
Raptus, often called the "Weaver of Nightmares", served as the de facto head of the Dread Masters, a formidable assembly of dark side sorcerers possessing significant might, capable of inducing fear within an entire military force.


Alongside his Dread Master colleagues, he was originally confined on Belsavis, but was subsequently liberated by an Imperial Rescue Team. He brandished a lightsaber with a purple blade.

Following his escape with the other Dread Masters, Raptus grew impatient due to the Emperor's extended silence. Concluding that their collective power was being squandered within an Empire lacking an Emperor, Raptus and his Dread Masters resolved to seize control of the galaxy for their own purposes.

The Dread Masters' initial independent assault against both the Empire and the Republic took place on the planet Denova. There, their influence extended to Warlord Kephess and his troops, who initiated a warzone on the planet, fighting in service to 'The Masters'. After Kephess's defeat, the Dread Masters shifted their focus to Asation, a crucial port world belonging to the Gree Enclave. At that location, the Dread Masters employed an Ancient Hypergate to unleash a lethal entity referred to as the Terror From Beyond. Similar to Kephess, who had been resurrected by the Masters, the Terror was ultimately destroyed through the combined efforts of the Republic and the Empire.

Desperate to recover from these two setbacks, the Dread Masters redeployed their Dread Army to Section X, a highly secure and shadowy location on Belsavis. Their objective was to utilize the Aurora Cannon, a Rakatan weapon of immense size and power. However, the cannon was destroyed, and their scheme was foiled.

As the Hutt Cartel rearmed following the Makeb events, the Dread Masters ventured to Darvannis, where Dread Master Styrak was lying in wait. Styrak covertly corrupted Darvannis, eventually launching attacks against Republic and Empire strike teams. After Styrak's demise, Raptus and his fellow Dread Masters materialized as apparitions to absorb the remaining power of the dying Styrak, thereby augmenting their own strength.

Subsequently, the Masters moved to Oricon, where they rebuilt their forces and concentrated them on the dark moon. Raptus, as their leader, ensured that his presence was known throughout Oricon by both the Republic and the Empire. Upon the arrival of the Dread Executioners and the Republic Strike team, he declared telepathically, "By Oricon's next sunrise, your worlds will burn." Raptus then attempted to deploy various orbital ships and shuttles to unleash terror upon planets such as Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Nar Shaddaa. These plans were ultimately thwarted. With their commanders killed and their ships destroyed, Raptus and the other Masters confronted those responsible, proclaiming, "For every Dread Guard killed, one of you will die!" The Masters inflicted widespread terror upon the strike team in retaliation for this attack before leaving those responsible to dwell on their actions.

Following the apparent defeat of Bestia, Tyrans, and Calphayus, Raptus remained as the last Dread Master within the palace. As their leader, he had intentionally saved the most challenging encounter for last. Raptus confronted the team, subjecting them to trials that tested their mastery of healing, damage output, and survival. Raptus was eventually defeated after his tests were completed, much to his dismay.

Raptus then retreated to the council chambers, awaiting the arrival of those who had assaulted the palace. There, alongside Bestia, Tyrans, and Calphayus, they made their final stand. At the height of their power, Styrak returned, exclaiming, "We fight as one!", and was joined by Brontes. The six Dread Masters were reunited, but it was too late. In their last desperate attempt, they employed a potent Force technique that began to drain all life from the surrounding area, only to see this plan fail as well. Raptus perished along with Tyrans and Bestia, leaving Calphayus as the sole surviving Dread Master.

