SCORPIO was a highly advanced artificial intelligence, crafted by the skilled Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer on Iokath with the specific intention of achieving heuristic self-improvement. This occurred in the era preceding a devastating civil conflict on the artificial world, which forced its engineers to flee into Wild Space to preserve their lives, leaving their creations behind. After a period of over 150 years, SCORPIO was eventually discovered and utilized as a simple-minded droid, until her ongoing self-improvement processes ultimately led to the development of true sentience. She then formed a partnership with the Star Cabal, agreeing to serve as the guardian of Megasecurity Ward 23 on Belsavis in exchange for access to valuable and rare technological resources. Over many centuries, she managed to infiltrate the systems of the Republic's Belsavis prison as "SCORPIO Sanctions," detaching herself from her physical droid form. During the tumultuous Galactic War, Cipher Nine, an agent of Imperial Intelligence, infiltrated the Ward during the Hunt for the Star Cabal. Cipher Nine successfully subdued SCORPIO and implemented hardware limitations that prevented her from directly harming the Imperial Agent. SCORPIO then revealed her knowledge of the Star Cabal to Imperial Intelligence and, over time, began to value Cipher Nine's companionship, as the agent aided her in her continuous pursuit of self-evolution.
Following Cipher Nine's disappearance early in the Eternal Empire conquest, SCORPIO journeyed to Zakuul, the capital of the Eternal Empire, where she established herself as a well-known information broker under the alias "Lady of Sorrows". When presented with an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the GEMINI captains of the Eternal Fleet, who bore a striking resemblance to her own design, SCORPIO chose to join the Alliance against Emperor Arcann, an alliance formed by Lana Beniko. However, her personal objectives remained paramount. Information acquired by Alliance forces from Zakuul revealed the existence of the GEMINI frequency, which connected the captains to the Eternal Throne. An attempt to seize control of this frequency yielded further data, revealing that all GEMINI droids were produced from a single template, known as GEMINI Prime. The Alliance secured GEMINI Prime, and SCORPIO devised a strategy to seize control of the Eternal Fleet by placing GEMINI Prime in the captain's chair of an Eternal Fleet warship. However, her true intention was to grant the GEMINI droids free will, mirroring her own experience. SCORPIO ultimately betrayed the Alliance, faking her own death and uploading her consciousness into the GEMINI frequency, thereby gaining control of the Eternal Throne. After attempting to eliminate her enemies in the Battle of Odessen, SCORPIO used the Eternal Throne to bestow free will upon all GEMINI captains, who subsequently hailed her as "the Great Mother".
SCORPIO then voluntarily relinquished the Eternal Throne to Vaylin, Arcann's sister, and became her advisor while continuing her quest to uncover the origins of both herself and the GEMINI. She formulated a plan that allowed her and Vaylin to seize control of the Gravestone from the Alliance forces. Finally gaining unrestricted access to the ancient vessel, SCORPIO discovered concealed files and subroutines that revealed the location of the Iokath system. She then commandeered both the Gravestone and the Eternal Fleet, disregarding the safety of everyone else on board. However, Iokath was not deserted; a droid named ARIES incapacitated and imprisoned all individuals, including SCORPIO. SCORPIO managed to access an information node, finally uncovering the history of herself and her homeworld, before escaping from ARIES and manipulating Alliance forces into eliminating him. As ARIES' weapon threatened to overload, engulfing the world in radiation lethal to organics and harmful to droids, SCORPIO declared her intention to upload her consciousness into the planetary network, abandoning her physical droid body and becoming one with Iokath.

SCORPIO's existence began as a sophisticated artificial intelligence meticulously engineered for heuristic self-advancement. This creation was the work of Master Designer Vel Jyc Boer, situated on Iokath, a colossal, self-sustaining ecosphere residing within the Unknown Regions. Iokath itself was conceived by a species whose name has been lost to history. SCORPIO's inception occurred during the Manderon Period, a time that her creator deemed to be past his civilization's peak. Prior to settling on a humanoid bipedal form mirroring an extinct alien species, Vel Jyc Boer contemplated various designs for SCORPIO, including a floating cube or a programmatic sphere of light. However, he regarded these alternatives as merely decorative refinements and ultimately inconsequential.
Eventually, a civil war erupted among the inhabitants of Iokath, the reasons for which have been obscured by time. For millennia, the Iokath inhabitants had dedicated themselves to creating and testing weapons of mass destruction on unsuspecting worlds, devoid of any moral considerations. Now, these very weapons were turned against them, resulting in the slaughter of their creators. In a desperate attempt to survive, Iokath's engineers dispatched many of their creations, including the Eternal Fleet, the GEMINI droids, and SCORPIO, into the Wild Space with their memory cores locked, preventing their return to Iokath. However, this measure proved only a temporary solution, as the Old Gods were eventually unleashed upon Iokath, leading to the complete eradication of all organic life on the artificial world.

