the deaths caused by the explosion. [4]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter IV: The Gravestone , the player can allow Zakuulan exiles to join them aboard the Gravestone (a Light Side option) or deny them aid/order HK-55 to kill them (a Dark Side option), which Vortena strongly disapproves of. [4]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows , Vortena will try to convince the player to take him to the meeting with the Exalted instead of Senya Tirall. The companion not chosen will be captured by the Lady of Sorrows and taken to her headquarters unharmed. If the player chooses Vortena, he will attempt to negotiate an agreement with the Exalted before it fails. [10]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter VIII: Taking Flight , either Lana Beniko or Koth Vortena will aid the player during their second fight with Arcann, depending on who is romanced or has higher affection. Koth is shocked if the player unleashes Valkorion's power or saves the player after they are stabbed by Arcann if Valkorion's offer is refused. [11]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter IX: The Alliance , the player can initiate a romance with Koth Vortena, Lana Beniko, or Theron Shan if they have enough [Flirt] options. Vortena will reject the idea if the player previously allowed the Sun Generator to explode. If the player later resumes their original romance with a returning class companion, they must break up with Vortena. [2]
Koth, Len and Ralo abandon the Alliance.
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise , the player can make a Dark Side choice and allow Kaliyo Djannis to detonate bombs throughout the Spire, causing thousands of civilian deaths. Koth Vortena will be enraged and confront the player, who can claim it was an accident and try to convince Vortena to stay. This will only work if the player has not harmed civilians in previous chapters. Otherwise, Koth Vortena will attempt to steal the Gravestone. Tora will stop him, and he will depart on the shuttle with most of his crew, including Len Parvek and possibly Ralo (depending on earlier choices). Tora reports this to the Alliance Command, who contact his shuttle on a holochannel. Lana Beniko will plead with Vortena to stop, and he will say there is no way back for him. The player can ask to talk it through, dismiss Vortena as unimportant, or threaten to kill him for the betrayal. Afterwards, their shuttle jumps into hyperspace, and Koth Vortena will be absent from cutscenes and interactions until the battle of Odessen. Tora will become the new captain of the Gravestone. [13]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XI: Disavowed , if Koth Vortena remained with the Alliance, he will comment on the player's decision regarding new Zakuulan exiles. If the player sends Havoc Squad to aid the exiles, Vortena will question why the Alliance is sending civilians to fight. If the player refuses aid, he will complain that the Alliance isn't doing enough to help them. [14]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder , if Koth Vortena remained with the Alliance, he will support sharing the plundered wealth with those who suffered under the Eternal Empire and will disapprove if the player invests it in Gault Rennow 's scheme. [16]
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen , if Koth Vortena remained with the Alliance, he will storm out of the victory celebration if the player let Senya Tirall escape with Arcann without trying to stop them. If the player tried to stop Senya, Koth will simply state that it was a shame the Outlander couldn't stop her and Arcann. If he abandoned the Alliance, Tora will pilot the Gravestone instead. When she leaves the bridge to help Theron Shan with the omnicannon , Vortena will sneak onboard with his crew and pretend to have forgiven the player, claiming that stopping Arcann is all that matters. However, after the battle, he will reveal that it was a ploy to take the ship because he is worried the player would use it to destroy Zakuul. He puts Tora and Theron in handcuffs, ejects them in an escape pod, hijacks the Gravestone, and jumps into hyperspace, robbing the Alliance of its best weapon against the Eternal Fleet. [18]
  • During Eternal Throne Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin , if Koth Vortena stole the Gravestone , he will participate in the battle against the Eternal Fleet independently to save lives instead of aiding the Alliance fleet. [20]
Koth lies dead onboard the Gravestone.
  • In Chapter III: Dark Reunions of Eternal Throne, should Koth Vortena be the one who absconded with the Gravestone, he will hesitantly reach out to the Alliance for assistance when Vaylin and her troops seize control of the ship. Once the quantum bomb is deactivated by the player, they are presented with a choice: either allow Vortena to live or execute him immediately for his act of treachery. [12]
  • In Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die of Eternal Throne, supposing the player chose to spare Vortena's life, they are given the opportunity to either forgive him or pointedly remind him that he is a traitor. Alternatively, if the player eliminated Koth Vortena in the preceding chapter, Theron Shan will inquire about his whereabouts, leading the player to reveal his demise to the assembled crew. [22]
  • In Chapter V: Ascension of Eternal Throne, assuming the player permitted Vortena to live, he will depart from the Alliance once more following their return from Iokath, as he will feel that he no longer belongs there. [23]
  • In Chapter VIII: End Times of Eternal Throne, in the event that Koth Vortena either deserted the Alliance or met his end, Hylo Visz will assume the role of captain of the Gravestone for the duration of this chapter and the subsequent one. [26]
  • In Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne of Eternal Throne, if Koth Vortena stayed with the Alliance and the player established a romantic relationship with him, they will experience a short scene together before the player descends to the surface of Zakuul. If he had either left the Alliance or been killed, Hylo Visz will be the one piloting the Gravestone instead. [24]

