The Calaron sector represented an area located within the Outer Rim Territories, specifically a sector. Among the planets found in the Calaron sector were Akrit'tar, Baroonda, F'tral, Fwillsving, Jerijador, Koozebane, Kubindi, Morvogodine, Darvannis, as well as Norval II.
During the era of the Great Galactic War, the Calaron sector existed as a component of Hutt Space.
The Calaron sector's creation occurred for the Star Wars: Rebellion computer game, which featured ten planets within the sector. However, Rebellion contained several cartographical inaccuracies. Therefore, Leland Chee, the Keeper of the Holocron, clarified that any placements conflicting with established canon locations would be superseded. This situation affected several planets in the Calaron sector, including Kessel and Ithor. Kessel is now situated in the Kessel sector, and Ithor is located in the Ottega sector.