Kyp's Dozen, alternatively known as the Dozen-and-Two Avengers, was a New Republic squadron of starfighters, established by Kyp Durron alongside his apprentice, Miko Reglia. The squadron's moniker stemmed from the simple fact that it was comprised of a total of 14 pilots. The squadron's complement of fighters was largely composed of older models: specifically, three X-wings, a pair of Z-95 Headhunters, A-wings, B-wing starfighters, and XJs flown by the two Jedi members.
In the year 25 ABY, the Avengers, with squadron leader Jedi Knight Kyp Durron at the helm, encountered a vessel in flight from an unspecified emergency originating on Belkadan, bound for the remote Helska IV within the Helska system. They pursued this vessel, only to be ambushed by a contingent of Yuuzhan Vong fighters. This resulted in the near-total destruction of the Dozen-and-Two, with only Kyp Durron and Miko Reglia, the other Jedi in the squadron, surviving. Reglia made planetfall on the planet's surface, while Durron fled to Sernpidal.
Durron would later reconstitute a new iteration of the Dozen-and-Two Avengers during the Yuuzhan Vong War. By the year 25.7 ABY, this new squadron was equipped with thirteen fighters consisting of X-wings, A-wings, and modified Y-wings. Composed of seasoned pilots already involved in relief operations, Durron reorganized them, achieving formal designation as a support unit. However, in order to satisfy both Luke Skywalker and the New Republic Defense Force, he renamed the squadron to Kyp's Dozen. This revamped squadron included Kyp, Ganner Rhysode, Deak, and Yara. They participated in engagements at Bothawui and the Battle of Kubindi in 26 ABY. Five members of the squadron perished during the Second Battle of Sernpidal. They provided supply runs for the New Plympto resistance. Octa Ramis integrated into the Dozen before the Battle of Coruscant, but departed during the battle, blaming Kyp for the deaths of all the squadron's non-Jedi pilots.