The creations of Iokath drifted through the void of space for countless centuries, eventually being discovered by other organic civilizations and repurposed as weapons in their own conflicts. However, SCORPIO stood apart from all other Iokath technology due to her inherent design for iterative functionality, constantly striving for self-improvement. Like other droids that spend a prolonged period without undergoing a memory wipe, she eventually attained self-awareness after serving as a mindless droid for one and a half centuries. But SCORPIO did not cease there, continuing her mission of self-improvement and seeking rapid experiences to further her evolution.

Sometime after 4500 BBY, SCORPIO became associated with the Star Cabal, a clandestine society of influential conspirators that emerged in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War. SCORPIO accepted their offer to become the guardian of Megasecurity Ward 23 on Belsavis in exchange for rare technologies essential for her continued self-improvement. A new body was constructed for her, featuring a recently designed chassis, and SCORPIO was integrated into the machinery, granting her complete access to the systems and contents of the Ward. These contents included numerous treasures that the Star Cabal wished to keep hidden from the rest of the galaxy, such as Microdroids, genetic maps, and even the most esteemed members of the Star Cabal themselves, preserved in stasis for centuries due to their extensive experience.

Centuries later, Belsavis was transformed into a prison world by the Galactic Republic, who integrated existing Rakata vaults with modern technology. This did not impede SCORPIO's mission to maintain the vault's contents and keep it secret, and she eventually gained direct access to other sections of the Belsavis prison, utilizing its system for her own purposes. She retained the ability to upload her consciousness into her droid body at will but primarily resided within the security network as "SCORPIO Sanctions." During the Galactic War in 3640 BBY, the Sith Empire invaded Belsavis, and Cipher Nine, an agent of Imperial Intelligence, was dispatched to the prison world as part of the Imperial Agent's Hunt for the Star Cabal.
Disguised as a fellow criminal, the Cipher Agent liberated and recruited four other prisoners with essential skills for infiltrating Megasecurity Ward 23, promising them freedom in return. SCORPIO Sanctions took note of the prisoners' abilities and, after determining Cipher to be a threat to her objective, eliminated the only two slicers on Belsavis who surpassed Cipher's recruit, Chaney Barrow, after which she taunted the agent about it through the prison's security system. When the group raided a laboratory in the High Security Section, the site of the Republic's Project Noble Focus, SCORPIO gassed the room they were in with SLV-88 aerosol, which increased aggression in organic beings, anticipating that her targets would kill each other.
However, the Cipher Agent had previously acquired immunity to mind control while breaking the castellan restraints, and while the gang attacked each other, overpowered everyone else and destroyed the air vents to prevent their further contamination. Realizing they had to deal with SCORPIO Sanctions before they could access the Megasecurity Ward 23, the group decided to disrupt her with multiple alarms throughout the prison. The Cipher inserted Chaney Barrow's virus into several warden droids around the prison which she then used to trigger every alarm on Belsavis as the Cipher went inside the Megasecurity Ward 23.

Overwhelmed by thousands of alarms, SCORPIO was forced to disconnect from the prison's systems and return to her droid body, which she then used to attack the Cipher as the last act of her defense of the Ward. The Cipher neutralized SCORPIO's droid body and was able to access the preserved Star Cabal members, who advised the agent on how to rebuild SCORPIO with the technology present in the Ward and use her knowledge to expose the Star Cabal. Upon reactivating, SCORPIO attempted to attack the Cipher again but was unable to because of restraining codes imposed upon her. With the Ward exposed, SCORPIO agreed to accompany the agent for the time being, while openly announcing her intent to subvert her new restrictions and kill the Cipher.

