Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne represents the sixth digital expansion pack for the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic developed by BioWare. It was made public on July 15, 2016, and subsequently launched on December 2, 2016, commemorating the game's fifth anniversary. The narrative picks up where the previous expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, left off, featuring the Outlander leading the Alliance in opposition to Empress Vaylin and the forces she commands. Alongside three exclusive rewards for subscribers, this expansion introduced Galactic Command and Uprisings as fresh gameplay elements, enabling players to engage in novel combat scenarios and broaden their influence across the galaxy.

Storyline Synopsis

Knights of the Eternal Throne

In the aftermath of the Battle of Odessen, occurring six to eight months later, the Commander, a seasoned veteran of the Galactic War, spearheads the Alliance against Empress Vaylin as she embarks on her campaign to dominate the galaxy. Confronting unprecedented challenges, the Outlander and their Alliance uncover previously unknown worlds and undertake perilous clandestine operations as they fight to seize control of the Eternal Throne.

  • Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin
  • Chapter II: Run for the Shadows
  • Chapter III: Dark Reunions
  • Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die
  • Chapter V: Ascension
  • Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw
  • Chapter VII: Into the Void
  • Chapter VIII: End Times
  • Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne

The War for Iokath

Having claimed the Eternal Throne and vanquished The Immortal Emperor, the Eternal Alliance, under the leadership of the Alliance Commander, has successfully overthrown the Eternal Empire. Now wielding authority over the galaxy, the Commander endeavors to secure the world of Iokath to gain access to its advanced weaponry, only to discover that both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic are vying for the same prize. With the threat of a new galactic conflict looming, a treacherous plot is exposed, poised to reshape the galaxy once more.

Crisis on Umbara

Following an assassination attempt on the Alliance Commander, suspicion and unease have gripped the Eternal Alliance as the hunt for a mole intensifies. Lana Beniko has shared intelligence with the Commander and Theron Shan, pinpointing the traitor's location on Umbara, where they are attempting to amass a stockpile of adegan crystals. The trio journeys to Umbara with the aim of capturing the traitor and uncovering their scheme.

A Traitor Among the Chiss

Theron Shan is revealed to be the traitor! The Alliance Commander has made the capture of Theron a top priority. Aristocra Saganu of the Chiss Ascendancy arrives on Odessen to disclose Theron's whereabouts on the Chiss planet of Copero, outlining his intention to apprehend both Theron and the Chiss collaborators sheltering him, while Theron seeks a Chiss secret to destabilize the Alliance.

The Nathema Conspiracy

The Alliance discovers that Theron Shan has aligned himself with the Order of Zildrog, aiding their plot to obliterate the Alliance, all while receiving encrypted communications from an unidentified source regarding the Order's movements. Lana and the Commander deduce that Theron is the source of the intelligence, as well as the Order's plan to awaken Zildrog on Nathema. With no time to spare, Lana and the Commander rush to Nathema to thwart the Order and confront Theron Shan for the sake of the galaxy.

Jedi Under Siege

The mission to Nathema has dealt a severe blow to the Eternal Alliance, resulting in the destruction of both the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone. With these threats neutralized, the galactic war between the Empire and Republic is on the verge of reigniting. The Empire launches an assault on Ossus, the Jedi world where the majority of the Jedi, including Jedi Master and Council member Gnost-Dural, sought refuge following Zakuul's conquest of the galaxy. The Alliance Commander plays a crucial role in determining which faction to support, a decision that will have far-reaching consequences for the overarching conflict.

Gameplay Mechanics

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne marks the sixth digital expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This expansion elevates the maximum player level from 65 to 70 and introduces two innovative gameplay features: Galactic Command and Uprisings. Galactic Command allows players at Level 70 to enhance their influence by engaging in battles against both light and dark side adversaries. Alternatively, players can team up with up to three allies to confront the game's most formidable foes in Uprisings, earning rewards along the way.

The narrative of Knights of the Eternal Throne is structured into nine chapters, each representing a distinct battle in the Alliance's struggle against the Eternal Empire.

Production Details

The announcement of Knights of the Eternal Throne occurred on July 15, 2016, during Electronic Arts' "Meet the Makers" panel at Celebration Europe. Scheduled for release in the fall of 2016, the expansion was intended to coincide with The Old Republic's fifth anniversary.

On September 30 and October 6, 2016, two brief trailers, titled "Chamber" and "Shadow," were unveiled, revealing that the expansion's cinematic would be released on October 7, 2016. The release of the cinematic trailer, named Betrayed, was accompanied by the publication of new details on The Old Republic's official website concerning the upcoming expansion. This included story elements, information about the expansion's new gameplay features, and a confirmed release date of December 2, 2016.

Similar to previous expansions, Knights of the Eternal Throne was accompanied by a series of subscriber rewards. Players who became premium subscribers by October 25, 2016, were granted the ability to use a game token to enlist bounty hunter Shae Vizla as a companion. Those who became premium subscribers by November 27, 2016, gained access to the Rapid Recon Walker. Players who maintained premium status throughout this period were granted early access to the expansion, three days in advance.

Launch Information

Rapid Recon Walker promo
  • Knights of the Eternal Throne — Release 5.0 on December 2, 2016
  • Update "Defend the Throne" — Release 5.1 on January 23 , 2017
  • Update "The War for Iokath" — Release 5.2 on April 17 , 2017
  • Update "Sisters of Carnage" — Release 5.3 on July 10 , 2017
  • Update "The Crisis on Umbara" — Release 5.4 on August 24 , 2017
  • Update "United Forces Foundation" — Release 5.5 on October 10 , 2017
  • Update "A Traitor Among the Chiss" — Release 5.6 on November 27 , 2017
  • Update "Legacy of the Creators" — Release 5.7 on January 22 , 2018
  • Update "Command Authority" — Release 5.8 on March 18 , 2018
  • Update "Nathema Conspiracy" — Release 5.9 on May 2 , 2018
  • Update "Jedi Under Siege" — Release 5.10 on December 10 , 2018 Update "The Wretched Hive" — Release 5.10.1 on February 2, 2019 Update "Heralds of Victory" — Release 5.10.2 on April 10, 2019 Update "The Dantooine Incursion" — Release 5.10.3 on June 1, 2019


