The Hyperwave relay station, the singular origin point for the GEMINI frequency, which facilitated all communication between the Eternal Throne and the Eternal Fleet, resided a full ten thousand meters below The Spire, the central metropolis of Zakuul's Eternal Empire. In 3630 BBY, the Anti-Zakuul Alliance, having acquired comprehensive blueprints of the Spire via the Overwatch, pinpointed the Hyperwave relay station as a crucial strategic objective. Havoc Squad, alongside Kaliyo Djannis, were dispatched to secure a route for The Alliance Commander; however, due to the Commander's disappearance within the Odessen wilderness, they were compelled to finalize the assignment independently. During the ensuing conflict, Knights of Zakuul and Skytroopers trapped the soldiers, resulting in the deaths of four out of six Havoc members, while Aric Jorgan and Djannis successfully escaped and made their way back to Odessen.