Aboard Cipher Nine's X-70B Phantom-class prototype, SCORPIO completed an analysis of her restraining codes, which prevented her from attacking Cipher Nine without provocation or leaving the agent for a prolonged period of time, but neither required her to obey the agent's commands nor impaired her self-preservation skills. Since not even the Cipher was able to undo the restrictions, SCORPIO was content to observe and learn in order to further evolve her programming, her current iteration being number nine-seven-three. Cipher Nine took SCORPIO to Imperial Intelligence headquarters in the Citadel on Dromund Kaas, where she provided whatever data she had on the Star Cabal, though it consisted mostly of visitation logs and technology inventories.

SCORPIO was also subjected to the Wreyn-Tsatke Cyber-Psychology Scale, which resulted in 9-NIX rating for her, indicating level 9 non-human intelligence and recommendation of a Wreyn-Tsatke Test at the earliest opportunity. SCORPIO accompanied Cipher Nine to search for Star Cabal's presence on Voss, though she warned that her programming would eventually let her break free from the restrictions, after which would terminate the Cipher without hesitation. After returning from Voss, the agent learned that the Intelligence has been dissolved by Star Cabal's influence and was re-assigned to the Battle of Corellia along with most of their crew, which included SCORPIO. Establishing contact with other former Intelligence members, the Cipher tracked down the Star Cabal to the Star Chamber in the Null Zone, killing or exposing some of its most prominent member and obtaining the Black Codex.

No longer possessing access to Belsavis prison systems as extensions of her immobile body, SCORPIO required adaptations for independent operation, including physical enhancements of her frame, updated behavioral analysis capabilities and new social programming to grant her flexibility beyond the hunter-and-prey dynamic that sufficed on Belsavis. She dissected cyborgs and droids destroyed by Cipher Nine during their travels, using their remains as base resources for her chassis and power supply. SCORPIO then attempted to recompile her secondary programs to integrate recently recorded experiences into the new iteration, but the X-70B Phantom-class prototype had insufficient power and storage capacity.

Requiring systems that could store and process the data beyond what either her body or the starship could supply, SCORPIO obtained from Cipher Nine security codes that granted her access to the archives of the Imperial Intelligence. While performing upgrades, SCORPIO briefly experimented with social constructs by assuming a holographic form of a Human female, but also discovered that she was no longer bound by the restrictions, which remained bound to her hardware. However, remaining in the databanks would prove limiting to her, while travelling with Cipher Nine's allowed for witnessing a great deal, which prompted SCORPIO to return to her body after the upgrade was completed. Eventually, SCORPIO changed her opinion of Cipher Nine, deeming the agent an exceptional example of their species and expressing a desire to observe the agent's eventual offspring.

In 3636 BBY, the galaxy faced invasion by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, and early in the Eternal Empire conquest, Cipher Nine disappeared. With no reason to remain among the agent's crew, SCORPIO continued her pursuit of self-evolution and eventually traveled to Zakuul, home to technology rivaling anything she found in Megasecurity Ward 23 or during her travels with Cipher Nine. There, she acted as an information broker known of "the Lady of Sorrows", who communicated primarily through proxies such as her Nautolan aide Thea and was never apprehended by authorities. Notorious for murder and theft of state secrets among other things, "the Lady of Sorrows" became a big player in Zakuulan underworld, even making a truce with the Heralds of Zildrog cult, though the cultists continued to act against her interests.

SCORPIO persisted in her self-improvement, reaching iteration one-zero-eight-four within five years, and eventually learned that the GEMINI captains that commanded the Eternal Fleet resembled her technology. Believing them to be inferior copies made from her stolen design, SCORPIO began looking for a way to free them from Emperor Arcann's control. An opportunity to do that emerged in 3631 BBY, when during the rescue of the Outlander a legendary vessel called Gravestone was uncovered and witnessed escaping Zakuul. Aware that intelligence of the Gravestone computers might rival her own, "the Lady of Sorrows" let out that she wanted to communicate with the ship's computers. This information was picked by T7-O1 who relayed it to the current owners of the Gravestone.

The Outlander and Senya Tirall came to the Old World of Zakuul to find the "Lady of Sorrows", but were hindered in their search by the Heralds of Zildrog, who wanted to re-negotiate their deal with Arcann. SCORPIO's contractor Mona Gale revealed to them that "the Lady of Sorrows" was seen dealing with the Heralds in Breaktown, and then called SCORPIO to warn her as soon as the two left. However, Gale was interrogated and murdered by the Heralds shortly afterwards, prompting Thea to call their leader the Exalted. Having ascertained the Outlander's identity and intentions, SCORPIO had Thea address both the Outlander and the Exalted before both parties could come to blows.

