Battle of Kubindi

A clash took place on the planet of Kubindi during the Yuuzhan Vong War in the year 26 ABY. The Yuuzhan Vong were drawn to Kubindi because of the Kubaz' past involvement with insects that were genetically modified.

Lieutenant Mujmai Iinan of the Yuuzhan Vong proposed to Warmaster Tsavong Lah that initiating the conflict could be done with just half the usual quantity of coralskippers. Nevertheless, Kyp Durron, who was positioned at Bothawui, foresaw the impending assault and moved his forces to the planet's defense. Due to the reduced number of coralskippers, he successfully resisted the Yuuzhan Vong fleet long enough for the Kubaz to evacuate all spacecraft that were space-worthy, even though the planet eventually succumbed to Yuuzhan Vong control. Consequently, following the engagement, Lah offered Iinan as a sacrifice to the gods.

