3638 BBY

3638 BBY marks the fifth year of the Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Simultaneously, the Hutt Cartel endeavored to establish itself as a significant third faction within the galaxy, while the schemes of the Dread Masters to destroy the galaxy were stopped on the moon of Oricon.


  • Under the leadership of Toborro, the Hutt Cartel sought to become a major interstellar power, rivaling the Republic and Sith Empire, and took control of Makeb. However, the Hutt's ambitions were ultimately unsuccessful, leading the Cartel to form an alliance with the Republic.
  • The renegade Dread Masters met their end on Oricon.



  • On CZ-198: Rasmus Blys, Zokar, Vigilant

  • On Makeb: Lyla, Katha Niar, Suz-Anz, Szajin, Toborro

  • On Oricon: Tyrans, Raptus, Brontes, Bestia

