The formidable Lord Calphayus, often called the "Prophet of the Masters", stood as a Sith Lord of immense power and a key figure within the ranks of the Dread Masters. He utilized a saberstaff whose blades glowed with a cyan hue.
An Imperial operative journeyed to The Tomb located on Belsavis, which resulted in Calphayus and the other Dread Masters being unleashed. They showcased their might against a Republic security force before unleashing terror upon the Esh-kha and departing the planet. Following the presumed demise of the Sith Emperor, the Dread Masters severed their ties with the Empire, choosing instead to pursue galactic domination on their own terms.

He masterminded the assault on Asation, making his presence known through mental projections to the Strike teams that arrived to aid the Gree, although he never physically appeared on Asation. Calphayus deployed three of the Dread Host's most formidable Commanders, known as Ciphas, Heirad, and Kel'sara. These Sith warriors attempted to thwart the strike team, but they were ultimately vanquished in the intense conflict. Upon Kel'sara's defeat, Calphayus declared, "The Shield is broken, but the sword is drawn." Following the demise of Kephess, Calphayus unleashed the Terror From Beyond, but the creature was defeated, and the plan to use Asation as a stronghold was thwarted.
Upon their return to Oricon, Calphayus, along with the other Dread Masters, began to succumb to madness after the loss of Styrak. His visions intensified and became more vivid, but his hubris led him to believe in their accuracy and inevitability. Calphayus engaged in a duel with the team responsible for the deaths of Kephess, Styrak, Brontes, Ciphas, Heirad, and Kel'sara. His command over time, space, and knowledge allowed him to extend his influence through the past and future, yet his schemes were ultimately undone. He was defeated within his inner sanctum and retreated to the council room to recover.
When confronted again, Calphayus generated a lethal field of energy, reflecting all damage back to the attacker, while simultaneously creating corrupted zones beneath him, restricting his enemies' movement. Eventually, Calphayus was defeated but survived the battle. Broken, isolated, and free, he fled the palace, removing the golden crest that concealed his face, revealing a frail, aged man, a testament to his long tenure as a Sith and a Dread Master.
After the demise of his fellow masters, Calphayus roamed Oricon, eventually reaching the Republic Strike team camp. There, he attempted to reason with the team, recounting his surprisingly human past. He had once been married and felt no fear or pain towards his wife or life in general. However, after he and his companions, who would become the Dread Masters, studied the Phobis devices, they became linked mentally and physically in a web of Terror and Madness, twisting and transforming him into a living embodiment of insanity. Calphayus was vulnerable, fearful, alone, and seeking hope. The strike team chose to show mercy, allowing him to be cared for and evaluated by the Jedi.
Republic players have the choice to spare Calphayus, allowing him to receive treatment from the Jedi (light side), or to deem him unworthy of redemption for his past transgressions and execute him (dark side). Imperial players are not presented with the option to spare or kill Calphayus.