Second Battle of Sernpidal

The Second Battle of Sernpidal occurred in 26 ABY during the timeframe of the Yuuzhan Vong War. A worldship under construction within the shipwomb of Sernpidal was discovered by Kyp Durron, who then made the decision to eliminate it, despite its intended use for peaceful purposes. He presented Jaina Solo with holograms of the construction site, falsely identifying it as a "gravitic superweapon" and requesting her assistance in contacting her associates within the New Republic Defense Force.

After being contacted, Gavin Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, and Traest Kre'fey reluctantly conceded that the supposed weapon posed a significant threat and needed to be eliminated, despite their personal feelings towards Durron. Recognizing the impracticality and risks associated with seeking official approval from the New Republic Senate, the officers opted to undertake the mission as an unsanctioned, covert operation, utilizing only the resources immediately available to them. Durron agreed to place his squadron under the joint command of Antilles and Krefey, while Darklighter offered the services of Rogue Squadron.

Kre'fey managed to acquire a dilapidated Immobilizer 418 cruiser, which the strike team employed as a diversion to gain entry into the Julevian system. Upon arrival, they faced considerable resistance, but ultimately succeeded in destroying the worldship. It was only after the destruction of the worldship that Jaina Solo came to the realization that no gravitic weapon existed; Durron had deceived them because he was uncertain whether they would support him otherwise. While she, Antilles, and Darklighter were infuriated by this deception, many of the other soldiers were in agreement with his actions.

