Nico Okarr, a Human male captain and smuggler, rose to prominence in the years preceding the Great Galactic War. In 3681 BBY, his smuggling activities on the planet of Korriban led to his capture; however, he was instrumental in the escape of Satele Shan and Jace Malcom during the returned Sith Empire's subsequent attack. Shortly after his capture, he managed to flee, seemingly disappearing altogether. However, due to a artifact he discovered on Korriban, Okarr experienced no aging for decades. In 3631 BBY, he was recruited to support the Alliance against the Eternal Empire, appearing as youthful as he did nearly half a century before.
In the time before the Great Galactic War and the resurgence of the Sith Empire, Nico Okarr stood out as one of the most famous mercenary spacers operating in the Outer Rim Territories. Okarr's debts were as well-known as his accomplishments, which drove him to accept the riskiest and most lucrative underworld assignments. Regardless of the challenges, he always delivered, and every criminal organization, from the Hutt Cartel and beyond, sought out his services. At one point, he acquired engine schematics from a Valahari noble by stealing them, selling them to a rival, and then using them to improve his XS stock light freighter, the Redshifter.

In the year 3681 BBY, T7-O1, an astromech droid, was assigned to Nico Okarr as his undercover co-pilot and mechanic by Jedi Master Ven Zallow. While attempting to smuggle Sith artifacts from Korriban, the Sith homeworld, Okarr and Teeseven were apprehended by Republic forces above the planet. The Republic took Okarr into custody and impounded his ship at Korriban's orbital security station. However, the arrival of the Sith Empire interrupted Okarr's transfer to a holding cell by Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach of the Zabrak species, his Padawan Satele Shan, and two Republic troopers. A substantial fleet entered the system and initiated an assault on the station, with the goal of retaking their homeworld. When the Jedi Master decided that the Galactic Republic needed to be alerted to the Sith's return, Okarr offered the Redshifter to facilitate their escape, utilizing his two custom blaster pistols to assist the Jedi in repelling the Sith. After defeating the Sith troopers guarding the hangar, two Sith Lords, Vindican and Malgus, arrived. As the Jedi engaged the Sith, Okarr and Jace Malcom, the sole surviving Republic trooper, prepared the ship for departure. The smuggler instructed Teeseven, who was already on board performing maintenance, to ready the ship's weapons for their escape. While Master Darach remained behind to duel the Sith, his Padawan Satele Shan boarded the ship under her Master's orders as it began to take off. Okarr then instructed Shan and the trooper to man the laser turrets to defend against the Sith interceptors. After skillfully maneuvering through a Sith battlecruiser, Okarr activated the ship's hyperdrive and jumped to hyperspace to make their escape.
After delivering Shan, Malcom, and T7-O1 to Coruscant to warn them of the impending danger, Okarr promptly escaped custody once more, and his whereabouts became unknown. Decades passed without any sightings of him, leading everyone to believe that Okarr had perished, although there was no official confirmation. At some point, Nico Okarr decided to take a "vacation" on Molavar, where he spent his time in the Sarlacc and Loaded cantina under the alias "Snare". Eventually, Seamus Kaldo and his bodyguard Vhonu approached him, seeking to hire "Snare" to assist them in locating Nico Okarr and exacting revenge for the theft of schematics from Kaldo's father years ago. After confirming that Kaldo possessed the funds, "Snare" accepted the job and revealed himself as Nico Okarr, demanding payment for delivering the target to Kaldo's table. Kaldo, with no intention of paying the man he intended to bring to justice, instructed his bodyguard to stun Okarr. However, Nico considered this a breach of contract and stunned both men. He then retrieved his payment from Kaldo's unconscious body and left Molavar, abandoning the "Snare" alias.

By 3631 BBY, nearly fifty years after his last confirmed sighting in the wider galaxy, Nico Okarr was visiting cantinas in the Spire, the capital city of Zakuul, a planet located in the Unknown Regions. Rumors of his presence there reached smuggler captain Hylo Visz, a member of the Alliance opposing Zakuul's Eternal Empire. Visz requested that the Alliance Commander investigate these rumors, who successfully located and approached Nico Okarr in the Platform 6 cantina in Zakuul's Old World. The smuggler recognized the prominent galactic figure but couldn't immediately recall their name. He was then questioned about his apparent lack of aging over the past half-century, with the implication that a relic from Korriban might be involved. Okarr then challenged his potential employer to make him a drink to assess their character. Impressed by their choice of ingredients, Okarr agreed to work for the Alliance and piloted the Redshifter to the Alliance base on Odessen. There, he collaborated with underworld logistics expert Hylo Visz and later assisted in defending the Alliance base during the Assault on Odessen by Eternal Empress Vaylin.
Nico Okarr made his debut in Return, a cinematic trailer created to promote Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing video game developed by BioWare. In this trailer, he is voiced by the accomplished voice actor John DiMaggio. The circumstances surrounding his appearance in the trailer were further detailed in Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia and The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural, which also revealed his name for the first time. Nico Okarr later reappeared in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion of the game, released in 2015, as a companion character available exclusively to players who maintained active subscriptions as of August 10, 2015. Later, Nico Okarr was made available to players who were subscribed on April 3, 2018. Subsequently, the character became accessible to all players as part of Galactic Season 1, following the release of Update 6.3 "The Dark Descent".
His in-game appearance mirrors that from the Return trailer, despite the nearly fifty-year time difference, and his improbable age is also addressed in the Vacation short story published on the game's website.

The 2014 Canon mobile game Star Wars: Commander features artwork of a Tatooine cantina showcasing several outlaw patrons, one of whom is a Human bearing a resemblance to Nico Okarr.