The Eternal Empire Walker represents a bipedal combat walker design manufactured by the Eternal Empire originating from Zakuul. These walkers saw extensive deployment by Zakuul's armed forces during the Eternal Empire conquest and the period that followed, serving both as defensive units on Zakuul itself and as offensive weapons in other parts of the galaxy. The Knights of Zakuul frequently employed a combat strategy known as Tyth's Gauntlet, which depended upon the utilization of these walkers. After the assault on Odessen and the demise of Empress Vaylin, the Eternal Alliance achieved a triumph over the Zakuul military, resulting in the Alliance's acquisition of a limited number of Eternal Empire Walkers, which were subsequently deployed in the War on Iokath.
Eternal Empire Walkers are featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire as both non-player character (NPC) adversaries and as a mount option for players. A specific walker, known as the Talon of Izax, was stationed near the Shrine of Healing during the Invasion of Voss.