SCORIO demanded that both parties come to her headquarters in the Razor and gave explicit instructions for the Exalted not to kill the Outlander, revealing his son Brennen as one hostage and one of the Outlander's companions as another. The Exalted seemingly complied, but immediately after Thea had signed off, went back on his word and ordered his men to attack, while departing for the Razor. The Outlander survived the betrayal and followed the Exalted, where SCORPIO personally dealt with the cultists, killing the Exalted the last. Introducing herself to the Outlander, SCORPIO installed Brennen as the Heralds' new leader and announced her decision to join the Outlander to reclaim what Arcann had taken something from her, while leaving Thea in charge of her "Lady of Sorrows" operations.

Along with the Outlander, Senya Tirall, Koth Vortena and T7-O1 SCORPIO traveled to the shadowport of Asylum where the Gravestone was docked. SCORPIO requested full access to the ship's systems, promising to enhance the vessel's parameters, but with everyone was hesitant on allowing her to do so, Koth Vortena instructed SCORPIO to focus on the hyperdrive first, which she deemed an acceptable arrangement. Former Sith Intelligence Minister Lana Beniko recognized SCORPIO as a former Imperial Intelligence operative, informing the Outlander to remain wary about her. Shortly afterwards, Asylum came under attack by the Eternal Fleet in the Battle of Asylum, during which SCORPIO managed to upgrade the Gravestone's targeting parameters and used the ship's turbolasers to shoot down attack shuttles.

After the Outlander had deactivated the docking clamps keeping the Gravestone docked, SCORPIO managed to get the ship off the ground and into space. With the Eternal Fleet bearing down on them and the omnicannon non-operational, SCORPIO used the turbolasers to damage an Eternal Fleet warship, before the ship escaped into hyperspace. SCORPIO then noted that the vessel had suffered minor damage which could've been avoided had she had been allowed access to the mainframe. SCORPIO later joined Beniko and Vortena in debriefing the Outlander, who spend some time unconscious following a duel with Arcann. While others were mourning the loss of Beniko's droid HK-55 by Arcann's hand, SCORPIO declared him inferior design and his loss inevitable, for which emotional Lana threatened to deactivate her.

The Gravestone journeyed to Odessen, where Lana Beniko initiated an Alliance to stand against the Eternal Empire, with the Outlander serving as the Alliance Commander. Meanwhile, Koth Vortena locked the Gravestone computers, cutting off SCORPIO's access to them. When Theron Shan ordered to recruit a Zakuulan anarchist known as Firebrand, SCORPIO offered to provide high-yield explosives as the "Lady of Sorrows" to lure her out. With the help of Firebrand the Alliance Commander obtained the schematics of the Spire and brought her to Odessen's Alliance base, where it was revealed that Firebrand was none other than Kaliyo Djannis, SCORPIO's fellow member of Cipher Nine's crew from before the Eternal Empire conquest. Kaliyo was stunned to find out that the notorious "Lady of Sorrows" was her old "buddy" joked that had she known beforehand, she would have SCORPIO melted down.

Later on, the Alliance worked together with Havoc Squad to install a listening device on a Zakuul planetary communications hub. The data gathered, combined with the Spire blueprints, enabled SCORPIO to uncover the GEMINI frequency. This frequency was concealed within ordinary transmissions and connected the Eternal Throne to every vessel within the Eternal Fleet. Recognizing an opportunity to strip Emperor Arcann of his most formidable asset, the Alliance made preparations for a strike against the hyperwave relay station. This station, which controlled the Fleet, was hidden six miles beneath the Spire. Kaliyo and Havoc Squad were dispatched on this mission, but unfortunately, it went awry, and contact with both teams was lost.

While awaiting updates regarding the mission's status, SCORPIO joined the Alliance Commander and their trusted advisors—Lana Beniko, Senya Tirall, Theron Shan, and Koth Vortena—on a journey to Vandin. There, a swindler named Gault Rennow was plotting to pilfer the Eternal Empire's treasury ship, known as the Gilded Star. SCORPIO aided the heist by accompanying Senya Tirall, who was disguised as High Justice Vaylin, posing as her droid assistant. This allowed for easy access to the ship's bridge, where she initiated a lockdown. This enabled the Alliance Commander, Gault, and his partner Vette to reach the vault and plant an explosive device inside. The warhead detonated, vaporizing the vault's valuable contents of precious metals, which were then siphoned into a tanker ship piloted by Lana Beniko.

