
Bestia, who also went by the moniker "Keeper of the Dread Seeds", held membership within the Dread Masters, a cabal of exceptionally strong Sith sorcerers. Alongside Brontes, she stood as one of only two female members of the Masters. She utilized a crimson, single-bladed lightsaber in combat and was regarded as the most formidable of her peers.

The Dread Master known as Bestia was recognized as the guardian of the Seeds of Rage, potent artifacts capable of generating fear, terror, and physical alterations within their immediate vicinity. It's plausible that her entire scheme revolved around the theft and subsequent deployment of these seeds, given her ownership of them. Corresponding to her 'sister' Brontes, Bestia showed a strong curiousity in genetic and biological modification and mutation. Bestia commanded a diverse array of creatures, which she referred to as her 'legion', all acting in unison at her command. Despite their mutated forms and considerable strength, these creatures obeyed her every command.

Bestia typically deployed her monstrous forces as her primary offensive strategy, but this should not be mistaken for a lack of combat prowess on her part; quite the opposite was true. Bestia's physical capabilities surpassed those of typical Jedi or Sith combatants. She possessed exceptional speed, strength, and mastery of both Force abilities and lightsaber combat. She was also capable of wielding Force lightning, among other powers.

