Eternal Empire military

The military arm of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul was known as the Eternal Empire military.


While the Knights of Zakuul, who possessed the Force-sensitive trait, directly reported to the Emperor and the High Justice, the Zakuulan military consisted of standard conscripted soldiers and skytroopers. These forces consistently operated alongside the Knights, being deployed in tandem. The vast majority of the Eternal Empire's combat strength came from droids, specifically the GEMINI units that oversaw the Eternal Fleet, and the various skytrooper models that made up the bulk of ground troops. Humans were primarily relegated to crucial roles such as piloting Eternal Empire shuttles and Eternal Empire Walkers, as well as serving as crew on the limited number of vessels outside the Eternal Fleet.

Following the assassination of Valkorion and the subsequent rise of his son, Arcann, to the Eternal Throne in 3636 BBY, Zakuul revealed its existence to the wider galaxy. This revelation was followed by a swift and devastating Eternal Empire conquest of the Core Worlds, which the inhabitants of Zakuul, a Wild Space world, referred to as the major part of the known galaxy. During the Occupation of Denon, ground troops received orders to open fire on protesting civilians. However, Captain Koth Vortena, along with his unit including Len Parvek, disobeyed these orders and deserted. This act contributed to a further reduction in the use of non-skytrooper Human personnel. By the time the galaxy initiated the war against Zakuul five years later, only skytroopers and the Knights of Zakuul were commonly sent to other planets. Non-Force-sensitive Human personnel were mainly assigned to security duties on Zakuul itself. Despite this, Eternal Empire troopers were assigned to protect the shield generator bunkers of Star Fortresses, and Empress Vaylin deployed Zakuul soldiers during the Assault on Odessen.

Ultimately, the rebellion succeeded, with the Eternal Alliance securing a victory over Zakuul and dismantling the Eternal Empire. The people of Zakuul gained the freedom to govern themselves, and the Alliance took control of Zakuul's military resources, including the Eternal Fleet. Some former soldiers and Knights of Zakuul chose to join the Alliance military, which also incorporated Zakuulan skytroopers and walkers. Others became rogue elements, aligning themselves with either Battalion Commander Tassar or Vinn Atrius's Order of Zildrog.

