After managing to break free from the mental conditioning her father imposed upon her on Nathema, the Eternal Empress Vaylin wasted no time in initiating a catastrophic attack against the Alliance base situated on the planet Odessen. This base was the central location for the majority of the Alliance forces, including Vaylin's own brother, Arcann, and their mother, Senya Tirall. With the Alliance Commander absent, away on a critical mission, Bey'wan Aygo took command of the defense of Odessen. He focused all of the Alliance's resources on preventing the Eternal Empire forces from seizing control of the Gravestone, which was vulnerable, undergoing essential upgrades within the dry dock. Zakuulan forces deployed a significant number of troops, dropships, and walkers across the surface of Odessen, sparking a fierce battle that engulfed the entire Alliance base and involved all available Alliance personnel. In the midst of this intense conflict, the Alliance Commander, accompanied by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, returned and immediately rushed to aid in the defense of the Gravestone. Arcann and his mother had been valiantly holding off the attackers until their arrival. Just as the defenders' position was on the verge of being overrun by overwhelming numbers of Eternal Empire Walkers, the crew successfully completed the installation of the upgrades, enabling the ship to unleash a devastating blast that cleared the immediate area before joining the battle against the Eternal Fleet in orbit. Despite this, the Alliance forces were still at a disadvantage. To bring the battle to a swift and decisive conclusion, the Commander strategically provoked Vaylin, enticing her to abandon the safety of her flagship and confront them directly on the surface of Odessen. Upon arriving on Odessen, Vaylin seized an Alliance fighter pilot as a hostage and challenged the Commander to face her on the Alliance landing platform. Surrounded by a formidable contingent of skytroopers and [Horizon Guards](/article/horizon_guard], Vaylin confronted Senya, Arcann, and the Commander, callously using the Force to end the life of her captive. Vaylin then engaged her family in a fierce battle, but she was ultimately overpowered and defeated by the Commander. With the death of their Empress, the Eternal Empire forces on Odessen surrendered in large numbers. However, the Eternal Fleet managed to escape and, reverting to its original programming, began indiscriminately bombarding the capital worlds of Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Zakuul, endangering billions of lives.

In the year 3630 BBY, the secret base of the Alliance, which opposed Emperor Arcann, was attacked by the Eternal Fleet under his command. This occurred after SCORPIO revealed the base's location on the planet Odessen. During the ensuing Battle of Odessen, the Alliance Commander emerged victorious over Arcann. Following his defeat, Arcann was taken by his mother, Senya Tirall, to Voss to recover, which allowed his sister, Vaylin, to ascend to the Eternal Throne. Arcann later underwent a redemption arc, guided by his mother on Voss, and subsequently joined the Alliance alongside her, united in their goal to end his sister's oppressive reign. For a period, Vaylin's actions were constrained by mental conditioning imposed by Valkorion. However, after successfully overcoming this conditioning on Nathema, she immediately commanded the Eternal Fleet to launch another assault on Odessen, with the intent of completely destroying the Alliance.
Unfortunately for the Alliance, the attack occurred at a critical moment, as the Gravestone, their most valuable asset and the only vessel capable of effectively challenging the Eternal Fleet, was undergoing upgrades within the dry dock. These upgrades were based on schematics acquired on Iokath. The Alliance fleet engaged Vaylin's forces in the orbit of Odessen, but without the Gravestone, they were unable to prevent the landing of Zakuulan ground forces. Over the nearly two years of operation on the planet, the Alliance had established formidable defenses around their base, including a planetary shield that provided comprehensive protection to the surrounding area against orbital bombardment and aerial attacks.

Bey'wan Aygo, a former Republic Admiral, assumed command of Odessen's defense and urgently contacted the Alliance Commander, Theron Shan, and Lana Beniko, who were away from the base on a mission to Nathema. He informed them of the attack and urged them to return as quickly as possible. The Eternal Empire deployed a significant number of troops and ground vehicles to the surface of Odessen, with World thrashers clearing landing zones in the wilderness of Odessen. Zakuul Hovercrafts deployed battalions of troops, and Eternal Empire Walkers provided heavy firepower for the ground forces.
The initial objective of the Zakuulan troops was to seize the Gravestone, which would immediately eliminate any advantage held by the Alliance. However, Captain Koth Vortena's crew sealed all entrances and worked feverishly to complete the upgrades and get the ship airborne. Both around the Alliance base and in the untamed wilderness of Odessen, the Alliance mounted a strong resistance, although Vaylin's forces still possessed numerical superiority. Intense fighting erupted throughout the base, with former Republic and Imperial soldiers, along with prominent Alliance recruits, fighting side by side against the Eternal Empire forces.
Qyzen Fess joined forces with the Trandoshan Warstalkers, while Torian Cadera led a group of Mandalorians to reinforce Bey'wan Aygo's position. Sana-Rae, a Voss Mystic, and her Force-sensitive students attempted to defend the Gravestone, but were forced to retreat when the enemy deployed heavy artillery around it. Vette volunteered to disable the artillery guns using a rocket launcher provided by Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb, who was occupied with securing the research within his base.

The shuttle carrying the Alliance Commander, Theron Shan, and Lana Beniko arrived amidst the ongoing battle. Theron dropped off Lana and the Commander in a secure location near the base, while he decided to infiltrate enemy lines and cause disruption. To navigate through the battle to the besieged Gravestone, the Commander and Lana commandeered an Eternal Empire Walker from Vaylin's forces, using its firepower to destroy enemy communication arrays and clear a direct path to the Gravestone. By this point, enemy troops had breached the Alliance lines and were attempting to penetrate the Gravestone's hull. Arcann, Vaylin's brother and the redeemed former Emperor, and his mother, Senya Tirall, arrived to assist in its defense, providing enough time for the Commander and Lana to join them and defeat the Knight Tyrral Jerikko, who was leading the assault.

