Black Codex

The Black Codex functioned as a data repository for the clandestine Star Cabal, with its origins tracing back nine centuries prior to the era of the Cold War. Over the course of those nine centuries, the Codex was persistently upgraded with advanced technologies and housed the sum total of the Cabal's clandestine plots spanning the galaxy. The information within enabled the group to preserve their network of contacts and evade detection by major galactic entities, all while leveraging their concealed power to accomplish their objectives.

Its location was within the Cabal's central base of operations, the Star Chamber, situated in the Null Zone, until an Imperial Agent successfully infiltrated the station, at which point Cipher Nine succeeded in obtaining it.

Behind the scenes

The ultimate disposition of the Black Codex is variable and contingent upon the player's decisions. Should it be handed over to the Minister of Intelligence, Cipher Nine possesses the option to eliminate their own personal record from Imperial Intelligence. If the Sith receive the Codex, Nine will be granted a position within the newly formed Sith Intelligence agency. Conversely, if the agent permitted Ardun Kothe's escape at the conclusion of chapter 2, Cipher Nine has the alternative of providing the codex to him, thereby becoming a double agent working for the SIS. As a final option, Cipher Nine can elect to obliterate the Black Codex entirely, along with all its stored data, to preclude its potential exploitation by any other party.

