
Isotope-5 A container holding stabilized Isotope-5.

Isotope-5 represented one of the most scarce materials throughout the galaxy as it was known; its discovery was kept secret and occurred during deep-core mining operations on the planet of Makeb. This happened after the Hutt Cartel had conquered it in 3638 BBY. It was found to be a radioactive variation of illerium, and its name came from it being the fifth identified isotopic form of an element typically located within neutron stars. Even in extremely small quantities, isotope-5 exerted significant warping influences on both gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Investigations into its potential revealed a relative stability, suggesting it could, in theory, be transformed into a state capable of transmitting substantial energy through particle impact. Scientists posited that a mere microgram of isotope-5 possessed the theoretical capacity to power a datapad for an entire century, highlighting its immense power potential. The unusual atmospheric disturbances and the distinctive mesa formations characterizing Makeb's landscape were attributed to isotope-5's gravity-altering characteristics.

Toborro the Hutt's scheme to elevate the Hutt Cartel to the status of a galactic superpower, rivaling both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, heavily relied on Isotope-5. During the conflict for Makeb, Hutt researchers devised various battlefield applications for the substance. These included isotope-5 powered fuel rods that enhanced the energy shields and amplified the destructive power of blaster weaponry of a series of war droids deployed to assault Makeb's civilian population and resistance fighters.

Facing near defeat due to setbacks experienced during the Galactic War, the Sith Empire dispatched a small commando unit, led by Darth Marr, to Makeb. Their mission was to either secure the substance for the Empire's use or to sabotage the Hutt Cartel's efforts to acquire it. Regrettably, the Hutts had exhausted nearly all of their isotope-5 reserves in the development of their droids, making extraction impossible. Adding to the complications, the Hutts' extensive mining activities had destabilized Makeb's planetary core, triggering groundquakes and threatening the planet's destruction, thus thwarting the Empire's objectives. However, an Imperial think tank managed to create a strategy employing mining lasers to initiate controlled seismic events, guiding the core towards a state of equilibrium.

