The calendar date of May 2nd marks the 122nd day in a standard year, or the 123rd day in a leap year. Following this date, there are 243 days left until the year concludes.
Here's a list of events related to Star Wars that occurred on this day:
- In 1935, the birth of Frank Henson took place.
- In 1941, Paul Darrow was born.
- In 1947, the world welcomed David Ankrum.
- In 1961, Stephen Daldry entered the world.
- The 62nd issue of Star Wars Weekly was released in 1979.
- The 46th issue of Return of the Jedi Weekly was made available in 1984.
- The paperback edition of Heir to the Empire was released in 1992.
- The _Dark Empire II audio drama_ was launched on Cassette in 1995.
- 1996 saw the publication of X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble.
- Rogue Planet was published in 2000.
- The _Star Wars: Darth Maul_ trade paperback was released in 2001.
- Also in 2001, Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 1 saw publication.
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 54 was published in 2002.
- Knights of the Old Republic 16 was published in 2007.
- 2009 marked the publication of The Clone Wars: The Gauntlet of Death.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.46 was published in 2013.
- Han and the Rebel Rescue was published in 2017.
- _Guardians of the Whills_ was also published in 2017.
- 2017 also saw the release of Rebel Rising.
- Trouble on Tatooine was another release in 2017.
- Star Wars (2015) 47 was published in 2018.
- The publication of The Last Jedi Adaptation 1 also occurred in 2018.
- In 2023, The High Republic: Path of Vengeance was published.
- Star Wars: The High Republic Phase II Vol. 1 – Balance of the Force also came out in 2023.
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian Vol. 2 — Season One Part Two was another 2023 release.
- 2023 also saw the release of Star Wars Flip Pop: Boba Fett.
- Star Wars Flip Pop: Darth Vader was also published in 2023.
- Young Jedi Adventures: Jedi Training was released in 2023.
- Star Wars Insider 218 was published in 2023.