
Saganu was a male Chiss Aristocra belonging to House Miurani. He lived during the time of the Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.


During 3642 BBY, as the Galactic War began between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Saganu held the position of Aristocra within House Miurani and also served as a commander within the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. He also occasionally took on diplomatic tasks for the Chiss Ascendancy. During the war, Chiss forces were deployed to Hoth to assist the Sith Empire in their effort to capture the planet from the Republic. Saganu also secretly aided Imperial Intelligence before its dissolution that same year.

While stationed on Hoth at Zero Station, he oversaw his troops as well as Ensign Raina Temple, as they worked to support their Sith allies against the Galactic Republic. Together, Saganu and Temple assisted Cipher Nine, an agent of Imperial Intelligence, in the pursuit of the rogue Imperial Admiral Layek Davos across the icy terrain of Hoth.

During the Eternal Empire's attack on known space, Saganu skillfully negotiated an agreement between Emperor Arcann and the Ascendancy. His calm and collected negotiation skills allowed the Chiss to keep most of their worlds in exchange for providing significant production resources to the Eternal Fleet. As a result of this agreement, he was promoted to supreme commander of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, giving him oversight of all Chiss military operations.

Saganu on Odessen, addressing the Alliance Commander

After the defeat of the Eternal Empire, Aristocra Saganu reached out to the Alliance's Commander with information about Theron Shan, who was believed to have betrayed the Alliance. He helped the Commander locate Theron Shan on the Chiss world of Copero, ensuring the Commander had political immunity during the operation due to Theron Shan's connection to Syndic Zenta, a traitor to the Ascendancy. During this operation, Saganu offered the Commander the services of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force in exchange for the elimination of Syndic Zenta.

Behind the scenes

If the Agent is female, a romance with Saganu is possible. If the Agent is a Chiss, they will have access to extra dialogue options during conversations with Saganu and will also be made a merit adoptive member of House Miurani.