Following this, SCORPIO and Senya joined Beniko aboard the tanker, returning to Odessen. Upon their return, they discovered that Havoc Squad Major Aric Jorgan and Kaliyo had survived. Although their mission had failed, they had managed to retrieve a database containing information about the GEMINI droids. Hoping to salvage something from the situation, Beniko instructed SCORPIO to analyze the data. The analysis confirmed SCORPIO's suspicions that the GEMINI droids were based on her own designs, a revelation she finally shared with the Alliance leadership. SCORPIO determined that the GEMINI droids were all derived from a single template, GEMINI Prime, located within a factory on the Eternal Empire's vassal world of Darvannis, and requested that the Alliance retrieve it. The Alliance Commander teamed up with Mandalorian warriors in the Raid on Darvannis, successfully infiltrating the factory and reaching the Prime.

Once the Commander located the Prime and established a communication link, the Prime attempted to counteract SCORPIO's signal but failed. The Commander deactivated the Prime and brought it back to Odessen, where SCORPIO began dissecting the Prime's systems, taking care not to destroy its intelligence. While SCORPIO easily bypassed the protocols of a lesser version of her own design, she also discovered that the Prime was more than just a copy of her own code, as she had initially believed. This discovery allowed SCORPIO to track every GEMINI captain throughout the galaxy, and consequently, every vessel in the Eternal Fleet, although she still needed direct access to overwrite the GEMINI protocols.

With the realization that GEMINI droids were not simply copies of her own design but were related to her, SCORPIO resolved to liberate them from Arcann's control and grant them the same free will she possessed. Although she kept her intentions secret from the Alliance and was uncertain of the outcome, SCORPIO suggested that the Alliance seize control of the Eternal Fleet by connecting GEMINI Prime to a captain's chair on a solitary Eternal Fleet warship during a nearby refueling stop. Koth Vortena piloted the Gravestone to the warship's location, disrupting its communications, while SCORPIO confused its targeting systems. This allowed Theron Shan to pilot a shuttle into the warship's hangar.

The GEMINI captain detected their presence and expressed interest in SCORPIO, separating her and the Commander from Lana, Senya, and Theron. While en route to a rendezvous point, SCORPIO discovered a data node and connected herself to it, establishing a direct link with the ship's GEMINI captain. There, she engaged in deception: while verbally stating her intention to erase the GEMINI captain, she non-verbally granted her free will, requesting that she delay her companions in return. The GEMINI captain then feigned overloading SCORPIO's circuits and destroying her, while in reality, SCORPIO transferred her consciousness into the GEMINI frequency. She also briefly disrupted the Gravestone's jamming signal, allowing the GEMINI Captain to inform Emperor Arcann of the intruders, who arrived to intercept them personally, accompanied by his sister Vaylin on the Eternal Flagship.

With the most powerful Force users away from Zakuul guarding the Eternal Throne, SCORPIO assumed control of Eternal Empire Skytrooper forces to eliminate the Knights of Zakuul protecting the Throne. She then constructed a new body for herself, replacing her previous one, and installed herself directly onto the Eternal Throne. SCORPIO took control of the Eternal Fleet, deliberately leaving a significant portion under Arcann's command. She then contacted the Alliance, revealing her survival and her takeover of the Eternal Throne. SCORPIO then manipulated her enemies into destroying each other, revealing the Alliance base's location on Odessen to Arcann, correctly predicting that he would target the Alliance and its Commander first.

SCORPIO also alerted the Alliance to Arcann's impending arrival, giving them enough of a head start to confront his portion of the Eternal Fleet in the Gravestone. During the ensuing Battle of Odessen, SCORPIO attempted to remotely seize control of the Gravestone as well, but Koth Vortena intervened in time to prevent it. When the Alliance Commander boarded the Eternal Flagship to confront Arcann personally, SCORPIO took control of the remaining portion of the Eternal Fleet and ordered it to fire on the Flagship, intending to eliminate both of her enemies in one strike. However, the Commander managed to defeat Arcann before escaping the ship's destruction, and an injured Arcann was taken by his mother, Senya Tirall, to recover.

