Darth Vindican, a male Sith Pureblood, held the title of Sith Lord within the Sith Empire during the initial period of the Great Galactic War. He received instruction in the ways of the dark side of the Force from the traditionalist Darth Ikoral, and Vindican eventually attained the rank of Sith Master. Subsequently, he chose a Human named Malgus to be his own apprentice.
In the year 3681 BBY, Vindican and Malgus became part of an Imperial armada composed of battlecruisers that aimed to retake the planet of Korriban from the control of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. Following their engagement with the small Republic defense force above Korriban, the Sith Master and Malgus boarded a shuttle, then docked with the Republic's space station in orbit around Korriban, and launched an attack against two Jedi defenders: a Zabrak Master and his Human apprentice. While the Jedi Master managed to incapacitate his Sith adversary, Malgus swiftly killed the Zabrak Jedi before he could deliver a fatal blow to his injured master.
Darth Vindican was a male Sith Pureblood who existed when the Sith Empire returned to the galaxy. Trained in the dark side of the Force by his Sith Master, the famous Sith figure, Darth Ikoral, Vindican was considered the Lord's most exceptional student. Around 3712 BBY, Ikoral, who strongly believed in the superiority of the Sith species, headed an expedition into the Unknown Regions to locate any surviving Pureblood colonies. With his master gone, Vindican rose to the rank of Sith Lord and chose his own apprentice: the young and skilled Human Malgus. During the early years of the Great Galactic War, they both served the Sith Empire. In 3681 BBY, the Sith Master and his apprentice participated in the Empire's mission to retake the planet of Korriban, which was then controlled by the Republic and Jedi. An armada of thirty Imperial battlecruisers, including Vindican and Malgus, jumped into Korriban space and engaged the small Republic force stationed there.

Vindican and Malgus separated from the Imperial fleet and boarded a shuttle to dock at the Republic's space station that was orbiting Korriban. After landing in a hangar on the station, the Sith Master, accompanied by Malgus, noticed two Jedi: a Zabrak Jedi Master, Kao Cen Darach, and his Human Padawan, Satele Shan, and confronted them. Vindican attacked his Jedi opponent with his double-bladed lightsaber, while Malgus battled Shan. The Sith Master advanced on Darach, engaging him in rapid lightsaber combat, before unleashing a burst of Force lightning at Shan. After being Force-pushed across the hangar by the Jedi Master, Vindican directed lightning at an escaping smuggler's freighter, the vessel the Jedi intended to use to escape the station.
Shan boarded the departing freighter, leaving her master to face Vindican and Malgus alone, though she threw her lightsaber to her master to improve his chances. The Sith Master once again engaged Darach, coordinating his attack with Malgus. When the Sith Master unleashed lightning at the Zabrak, Darach deflected it towards Malgus. Darach's two lightsabers also struck the right side of the Sith Master's head, lifting his helmet and leaving a scar over his right eye. Vindican was incapacitated when Darach activated one end of Shan's double-bladed weapon through the Sith's abdomen. Malgus took the Sith Master's fallen double-bladed weapon and used it to kill Darach. After Malgus returned to Vindican, he exchanged words with him before executing him.

Vindican, an aggressive individual, had red skin and yellow eyes. During the fight on the Korriban space station, he was scarred on his right eye. Malgus viewed the Pureblood Sith as a failure when he failed to prevent Darach's apprentice from leaving the station, however, Vindican believed that the Sith's return was just beginning. Before his death, Malgus welcomed the Sith Master home, acknowledging Korriban as the ancient homeworld of the Sith.

Vindican held the ranks of Sith Master, Lord, and Inquisitor. He showed skill in lightsaber combat during his battle with Darach on the Republic's Korriban space station. Vindican could also use his lightsaber to deflect a missile fired from a trooper's missile launcher. However, during their fight, the Sith Master did not notice Darach's deactivated blade end pointed at his midsection. When the Jedi activated it, the blade stabbed Vindican. After he fell in battle, his apprentice took the saber from Vindican's hand and used it to kill the Jedi Battlemaster Darach.
Vindican first appeared as an unnamed Pureblood Sith in Return, a cinematic trailer for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic that was released on June 6, 2011. A few months later, Vindican was given his name in an article on The Old Republic's website on August 12, 2011. It was later confirmed that he held the title of Darth in an article published over 10 years later, on February 4, 2022.