Gravitic superweapon

The gravitic superweapon was a "superweapon" that Kyp Durron alleged was being cultivated by the Yuuzhan Vong within the shipwomb situated amidst the remnants of Sernpidal.


Durron asserted its capability to attract objects from distances spanning thousands of kilometers. He presented a hologram depicting the purported weapon extracting material from Sernpidal's sun. Using Jaina Solo as a conduit, Durron conveyed this intelligence to General Wedge Antilles and Admiral Traest Kre'fey. His intention was to solicit their assistance in its annihilation. The reality was that the observed phenomenon was a dovin basal relay system. This system was used to supply helium and hydrogen to the true Yuuzhan Vong project at Sernpidal, a civilian worldship. Only after they attacked and destroyed the worldship did Kre'fey, Antilles, and Solo grasp the true nature of what they had encountered.