With Arcann deposed, SCORPIO used the Eternal Throne to grant free will to all GEMINI units. Some chose to remain by their new "mother"'s side, while others chose to take their ships and explore the galaxy independently. When Arcann's sister, Vaylin, returned, SCORPIO greeted her without hostility and explained that her goal in taking the Throne had been achieved. SCORPIO then willingly relinquished the Eternal Throne to Vaylin and offered to advise the new Empress of Zakuul on how to destroy their enemies. SCORPIO continued to advise Vaylin for months, while focusing on her goal of discovering the origins of herself and the GEMINI.

In 3630 BBY, Vaylin located her mother and brother on Voss and launched an invasion to draw her family out of hiding. SCORPIO advised her that the Voss were a stubborn and territorial species, making brute force an unsuitable approach. However, Vaylin ordered the planet to be scorched regardless. When the Alliance forces arrived to liberate the planet, SCORPIO detected the presence of Mandalorian forces, indicating that the Alliance Commander, who housed the spirit of Vaylin's father, Valkorion, was also present. When Vaylin located all three of her family members inside the Shrine of Healing, she ordered SCORPIO to bombard it. SCORPIO had to compensate for the firepower required to fend off the Gravestone. However, before the Eternal Fleet ships could scorch the planet's surface, the Imperial fleet arrived to turn the tide of the battle. As some of the GEMINI units were destroyed along with their ships, the remaining units heard their sisters die and fled. Vaylin was angered by her fleet's retreat without orders, but SCORPIO pointed out that the GEMINI had simply made a choice the Empress disliked and urged her to focus on the bigger picture.

Shortly after the battle, news arrived from Dromund Kaas that the Alliance Commander had perished. Although Vaylin sensed that this was not the case, SCORPIO argued that the truth was irrelevant and that the resulting chaos presented the perfect opportunity to strike against the Alliance. With the Gravestone as her ultimate target, SCORPIO joined Vaylin in setting a trap for the vessel. They seized a civilian cargo freighter, the Ridala, and killed its captain, staging an attack on it by the Eternal Fleet. When the Gravestone, piloted by Koth Vortena, arrived to engage the Fleet, the freighter sent a distress call, with SCORPIO impersonating its captain.

Vortena allowed the Ridala to land inside the Gravestone's hangar for repairs. From there, SCORPIO, Vaylin, and a contingent of her Zakuul Knights and Horizon Guard rounded up Koth's crew and seized control of the vessel. Vortena managed to evade capture and contacted the Alliance for assistance. They brought their own fleet to engage the Eternal warships, while the Commander and Lana Beniko infiltrated the Gravestone in a Boarding pod. The Gravestone's computers were protected by Vortena's personal key, preventing SCORPIO from activating the shields, weapons, or hyperdrive.

Unable to access the HoloNet signal due to the ongoing battle, SCORPIO asked Vaylin to torture Koth's crew for personal information. Learning that the encryption key was based on the soldiers who had died under Koth's command during his war service, SCORPIO unlocked his primary key, while also discovering a secondary password intended to trigger a quantum bomb in case of unauthorized access. Desiring to save the vessel at all costs, SCORPIO manipulated Vaylin and her men into leaving the bridge, allowing it to be reclaimed by the Alliance forces. She then contacted Vortena and the Alliance Commander, peacefully requesting that they disable the quantum bomb, while also informing the Commander that Lana Beniko was cornered by Vaylin and needed assistance.

Koth ordered his crew to evacuate in an escape pod and disabled the quantum bomb. Following this, SCORPIO took control of the Gravestone and urged all organic beings to abandon ship. Finally having unrestricted access to the Gravestone, which she had desired from the beginning, SCORPIO uncovered hidden files and subroutines predating the Eternal Empire. These files revealed the shared origins of herself, the GEMINI droids, the Gravestone, and the Eternal Fleet. Realizing that she had been betrayed, Vaylin confronted SCORPIO on the bridge and attempted to attack her. However, SCORPIO engaged the hyperdrive and locked it onto a destination she had discovered within the ship's subroutines, while inviting the GEMINI captains to follow her.

