A manufacturing complex was established by the Eternal Empire on the industrialized planet of Darvannis. Being among the first planets conquered during the Eternal Empire conquest, Darvannis served as a launchpad for the Zakuulan invasion into the larger galaxy. This factory was responsible for the production of starships, armaments, and Skytrooper droid legions. It also featured comprehensive automated defenses, which included deep tunnel networks stretching kilometers, energy-based shields, defensive gun emplacements, and ground-based anti-personnel cannons. At some point, the GEMINI Prime droid was moved to this factory, where it became the prototype for subsequent GEMINI models.
Following the successful heist orchestrated by the Anti-Zakuul Alliance aboard the Gilded Star in 3630 BBY, SCORPIO pinpointed GEMINI Prime as the next critical objective for the Alliance leadership. Unable to launch a full-scale direct assault, Theron Shan reached out to Mandalore the Avenger, forging an agreement for Mandalorian clans to execute a raid on the factory. The Alliance Commander set out to capture GEMINI Prime, while the Mandalorians sought vengeance against Zakuul in addition to claiming the factory's resources to replenish their own armaments.
An extensive battle subsequently erupted, involving rotating assault groups of two hundred Mandalorian commandos each, deployed strategically around the factory. Methodically, the Mandalorian forces disabled the energy shields, seized control of the perimeter weaponry and reconfigured them to target the factory itself, demolished the factory's power generators, neutralized the listening post, and ultimately spearheaded a final assault deep within the facility. The Mandalorians secured a substantial quantity of weaponry, while the Alliance Commander located and extracted the GEMINI Prime unit before withdrawing. In the aftermath of the conflict, although many of the factory's systems remained physically intact, most were rendered inoperable.