A large group of Zakuulan Walkers then threatened to overwhelm their position, but Vortena and his crew completed the upgrades in time to activate the ship's cannons and destroy the walkers. The Gravestone then launched into space to confront the Eternal Fleet. However, even this was insufficient to change the course of the battle, prompting the Commander to lure Vaylin away from the safety of her flagship and down to the surface for a personal confrontation. Lana joined Theron, while Senya and Arcann offered to support the Commander against Vaylin. With the dry dock no longer the primary focus of the battle, Sana-Rae led the Force-users in a counter-attack against the enemy flank, while the Commander sought a way to contact Vaylin as enemy reinforcements assaulted Aygo's line of defense from the west.

After defeating Imperator Sunfell, the Commander used her holocomm to call Vaylin, successfully provoking her into a face-to-face confrontation. The Commander, Senya, and Arcann commandeered another walker to eliminate as many troops as possible before Vaylin's arrival, defeating a Siege Skytrooper before disembarking and requesting status updates. By this point, Torian was the only survivor from his unit, which had been ambushed, and his position was in danger of being overrun. Simultaneously, Vaylin's forces had pinned down Vette on another part of the battlefield, her location revealed when she destroyed the artillery guns.

The Commander made the difficult decision to prioritize saving one of their allies, arriving just in time to clear out the enemy forces surrounding them. Together with Senya and Arcann, the Commander then hurried to assist the other combatant, but Vaylin had reached them first, taking her victim prisoner and sending the Commander the coordinates for a direct confrontation on the Alliance landing platform. The Commander, Senya, and Arcann returned to the Alliance base, where Oggurobb's position was being overwhelmed while Gault and Bowdaar had barricaded themselves inside the Alliance headquarters. The southern perimeter of Aygo's defense had been breached by enemy forces, who also pushed back Sana-Rae and her students, requiring Aygo to send reinforcements. The Commander, Senya, and Arcann approached the Alliance base from the hangar entrance, where Aric Jorgan provided support from a sniper position. After clearing the base of enemies, they proceeded to the face-to-face confrontation with Vaylin.

Vaylin awaited her family, accompanied by a contingent of skytroopers and Horizon Guards, with her prisoner at her mercy. After Valkorion appeared before his daughter, deeming Vaylin unworthy of the Eternal Throne and unfit to rule the Eternal Empire, she responded by throwing her hostage at the Commander in a gesture of contempt, simultaneously using the Force to end her victim's life. This act shocked Senya and Arcann, who stood by the Commander's side, agreeing that there was no alternative but to permanently stop Vaylin. Vaylin engaged her entire family with her full power. The Commander defeated her in lightsaber combat, but Vaylin unleashed a powerful [Force Storm](/article/force_storm], threatening to destroy the entire Alliance base. With no other way to stop her, the Commander was forced to strike Vaylin down, ending her life. Aygo then reported that Eternal Empire soldiers were surrendering in large numbers, and Koth confirmed that the Eternal Fleet had retreated, with Arcann theorizing that his sister's rage was the sole factor motivating her troops to fight.

Gathering in the war room after their victory, the Alliance mourned the losses suffered during the battle. Arcann warned the Commander about a strange energy he sensed after his sister's death, cautioning them about Valkorion's schemes. However, before anyone could rest, Aygo received emergency calls from Sith Empress Darth Acina regarding Eternal Fleet warships bombarding Dromund Kaas, as well as Coruscant and the other Core Worlds. Valkorion explained that with the Eternal Throne vacant, the fleet's GEMINI captains had gone rogue, reverting the Fleet to its original directive of exterminating all complex life in the galaxy. Believing that claiming the Eternal Throne was the only way to stop the destruction, the entire Alliance leadership boarded the Gravestone and departed for Zakuul, where they found the planet blockaded by the Eternal Fleet, leading to the Battle of Zakuul.

Several aspects of the battle can vary based on the player's choices. If the player had previously killed or exiled Koth Vortena, Hylo Visz would replace him as the captain of the Gravestone, installing the Iokath updates and piloting the ship against the Eternal Fleet. If the player had previously killed Arcann and Senya Tirall, Theron Shan would arrive to defend the Gravestone in their place, subsequently joining Lana in accompanying the player to the confrontation with Vaylin instead of assaulting the enemy flank. During Chapter VIII: End Times, an optional objective requires the player to locate eight other Alliance members on the battlefield. Gault Rennow is always present, regardless of choices, while the others are replaced by generic Alliance members if the player does not have them as companions. Aric Jorgan or Kaliyo Djannis can be killed or exiled during Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder, while the rest are recruits from optional Alliance alerts missions, which can be completed independently of the main story in almost any order. Alerts for recruiting Yuun, Qyzen Fess, and Bowdaar are available to all players, while the alert for Pierce is exclusive to Imperial-side players, and Nico Okarr is only available to players who were subscribed on August 10, 2015. When the player faces the choice of saving either Vette or Torian Cadera, neither option is aligned with the Light or Dark side. The player must choose which companion to save, while the other will be captured and later killed by Vaylin.
content="Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne (First appearance)"
content="Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught (Mentioned only)"