Project Noble Focus was the classified codename for one of the most secretive and ethically questionable programs of the Galactic Republic during the Cold War. These experiments, focused on achieving dominance, were initiated by Senator Tudos to evaluate the military strengths of numerous alien civilizations. This was implemented by pitting incarcerated individuals on Belsavis against each other in carefully observed combat situations. Various alien species were separated into experimental groups, provided with weapons and equipment representative of their cultures, and compelled to fight. To motivate the prisoners, victors were given enhanced living conditions and resources, albeit temporarily.
The project's existence remained known to only a small number of high-ranking officials in the Republic's political and military structure. Despite this secrecy, Project Noble Focus eventually involved several dozen staff members on Belsavis. While the majority of prison staff remained ignorant of the experiments, senior personnel, along with the scientists and guards responsible for maintaining the project, effectively suppressed any moral concerns among those who uncovered its existence.
The Sith Empire's assault on the planet during the Cold War caused a major interruption to the project, leading to a massive prison uprising due to the release of numerous inmates. It was during this period that a Republic citizen discovered Project Noble Focus's existence from a participating prisoner and subsequently challenged Senator Tudos regarding the program.
A squad of Imperial agents successfully breached the High Security sector of the Belsavis prison during the Sith Empire's attack, with the goal of extracting the data related to Project Noble Focus.