Eternal Fleet warship

The primary vessel of the Eternal Fleet, a fleet of ships controlled by sentient GEMINI droid entities, was the Eternal Fleet warship.


This class of warships made up the entirety of the Eternal Fleet, numbering in the hundreds. They functioned in carefully planned formations and could unleash devastating coordinated assaults. If a vessel within the formation was destroyed while charging its weapons, every ship would detonate, obliterating anything within the resulting blast zone.

An Eternal Fleet warship disintegrates from a self-destruct sequence.

These highly sophisticated starships, roughly the same length as an Imperial Terminus-class destroyer, were piloted by sentient droids. Possessing cloaking capabilities, they were faster than any other spacecraft in existence. The only ships that could outpace them were those modified to utilize Isotope-5. Neither the Sith Empire's nor the Republic's ships could effectively compete against them in combat.

These warships were capable of launching starfighters and were also equipped with atmospheric and space-capable drop ships. Skytrooper boarding pods were deployed to breach the hull of enemy ships, allowing Skytroopers to wreak havoc inside.

