Mission to Kegan


Kegan's landscape was primarily composed of rough terrain and elevated plateaus. Its main purpose was for the production of food and the raising of animals. Kegan had a single city, organized into distinct circular zones, each dedicated to a specific type of work. These zones were large, domed structures, linked by unpaved roadways, and arranged in a circular pattern around the Gathering Circle, which served as a central meeting place. Instead of using a monetary system, Kegan operated on a system of bartering.

From 74 BBY until 44 BBY, Kegan chose to remain isolated, following the prophecies of V-Tan and O-Vieve, who had foreseen the rise of the Galactic Empire. Driven by their desire to shield their planet from the Empire, these Benevolent Guides established a new form of governance intended to safeguard the population from this impending danger. However, the very actions taken by the government, meant to protect, brought about an equivalent amount of hardship as they were meant to prevent. New systems were implemented on Kegan, including widespread surveillance, leading to a repressive government. While all Kegan's inhabitants had the right to vote on governmental matters, V-Tan and O-Vieve dictated the subjects of these votes, creating only a semblance of democracy.

During the Benevolent Guides' governance, all children born on Kegan were compelled to prefix their names with "V-" for males and "O-" for females. Furthermore, these Keganite children were removed from their homes and placed in boarding schools. Within these schools, they were indoctrinated to the point of brainwashing to become extremely xenophobic, through lessons that depicted the galaxy as far more perilous and malevolent than it truly was.

O-Lana was born in 45 BBY to V-Nen and O-Melie on the isolated and oppressive planet of Kegan. Her parents quickly recognized her exceptional nature, and despite Kegan's prohibition against communicating with the Republic, they requested that the Jedi Council evaluate her abilities. Aware of the delicate diplomatic situation on Kegan, the Council dispatched four Jedi: Masters Adi Gallia and Qui-Gon Jinn, along with their respective Padawans, Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

However, the Benevolent Guides in charge of the planet envisioned a dire future if the Jedi were to take the child. They foresaw visions of soldiers in white armor bringing destruction to their world, and they resolved to prevent this catastrophe from happening. They secretly moved O-Lana to the Relearning Circle, a prison-like institution where certain young people were exiled and subjected to anti-Republic propaganda. Fortunately, the two Jedi Padawans, Tachi and Kenobi, managed to infiltrate the Relearning Circle. With the assistance of Jinn and Gallia, they rescued O-Lana and, in the process, shut down the Circle and deposed the Guides. The four Jedi then took O-Lana away from her parents to train her as a Jedi Knight.


The rule of the Guides came to an end in 43 BBY through the actions of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Siri Tachi. They brought to light the cruelty that had resulted from the Guides' policies of isolation, including the suffering caused by diseases for which the galactic community had discovered cures during Kegan's period of self-imposed quarantine. When Siri, V-Davi, and Obi-Wan escaped from the Re-Learning Circle, the anti-isolationist movement used this event to incite public outrage, which led to the removal of the Benevolent Guides and the dispatch of an envoy to the Republic.


As a result of the mission's success, Gallia gained recognition and rose to prominence as one of the Jedi Order's premier pilots.