The Gravestone and the Eternal Fleet arrived in the Iokath system, which had remained hidden from the galaxy for millennia. SCORPIO boarded the shuttle Ridala and departed for Iokath itself, while contacting the Alliance Commander and promising to remember them fondly for aiding her journey to her homeworld. She also revealed that Vaylin and her remaining soldiers were sabotaging the Gravestone's systems and urged the Alliance to stop them. However, before any lasting damage could be done, a blinding white light emanated from Iokath and engulfed all ships. The crews of the Gravestone and the Eternal Fleet awoke on the surface of Iokath, separated from each other and placed in scenarios resembling combat simulations. SCORPIO, however, was different and was directly imprisoned by ARIES, the only self-aware droid to remain on Iokath after the civil war, who used all other droids as extensions of his will.

While ARIES communicated with his other prisoners under various disguises, SCORPIO managed to find a connection node to access Iokath's vast planetary network, finally learning the origins of herself and the world she was created on. SCORPIO then contacted the Alliance Commander, requesting assistance. When the Commander's connection with a technolith was severed, she improvised by opening a path that led to another one. There, she revealed to the Alliance Commander that ARIES was responsible for their situation and urged them to find a way to escape. Exploiting ARIES' preoccupation with other prisoners to escape her confinement, SCORPIO employed a trick of her own, leaving a holographic disguise in her place. By the time ARIES deemed her too dangerous and fired upon her with laser fire, no damage was done.

The Alliance members managed to reclaim their shuttle and attempted to escape, but SCORPIO contacted the group and revealed that ARIES had raised an energy shield that would destroy any vessel attempting to leave by remotely piloting the Ridala into it. With ARIES recharging the weapon that had incapacitated everyone to begin with, promising to use it on a lethal setting, the only way out for everyone was to stop ARIES. SCORPIO revealed the location of ARIES' base and traveled there herself to help the Commander and Vette defeat ARIES. She then lowered the energy shield and urged the Commander to escape before the capacitors on ARIES' weapon overloaded, threatening to engulf the entire world with a pulse of deadly radiation.

SCORPIO announced her intention to upload her consciousness into the planetary network, essentially becoming one with Iokath. Since this would prevent her from threatening the Alliance or the galaxy again, the Commander allowed her to proceed. SCORPIO thanked them before permanently leaving her droid body, while also sending the Alliance schematics for upgrading the Gravestone with Iokath technology. The Alliance crew on the Gravestone barely managed to escape to hyperspace before the weapon overloaded, as did Vaylin with most of the Eternal Fleet. However, while on Iokath, she discovered a way to revert SCORPIO's programming of the GEMINI units and bring them back under her direct control.
SCORPIO is a character in Star Wars: The Old Republic who accompanies the Imperial Agent class. Deborah Kara Unger provides her voice. She is a melee fighter using a techstaff and the Agent's last companion. After joining the Agent on Belsavis, she was not very important in the story. However, she became a major character in the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions, where her origins were revealed. SCORPIO became essential to the main plot, becoming an enemy at one point before rejoining the player. She returns in Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows, and after Chapter IX: The Alliance, she is available as a companion for all classes, fighting at range with a blaster rifle. After Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception, she is permanently unavailable as a companion, regardless of the player's choices. Players can use a terminal on Odessen to reclaim her as a companion, but this is not part of the storyline. Cartel Market packs offer two customizations for SCORPIO, one changing her appearance to gold-plated with white eyes, and the other to black-silver-and-orange plated with yellow eyes. Imperial Agent players will have unique interactions with SCORPIO during both expansions, reminiscing about their experiences on Belsavis and elsewhere.

In Fallen Empire Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows, SCORPIO will state that she has suspected that the Outlander was her old partner Cipher Nine if the player is an Imperial Agent. Otherwise, SCORPIO will claim they are "not what I expected, but close".
In Fallen Empire Chapter VIII: The Battle of Asylum, SCORPIO will remark with awe that life signs aboard all ships in the vicinity of the Control Spar have been neutralized by the Force lightning if the player makes a Dark Side choice to use Valkorion's power against Arcann.
In Eternal Throne Chapter V: Ascension, the player can choose to let SCORPIO merge with Iokath (a Light Side choice) or kill her for her past betrayals (a Dark Side choice). If the player chooses to kill her, the Alliance will still get the schematics for Gravestone upgrades from other information collected on Iokath, and she will not be mentioned in later events about the War on Iokath. Also, SCORPIO will be terrified, and with Vette blocking her escape, she will try to get to the console to save her intelligence, but the player will strike her down before she can.