Lord Styrak, also known as the Corrupter of Darvannis, held the title of Lord of the Sith and was a prominent figure within the ranks of the Dread Masters. His capabilities in the Force mirrored those of his colleague, the Dread Master Raptus.
After three successive setbacks to their collective endeavors, Dread Master Styrak journeyed to the world of Darvannis. From this location, hidden within the shadows of Oasis City, he manipulated various mercenary and Cartel factions, compelling them to defend him as the combined forces of the Empire and Republic fought their way through the Hutt-controlled territory. Upon being confronted, Styrak stood proudly beside his cherished kell dragon pet upon his throne, shielded by a large group of Dread Guards. During the engagement, his Dread Guards and his dragon were vanquished. Unfazed, Styrak personally engaged the strike team in combat, utilizing his profound mastery of the Force. Desperate, Styrak resurrected his dragon and used it and his leeching powers in a final attempt to eliminate the strike team. With his pet defeated once more, Styrak expended the last of his strength to increase his size to that of a god, and began to attack the team, only to be defeated again.
Styrak's passing had a deep impact on the Dread Masters, as their collective required a full complement of six members to maintain equilibrium. Following his defeat, the Masters succumbed to growing madness, shifting their focus from establishing an Empire to the indiscriminate slaughter of all life in the galaxy, followed by their own self-destruction.
Styrak on Darvannis.
The combined forces of the Empire and the Republic launched an assault on the Dread Masters' stronghold on Oricon. Subsequent to the death of Dread Master Brontes, the true base of operations for the Masters, the Dread Palace, came under attack from both Republic and Imperial forces. During the final assault, the Republic/Imperial strike team engaged the remaining four Dread Masters. To bolster their defenses while recovering their strength, the Masters conjured the spirits of Styrak and Brontes to confront the strike team. Styrak manifested alongside the spectral form of his kell dragon and fought the strike force, only to suffer defeat once more.
Styrak wielded immense power derived from the Dark side of the Force, and his rituals were the source of the Dread Masters' combined strength. As a master of Sith alchemy, he gained notoriety for his experiments conducted on both living and deceased subjects. He was also the most independent of the Masters, often pursuing the group's goals on his own. This ultimately led to his own downfall.