Darvannis, a planet characterized by its desert environment, existed within the galaxy. It was supposedly used by the Hutt Cartel as a staging ground for their military buildup during the era of the Galactic War. When both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire attempted an intervention, they encountered the rogue Dread Master named Styrak, who was trying to amass the forces on Darvannis to serve the Masters' Dread Host instead. Following Styrak's defeat in the battle, the Eternal Empire occupied Darvannis. There, they manufactured Skytroopers and cutting-edge GEMINI units, all in service of their conquest of the galaxy. Subsequently, the opposing Eternal Alliance launched a raid on the factory and successfully captured the GEMINI Prime droid.
Situated in the Calaron sector, Darvannis was an arid world defined by its desert landscape. It lacked both valuable natural resources and any indigenous sentient species. Furthermore, a substantial asteroid field surrounding the planet made approaching it a hazardous endeavor. Consequently, Darvannis was rarely visited by those from off-world.

The Hutts established thriving market villas on the planet, which prospered through the illicit trade of weaponry and other contraband. Darvannis thus became a favored sanctuary for members of the Hutt Cartel, particularly those seeking to evade unwanted scrutiny. Oasis City was situated on the planet's surface.

Approximately five centuries prior to the Great Galactic War, Darvannis was discovered by spice smugglers. During the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Hutt Cartel amassed a considerable force of mercenaries on Darvannis. Concerned by this development, both the Republic and the Empire dispatched strike teams with the objective of neutralizing the perceived threat. During the ensuing battle, it was revealed that the mercenaries had been assembled by the renegade Dread Master Styrak with the intention of inducting them into the ranks of the Dread Host. Ultimately, Styrak and all of the mercenaries, including the four Cartel warlords Horic, Vilus, Sunder, and Tu'chuk, were defeated.
Later, when the Eternal Empire invaded the galaxy, Darvannis was among the first planets to be conquered. Under the dominion of Zakuul, Darvannis housed a factory dedicated to the production of Skytrooper droids. During the Eternal Alliance's war against Zakuul, the Alliance Commander and Mandalorian forces launched a raid against the factory, successfully capturing the GEMINI Prime droid.