
The Stieg-Fan were the inhabitants of the planet Stieg, a world situated within the Calaron sector of the Outer Rim Territories. By 43 BBY, their existence was acknowledged throughout the galaxy, and they were typically regarded as a peaceful and friendly people who possessed a well-established governing body. Conversely, on the planet Kegan, also found in the Calaron sector, the Stieg-Fan became a component of a propaganda system that was integrated into the local school system. The purpose of this system was to depict the galaxy at large as perilous and threatening. To achieve this, the Stieg-Fan were depicted as perpetually engaged in tribal conflicts, lacking any form of legal structure.

Behind the scenes

Jude Watson conceived of the Stieg-Fan for her young adult book, Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth, which was released by Scholastic in 2000. They were mentioned only once in the novel to exemplify the indoctrination methods used on Kegan. However, it remains uncertain whether they are a distinct species or a specific culture.

